Portal Urgency

It did raise my eyebrows that both Pack and Omier both put their names out there at the same time shortly after the bad LifeWallet news came out.
They put their names for NBA draft eligible with little chance of actually being drafted. Neither has an agent. It is the way many upperclassmen around the country are able to get fully evaluated and explore their options.
A lot of these guys are 2+ years of eligibility. I feel like it’s actually an overwhelming majority.
Until the covid year guys are done, this will be the way it is. The portal will get somewhat less crazy after those guys are ineligible.
What is this or from?

I thought the clip was hilarious so I did some digging… It’s from a 2019 song. Not my cup of tea, but still funny.

If you want to skip to the point, it starts at around the 1:36 mark
I thought the clip was hilarious so I did some digging… It’s from a 2019 song. Not my cup of tea, but still funny.

If you want to skip to the point, it starts at around the 1:36 mark

That was the all-time greatest music video I have ever seen about a fake darts competition...
Someone made a good point in thinking Mario knows this team isn’t in win now mode this year so why overspend for a one and done type player?
This year might be a crucial one for program perception. Looking good this fall could be a big boost to recruiting, especially at the positions we've been having trouble with. If they fall flat again, the same old narratives live on and it just makes it that much harder. We do need to be in win-now mode, at least to a certain extent.
TBH, sometimes I miss the old days when CFB wasn't this complicated.
You mean back when Miami players couldn't pick up a penny in the locker room without the NCAA trying to rule them ineligible, vacate their wins, and sanction them into obscurity?
@Cribby or @DMoney not sure if you guys can speak to this, but any particular reason why our program seems to be—at least publicly—so slow in the portal when Mario straight up said we'd be active? Is this just another case of him being TOO thorough or waiting to see who else is out there, or is he just indecisive? Guys are flying in and out and it seems everyone we hear about in the portal we are a step behind on. Quite the opposite with high school recruiting.

I'd say the same goes for basketball. Right now Wong and Miller are gone and Pack and Omier are at least testing NBA waters, but zero movement on the portal front.

We've talked about Ruiz a ton on this board, but is there actually an NIL problem behind the scenes?

It took months and months to decide on some of our coaches.

It's like watching fresh asphalt dry.
That’s what it was. As complicated as it is and with all the current ****ery going on it is still better for miami now than previously
I partially agree with you. We won a lot of Natttys 80s and a good while after that. We're still going against the real bag men somewhat outside of NIL. We do anything and the NCAA ***** us.