"If and I do say If, Miami feels they were deceived by Burns they would have to honor his Grant - In -Aid agreement for 1 year then simply not renew it or more likely offer him a medical hardship scholarship but that would end his playing career not only at Miami but everywhere else."
It does not end his career. Incapacitating Injury or Illness. If an incapacitating injury or illness occurs prior to a prospective
student-athlete’s or a student-athlete’s participation in athletically related activities and results in
the student-athlete’s inability to compete ever again, the student-athlete shall not be counted within the
institution’s maximum financial aid award limitations for the current, as well as later, academic years. However,
if the incapacitating injury or illness occurs on or after the student-athlete’s participation in countable
athletically related activities in the sport, the student-athlete shall be counted in the institution’s maximum
financial aid limitations for the current academic year but need not be counted in later academic years.
(Adopted: 1/10/91, Revised: 3/26/04, 9/18/07) Change in Circumstances. If circumstances change and the student-athlete subsequently
practices or competes at the institution at which the incapacitating injury or illness occurred, the student athlete
again shall become a counter, and the institution shall be required to count that financial aid under
the limitations of this bylaw in the sport in question during each academic year in which the financial aid
was received.