2023 Payton Kirkland offered

We need "checks and balances" on people sharing information?

We need posters to eat "humble pie" because a 19 year old kid changes his mind?

Good lord, and we wonder why certain people need a break from this negativity hellhole...
I do believe some info is best to be left off of a message board but this checks and balances, receipts etc etc stuff is nonsense. We are all adults who can make up our own mind on if a poster or his information is legit.

My bad almighty one. I’ll be sure to send you posts in a PM prior to posting for your approval. It’s the golden standard…. At least in your eyes. Lol

Perhaps you should heed your own advice (bolded). But nah you’d rather puke your brains out on every thread on CIS. You da man!

Feel better now?

I said my piece now back to the topic.. ✌️

Maybe you do not like the messenger on this, I don't know (I'm not great at keeping track of CIS beefs, TBH), but do not let it detract from the message. I agree with @TheOriginalCane on this, and I know many of the people on this forum do, too.

CIS is at its best when this message board is a source of Canes information that people can freely share and discuss. It's one thing to question whether some posters have inside information, or to even ask "what happened?" when someone most of CIS agrees is a legitimate insider provides information that does not come to pass. That's fair, and I don't think people like @Cribby @LeedsCane @Boarcane @1murhurricane get offended or upset when those questions are respectfully asked.

But the notion that it is any individual poster's role/right/obligation/privilege to chase our insiders around and ask them to "take/hold their L" because a 16-22 year old changes his mind or the circumstances on the ground change or any of a number of other things they have no control over... that idea is terrible for the content of this website and one I find to be particularly short-sighted and foolish, to say the least. These people are bringing you some of the information they can share about the university/team you profess to care about without asking for anything in return. The least we can do is be respectful in how we choose to engage them when their information is (every so often, because nobody is perfect) incorrect or (because teenagers and young adults change their mind all the time) changes.
Maybe you do not like the messenger on this, I don't know (I'm not great at keeping track of CIS beefs, TBH), but do not let it detract from the message. I agree with @TheOriginalCane on this, and I know many of the people on this forum do, too.

CIS is at its best when this message board is a source of Canes information that people can freely share and discuss. It's one thing to question whether some posters have inside information, or to even ask "what happened?" when someone most of CIS agrees is a legitimate insider provides information that does not come to pass. That's fair, and I don't think people like @Cribby @LeedsCane @Boarcane @1murhurricane get offended or upset when those questions are respectfully asked.

But the notion that it is any individual poster's role/right/obligation/privilege to chase our insiders around and ask them to "take/hold their L" because a 16-22 year old changes his mind or the circumstances on the ground change or any of a number of other things they have no control over... that idea is terrible for the content of this website and one I find to be particularly short-sighted and foolish, to say the least. These people are bringing you some of the information they can share about the university/team you profess to care about without asking for anything in return. The least we can do is be respectful in how we choose to engage them when their information is (every so often, because nobody is perfect) incorrect or (because teenagers and young adults change their mind all the time) changes.

Can this be posted at the top of every thread?
Maybe you do not like the messenger on this, I don't know (I'm not great at keeping track of CIS beefs, TBH), but do not let it detract from the message. I agree with @TheOriginalCane on this, and I know many of the people on this forum do, too.

CIS is at its best when this message board is a source of Canes information that people can freely share and discuss. It's one thing to question whether some posters have inside information, or to even ask "what happened?" when someone most of CIS agrees is a legitimate insider provides information that does not come to pass. That's fair, and I don't think people like @Cribby @LeedsCane @Boarcane @1murhurricane get offended or upset when those questions are respectfully asked.

But the notion that it is any individual poster's role/right/obligation/privilege to chase our insiders around and ask them to "take/hold their L" because a 16-22 year old changes his mind or the circumstances on the ground change or any of a number of other things they have no control over... that idea is terrible for the content of this website and one I find to be particularly short-sighted and foolish, to say the least. These people are bringing you some of the information they can share about the university/team you profess to care about without asking for anything in return. The least we can do is be respectful in how we choose to engage them when their information is (every so often, because nobody is perfect) incorrect or (because teenagers and young adults change their mind all the time) changes.
I agree with everything you said about the site being at its best when people openly share information, but you guys just banned a guy for saying “last time you did this Jason Marshall went to UF”

.... cmon man.....

That’s some weird ****.. you guys have created this weird a$$ bubble around some normal a$$ dudes and are in the process of creating a culture in which the masses have to tip toe around a few posters and kiss their feet every time they speak.

I love Cribby and all the info brought by him and others, but the real reason this site is the best cane site on the internet is because of the community and hoards of people in it (including people like those who shall not be spoken of). But it’s gotten a bit weird with the expectation that everyone is supposed to suck off these 5 or so posters and call them goats and gods and all kinds of weirdo ****. It’s also, from the beginning, been a bit unclear on what the qualifications (and disqualifications for that matter) are to have received this diplomatic immunity status.
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I agree with everything you said about the site being at its best when people openly share information, but you just guys banned a guy for saying “last time you did this Jason Marshall went to UF”

.... cmon man.....

That’s some weird ****.. you guys have created this weird a$$ bubble around some normal a$$ dudes and are in the process of creating a culture in which the masses have to tip toe around a few posters and kiss their feet every time they speak.

I love Cribby and all the info brought by him and others, but the real reason this site is the best cane site on the internet is because of the community and hoards of people in it (including people like those who shall not be spoken of). But it’s gotten a bit weird with the expectation that everyone is supposed to suck off these 5 or so posters and call them goats and gods and all kinds of weirdo ****. It’s also, from the beginning, been a bit unclear on what the qualifications (and disqualifications for that matter) are to have received this diplomatic immunity status.

I hear you on the community thing. But without all the great information these communities tend to dry up. Full stop. And then it's just "pause" jokes and booty gifs (to be clear, I really like one of those things).

Also, there is an immense chasm between calling people goats/Gods and disrespectfully calling people out. IMO, people shouldn't do either. I also do not believe there is an "expectation that everyone" placate these posters/insiders with tons of praise and borderline worship. Everyone can legit just read it and scroll past. That is always an option. Speaking for myself, my expectation is that posters will say thanks for the information (or not), discuss the information (or not), compare it to other information (or not), speculate about what it could mean (or not), talk about those recruits/prospects and how they'd look lining up at UM (or not), or say nothing at all.

What I truly consider "all kinds of weird ****" is the way some posters follow these posters/insiders around like jealous middle school girls saying slick **** out the side of their mouth. In the case you referenced, I wasn't the maude who temporarily band the poster (who comes off band tomorrow, I think) for the Jason Marshall comment, but had I seen it first I likely would have deleted the post and given him a day or two off the board to think about why he felt the need to say anything at all. Because if we're being honest, the only purpose for that comment is to stir **** up, and the only thing it can accomplish (other than ****ing off someone who was trying to convey info to the board) is to further disincentivize people with information from sharing it. And when that happens, we all lose.

Your last point is fair, though I wouldn't quite call it "diplomatic immunity status". It's not that one-sided a level of protection, but admittedly we do look out for our insiders. And I can tell you the moderators/admins/owners have had discussions on this topic and it's not easy to define or police. We struggle with the question, because it's obviously something that is achieved over time and based on solid, accurate information, and because there has to be an available avenue to (respectfully) challenge information, especially when it turns out to be wrong or there is conflicting information circulating. Personally, I think there are people we all mostly know as insiders (I named a few of them) and people we know as having great access to athletes/camps and football information (people like @Liberty City El, @Coach Macho, and @gogeta, just to name a few). Then there's people we are less certain about, but who seems to sometimes have decent info/access. And then there's most of us (myself included, as outside this website I usually have better access to inside info about UiF than I do UM) who clearly don't know what the fvck is going on with the program unless we read it here. As a good general rule, if you're in the last group, do not disrespectfully start **** with people in the first group.

At the end of the day, if I have to choose between a poster who brings information to the board and one who doesn't, I am going to choose the poster who has information to share. But, I'd rather not be forced to make that choice. And, ironically, 9/10 times it's the poster without the info who is instigating the confrontation.
I hear you on the community thing. But without all the great information these communities tend to dry up. Full stop. And then it's just "pause" jokes and booty gifs (to be clear, I really like one of those things).

Also, there is an immense chasm between calling people goats/Gods and disrespectfully calling people out. IMO, people shouldn't do either. I also do not believe there is an "expectation that everyone" placate these posters/insiders with tons of praise and borderline worship. Everyone can legit just read it and scroll past. That is always an option. Speaking for myself, my expectation is that posters will say thanks for the information (or not), discuss the information (or not), compare it to other information (or not), speculate about what it could mean (or not), talk about those recruits/prospects and how they'd look lining up at UM (or not), or say nothing at all.

What I truly consider "all kinds of weird ****" is the way some posters follow these posters/insiders around like jealous middle school girls saying slick **** out the side of their mouth. In the case you referenced, I wasn't the maude who temporarily band the poster (who comes off band tomorrow, I think) for the Jason Marshall comment, but had I seen it first I likely would have deleted the post and given him a day or two off the board to think about why he felt the need to say anything at all. Because if we're being honest, the only purpose for that comment is to stir **** up, and the only thing it can accomplish (other than ****ing off someone who was trying to convey info to the board) is to further disincentivize people with information from sharing it. And when that happens, we all lose.

Your last point is fair, though I wouldn't quite call it "diplomatic immunity status". It's not that one-sided a level of protection, but admittedly we do look out for our insiders. And I can tell you the moderators/admins/owners have had discussions on this topic and it's not easy to define or police. We struggle with the question, because it's obviously something that is achieved over time and based on solid, accurate information, and because there has to be an available avenue to (respectfully) challenge information, especially when it turns out to be wrong or there is conflicting information circulating. Personally, I think there are people we all mostly know as insiders (I named a few of them) and people we know as having great access to athletes/camps and football information (people like @Liberty City El, @Coach Macho, and @gogeta, just to name a few). Then there's people we are less certain about, but who seems to sometimes have decent info/access. And then there's most of us (myself included, as outside this website I usually have better access to inside info about UiF than I do UM) who clearly don't know what the fvck is going on with the program unless we read it here. As a good general rule, if you're in the last group, do not disrespectfully start **** with people in the first group.

At the end of the day, if I have to choose between a poster who brings information to the board and one who doesn't, I am going to choose the poster who has information to share. But, I'd rather not be forced to make that choice. And, ironically, 9/10 times it's the poster without the info who is instigating the confrontation.
Solid a$$ response.

I spoke to Kirkland’s spiritual advisor who informed me that his Sherpa has concluded his commitment is between Miami and UF….but his Shaman is saying that Miami ‘is with the wind’
For the record, I’m not an insider & I know absolutely nothing.

Feel free to attack me anytime yall want.
I spoke to Kirkland’s spiritual advisor who informed me that his Sherpa has concluded his commitment is between Miami and UF….but his Shaman is saying that Miami ‘is with the wind’
Hmmmm..... Maybe he is related to Bryce Brown. 🤔