You continue to throw 3rd grade insults at me then hide like, well, a. 3rd grader. I don’t know you. I don’t really care what you say online because if you actually met me face to face, you wouldn’t continue to disrespect me. You’re not bright enough to see that you’ve repeatedly exhibited the exact behavior that you’ve accused me of. Yet, the real point of me saying you don’t get it is that a Maude stepped in because you brought in politics and used it as an insult, regardless of whether it was a statement or question, which is a useless waste of time and energy. I got a mild scolding as well, so in the name of peace, I backed off. You continued your trolling *, but directed it at the Maude who intervened this last time. I can’t make it any clearer - you are embarrassing yourself and going against the site’s rules. Save your LOLs and Lmao’s for someone else. We are all supposed to be Canes fans on this site.
* there is a pinned thread at the top of eye in the sky forum that’s says “no trolling” along with a few others. Be a gentleman and back off. Please.