About to say the same thing...where does Mel Kiper get that Seantrel (based on his performance to date) would be a 2nd or 3rd round pick? From Drew Rosenahus?
I agree with Mel. I think probably more in the 3rd/4th round area, though. Let's be real - the kid has a 10 year+ NFL career type of talent (at a pro bowl level).
He has that kind of talent and that makes him a mid-rounder at the moment, but his risk is higher than it should be. He hasn't shown the ability to play a complete season and remain steady - on and off the field. If I'm a GM, I take that into consideration. I also take into consideration that he has a "pro" mentality. He probably views half the things that get him suspended - not going to class, or study hall, etc. - as meaningless. All in all, I think he'd be a 3rd or 4th rounder this year, as you said. Remember, he hasn't consistently shown he can play LT and he'd probably project as a RT right now.
As I did last year with Streeter and B-Wash, here's a brief financial breakdown:
If he leaves this year and is taken around the 3rd round, where Donald Stephenson, a LT prospect (6' 6" 310, 4.98 40yd), was selected...
His contract would be around 4 years for 2.74 million dollars, with a signing bonus less than 700k.
If he remains steady for a year, plays either RT or LT, and is selected at the very, very least somewhere like Mike Adams (6' 7" 325, 56th pick overall)...
His contract the following year would be around 4 years 3.5 million with a signing bonus over 1 million.
The difference is only around 1 million dollars over the next 4 years. However, this is the worst case scenario for him, and what happens if he actually produces up to his talent level and ends up a first rounder in 2014?
His contract would be at worst 4 years around 8 million dollars with a 4 million bonus, 6+ million in guaranteed money and probably an optional 5th year (reference: Riley Reiff).
From a financial standpoint, this should be a fairly straightforward decision for Seantrel. If he can keep it together for just 12 months, he potentially increases his first contract by 100%. If you have a pro mentality and are worried about the $, that's your move.