2023 Payton Kirkland offered

This debate is resolved by allowing posters to block them FROM READING THEIR POSTS.

Someone talks crap to an insider? Guess what. Insider blocks you and you'll never see his posts again.

Everyone wins. We need 2 way blocks!

I agree with everything you said about the site being at its best when people openly share information, but you guys just banned a guy for saying “last time you did this Jason Marshall went to UF”

.... cmon man.....

That’s some weird ****.. you guys have created this weird a$$ bubble around some normal a$$ dudes and are in the process of creating a culture in which the masses have to tip toe around a few posters and kiss their feet every time they speak.

I love Cribby and all the info brought by him and others, but the real reason this site is the best cane site on the internet is because of the community and hoards of people in it (including people like those who shall not be spoken of). But it’s gotten a bit weird with the expectation that everyone is supposed to suck off these 5 or so posters and call them goats and gods and all kinds of weirdo ****. It’s also, from the beginning, been a bit unclear on what the qualifications (and disqualifications for that matter) are to have received this diplomatic immunity status.

No one has to suck them off. Just stay away from them if you don’t like their information.
I skip the posts of the guy he's talking about.

Pro-tip: it allows you to read the board 47% faster!
@Andrew , I’ll let go of the shîtty website theme you’re forcing on us - though I think that’s a bad decision for the board - if you will just get the Maude’s the means to put certain posters on forced ignore…. in some cases unilaterally.
This debate is resolved by allowing posters to block them FROM READING THEIR POSTS.

Someone talks crap to an insider? Guess what. Insider blocks you and you'll never see his posts again.

Everyone wins. We need 2 way blocks!
Maude’s are close to getting the ability to unilaterally impose that and we’re going to use it. Ultimately, it’ll result in less attacks and less bans.
Why would it be up to maudes and not the attacked poster? (Just curious)
They’re not going to give posters the unfettered ability to block people from seeing their posts. That should be used judiciously when there’s a real problem like for people who can’t help but leg hump certain other posters. Maude’s can decide when that’s appropriate. People can request it but we’re not just going to do it unless we have the situation we feel warrants it. Certain posters on here won’t see the posts of certain insiders again.
I do believe some info is best to be left off of a message board but this checks and balances, receipts etc etc stuff is nonsense. We are all adults who can make up our own mind on if a poster or his information is legit.
What some of the posters that complain still don’t understand is that @Cribby, @1murhurricane, @LeedsCane, @Boarcane, @Hoyacane1620, @Da Jumbo Mutombo, @SWFLHurricane, etc., are all sharing this info for free, as this isn’t a paid site.

Any info should be appreciated. Some of ya’ll are entitled jabronies. If an insider misses, it’s not the end of the world. As we’ve all seen, a recruit can change his mind many times during his recruitment. Nothing is ever for certain until THE INK IS DRY.
I know ur handling serious business about the board so I won’t bring no foolishness to this post but please hit the button next time
@Cryptical Envelopment dude why can’t u just put me on ignore instead of all of ur facial responses! I’ve been trying to be nice & ignore u but ur starting to really **** me off! Can sum1 tell me how to put this guy on ignore so I can’t see his responses
@Cryptical Envelopment dude why can’t u just put me on ignore instead of all of ur facial responses! I’ve been trying to be nice & ignore u but ur starting to really **** me off! Can sum1 tell me how to put this guy on ignore so I can’t see his responses

@Andrew hid the "ignore" button in his new features, along with the stats and all the other features we had in the last version.

I keed, Andrew, I keed...