Peter: Damage Assessment?

I'm not trolling.

Angry Ibis needs to stop being a cry baby.

Am I the only one upset about how this team played on Saturday? Really? That offensive play calling was atrocious. Tell me why would Alex Collins want to come here when we have Mike James sitting on the bench on 3rd and 2 from the 10 yard line? Why would a WR want to come here with Morris running backwayds and just throwing up ducks for the past 4 games?

Lets be real here.

Be real? Either you are serious which is polluting the recruiting board serving a negative impact on recruits, players, families or coaches reading the board, or you are a troll making fun of the situation as a silly game causing the same negative potential.

Let's be real - explain what your goal is and how beating up the team and coaches is good for the U.

We all know that there are problem spots on the team, and we are recruiting to fill those spots and minimize the weaknesses. Your relentless negativity simply doesn't help that process.
