Presidential Rumors are swirling

I don't know about this. UM's campus is the least hispanic place in all of Miami. If you want to know where the majority of the blonde white women are in Miami, go take a stroll on campus, lol. They've got a pipeline to the northeast and midwest, other than that, it's alot of Asians and Arabs.

True, Miami has always been more "international" than "hemispheric" with heavy ne and mw from SuntanU days.

Dr. Frenk served as the Minister of Health of Mexico from 2000 to 2006. He pursued an ambitious agenda to reform the nation’s health system, with an emphasis on redressing social inequality. He is perhaps best known for his work in introducing a program of comprehensive national health insurance, known as Seguro Popular, which expanded access to health care for tens of millions of previously uninsured Mexicans.
Given the importance of the medical school and hospital to the University of Miami and the amount of money the University of Miami's Chairman of the Board and his family have generously donated ($200 million) it makes sense that they will pick someone with a medical background.
Anybody know if Frenk holds American citizenship? I can find no mention of his naturalization as he's obviously a Mexican citizen by birth. An interesting dichotomy if it truly has come down to Stavridis and Frenk.
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OMG this could worse than the troll. RIP Miami football. This guy will push to start a soccer team.
Sure hope it is Stavridis. He is a native of South FL and is certainly aware of the history of our football team
so to sum up if its anyone outside of Stavrisdis and has any relation to bill clinton then we're ****ed right?

Dr. Frenk served as the Minister of Health of Mexico from 2000 to 2006. He pursued an ambitious agenda to reform the nation’s health system, with an emphasis on redressing social inequality. He is perhaps best known for his work in introducing a program of comprehensive national health insurance, known as Seguro Popular, which expanded access to health care for tens of millions of previously uninsured Mexicans.

Wait a second, I thought all the Mexicans got their health care in southern Cali and Texas. You mean there still some left south of the border? Instead of having him come to Miami, can we send Donna home with him to Mexico on some sort of Lend/lease deal? Don't they deserve some of her wonder work? They have been more or less communist since 1917, but if they still need help sliding over a little into fascism, we can throw in Bill, Nancy and Obama plus daddy and number 2 Bush to show them the way.

This guy has to have better things to do than to finish destroying the football program at a some little school in South Florida. Send him the Northwestern. They have a better school and football program to wreck.

One serious question, do those previously uninsured Mexicans have to pay a penalty tax if they fail to buy the insurance like us under obamacare? Just wondering if they got a better deal than us.
Let's see... Frenk is in the health care field, has Harvard connections, and speaks fluent Spanish.... If I had my guess, it would be him. He might do good things on the medical side, but what about athletics?

We gotta have at least 100,000 Cuban doctors is So Fl who are in healthcare, speak fluent Spanish, and have connections in a major communist stronghold, why not just pick one of them?
Another factor is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...Frenk is a confidant of Carlos Slim, who is one of the wealthiest men in the world. He could double Momentums 1 and 2 with the money he has lost in the sofas at his mansions.

***** that! That Slim dude has enough money to buy the OB land, tear down that mess on it, and rebuild the old OB. Then maybe Frenk might be okay.
OMG this could worse than the troll. RIP Miami football. This guy will push to start a soccer team.

Could be a plus, same size for a soccer stadium. But to be honest, a soccer team is something Miami should have. That and a men's swim team, golf team, but title IX ***** that over.

My guess is after the Bryan Pata shooting, Shalala didn't want any more of her students dying. Her solution may have been to recruit the "choir boys" out of Miami and the "thugs" could go elsewhere. With a new president, this policy might change. Merely by changing presidents, there may be progress. Having a president stay out of the way could be just as well.

I'm high as ****.
Shalala strolls slowly to the mound staring at the ground the whole way. She's tapping her right arm. The crowd buzzes as the big man with the jaundice skin and Body by Materva slowly saunters from the bullpen with a swagger that belies his 5.94 ERA.

It's gonna be the big Mexican with no movement on his 83 mph fastball and a slider that just spins. UM fans, give it up for number 63 in your program. The Tijuana Iguana! Julio "Gas Can" Frenk!

Let's go, big fella! We're all pulling for you! Hecho a mano!