Portal Urgency


Team Mascot
Dec 21, 2016
@Cribby or @DMoney not sure if you guys can speak to this, but any particular reason why our program seems to be—at least publicly—so slow in the portal when Mario straight up said we'd be active? Is this just another case of him being TOO thorough or waiting to see who else is out there, or is he just indecisive? Guys are flying in and out and it seems everyone we hear about in the portal we are a step behind on. Quite the opposite with high school recruiting.

I'd say the same goes for basketball. Right now Wong and Miller are gone and Pack and Omier are at least testing NBA waters, but zero movement on the portal front.

We've talked about Ruiz a ton on this board, but is there actually an NIL problem behind the scenes?
If it’s stealth, it boils down to one common theme.

You keep things under wraps as to not alert other programs. So it’s plausible we’re afraid for someone to find out about our interest in X player that they’ll come swooping in…either as a better program, or more $$$ to offer.

I said months ago that we’re going to have to spend a little more than the average program in order to attract premier talent. It’s no secret and plenty of people on this site have said such, in order to combat the negative connotations surrounding Mario’s offense, and other positions. We had no problem doing it with high school WRs or QBs, even if it ended up failing for guys like Inniss (for example).

Portal paying seems to be extremely reluctant. Which ok, whatever…better show it on the field though. Because a school like USC..how did they fast track back to relevance after a 4-win season? Bags.

Why are they a favorite to make the CFP? Transfer portal. In this day and age, you need to build from within AND add talent from the portal. Patch up your leaks, or in USC’s case…buy an entirely new team. There’s still 3.5 days left for guys to enter and even more time to add the ones already in, but we need to be proactive. Not reactive.

Fegans is a prime example of our staff being reactive in the portal. And it may cost us when he goes to…USC. Imagine that.
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Can we stop trying clock Mario’s every move?? The upper tier of programs don’t do that..they ain’t letting the media or fans know every move they make. I know we’ve been down for so long our fanbase doesn’t resonate with top tier programs but they move in silence ! Not worrying about the fanbase knowing who they offer & don’t, every **** portal entry. Like, chill homes.
Can we stop trying clock Mario’s every move?? The upper tier of programs don’t do that..they ain’t letting the media or fans know every move they make. I know we’ve been down for so long our fanbase doesn’t resonate with top tier programs but they move in silence ! Not worrying about the fanbase knowing who they offer & don’t, every **** portal entry. Like, chill homes.
It's not necessarily putting a clock on the dude, but it seems there is definitely a lot of reactive nature to some recruitments, Fegans being one.

I also brought in basketball because that is super confusing at the moment. Final Four appearance and half our team is gone to the portal or pro with zero additions. Look at what Meier brought in during the same timespan. She absolutely took advantage of her tourney run with the portal.
nobody bringing up the elephant in the room - life wallet isn’t putting up the cash right now. Maybe I’m wrong and I have no information so don’t kill me if I’m wrong.
It did raise my eyebrows that both Pack and Omier both put their names out there at the same time shortly after the bad LifeWallet news came out.
@Cribby or @DMoney not sure if you guys can speak to this, but any particular reason why our program seems to be—at least publicly—so slow in the portal when Mario straight up said we'd be active? Is this just another case of him being TOO thorough or waiting to see who else is out there, or is he just indecisive? Guys are flying in and out and it seems everyone we hear about in the portal we are a step behind on. Quite the opposite with high school recruiting.

I'd say the same goes for basketball. Right now Wong and Miller are gone and Pack and Omier are at least testing NBA waters, but zero movement on the portal front.

We've talked about Ruiz a ton on this board, but is there actually an NIL problem behind the scenes?
What’s a portal?
I don't want a twitter update. I want to actually sign the top transfers in the portal instead of seeing them all go to USC.
This. No one is asking for step by step updates, just some actual movement considering how many gaps we need to fill. We need a DT and, from what we can tell, the one DMoney and Cribby said to look out for has a visit to OSU but no word about him visiting us.

Not sure why some people think it's so unreasonable to ask anything remotely questioning a coach's process.
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What makes the snails pace worse is when we're hyping the portal opening & putting out a shopping list of wants that is totally unrealistic. Oh yeah, then a day or two later we're fighting like **** to keep QB1.