Possible D-Line/DT Coach

See, this is why they say don't mix friends with business. It gets too personal. In corporate America this is called excuses. Personally, it's understandable. But in business it's all about the bottom line and no one gives af about the reasons, excuses, or circumstances.
Except those that have to turn things around and fix it.
You know how hard it is to fire a good employee because they're getting a divorce and their car broke down so they started being late all the time? It's hard af but I've had to do it.

When my boss asks me why is Tony late all the time? They don't care about his personal issues only the fact that he's costing us money and success.

That's how it's seen with Mario. All the nuances don't matter to most people. His el capitano. So no one cares if one if his crew forgot to swab the **** deck and raise the anchor. The ship is sinking and it's the captains fault. No one's blaming that crew member. He's gotta work on his leadership skills bro.