D$ can you please explain why perry would start over Allison? How do their arms compare? Football IQ? Is Perry more of jerrad Evans athlete or Lamar jackson?
Pete stop saying **** like "lock" especially if you dont know what your talking about
D$ can you please explain why perry would start over Allison? How do their arms compare? Football IQ? Is Perry more of jerrad Evans athlete or Lamar jackson?
I've never seen Perry live so this is just speculation, but Perry looks more like a Teddy Bridgewater-type. A scramble-to-throw guy who is athletic but not a runner.
D$ can you please explain why perry would start over Allison? How do their arms compare? Football IQ? Is Perry more of jerrad Evans athlete or Lamar jackson?
I've never seen Perry live so this is just speculation, but Perry looks more like a Teddy Bridgewater-type. A scramble-to-throw guy who is athletic but not a runner.
DMoney, with all the Perry speculation, it seems that Weldon has been absent from discourse surrounding our future at qb. With your knowledge, can he come in and compete as well? I feel like everyone is forgetting about him.
You and harley played us
did you have money on this recruit or something? Grow the **** up these are high school kids.
Nope i thought he wasnt coming.. even when he was a "lock"
People just gotta stop shooting the messenger...
Yall act like Pete was the one recruiting Harley lol
His job is to report what he's been told from staff within the program, if he was wrong about a recruit it's because the staff was wrong...
Learn to to aim your frustrations at the right person, it'll save you a whole lotta headaches in life.
Dmoney, I was really high on Allison after watching his highlights. What is your honest assessment of his potential to be an effective starter here?
I know everyone loves Qb talk, but OSU's embarrassement restated the importance of the oline. If no Herbert, what are we doing to replace him. We need left tackles BAAADD. There is no guarantee Donaldson ends up there and we need depth anyway.
Add to that, the pic of Sonny after bowl game and I am even more worried. Still in a boot and looked huge(dont know if its good or bad weight). Will he be ready next fall?