Pat Fitzgerald/Northwestern implosion

There's levels to hazing and this **** isn't it. In the Navy it went from tacking on a crow to a Chiefs initiation all the way to shell back. I'm not a fan of it at all. When I participated I did it with respect. When I tacked a crow on it was a light tap and then a hand shake but there were dudes who took it way too far trying to dead your arm, running up and full punching you. **** that, I let it be known you haze me without respect and I'll **** you up or lose the fight;; but it was gonna be a fight. If it's disrespectful I'm not participating and I don't care who doesn't like that. After tailhook the Navy when so far overboard against hazing I almost went to captains mast for taping a mercury switch, a 9 volt battery, and a piezoelectric siren to an officers chair. I taped it to the bottom of his chair and when he leaned back the siren went off really ******* loud. I can't tell you how close I came to getting thrown out of the Navy over that and it wasn't even the officer I did it to that was mad. He thought it was a great joke and we gotta along fine after he settled into being our division officer. I just don't get disrespectfully hazing people you're supposed to be friends with, work with, bond with, or go to war with.

Lol. What’s wrong with these “woke” kids these days who don’t want their genitalia fondled and don’t like to be fake gang raped by other players? Back in the day players were tough enough to handle a little sexual assault.
Thank you for proving my point. Hopefully you will score a friend or two for the next 48 hours over this post. Fingers crossed for ya.😂😂
There’s sooo many things to do to create camaraderie, uniformity or to even reprimanded… But simulated *** acts??? Why?

As stated by a few… they got deep rooted other **** they’re dealing with and this is an easy way to get it out “free of judgement”.

How does dry humping a freshman WR for dropping a pass really help. “Yeah, let’s have him worry about not getting “butt fahked” while he’s tracking the laces.” 🙄
I’m not going to jump all over WBB’s post like everyone else will. I can see where he’s coming from regarding initiations, brotherhood, and bonding. But that BS in the article is none of the above. It’s disgusting.

I’ve been around these practices and part of it as well and there’s always that bizarre underlying homoerotic vibe that goes with it and for me, I think it’s beyond disgusting. Some dudes I know aren’t *** but they have a different threshold for that type of thing but I’ve got a zero tolerance policy for it so I’m probably too far to one side of this
this wasnt hazing....couple people have said it already
just a cover up "buzz word" to distract/deflect from the real issue (probably at alot of programs tbh in 2023)
It is about power, via humiliation, unto subjugation.

The goals are primitive, but they usually fall along a predictable and consistent structure:

I require you to do something we both view as shameful, in service of pleasing me. I am in control over you, you are willing to do almost anything I tell you to. I protect myself because you are the one doing the shameful conduct; to implicate me you must also implicate yourself.

There may also be some “I wanna do *** stuff lol” mixed in there as well.
Student newspaper at northwestern blew open wild hazing practices in the football team that happen with encouragement from Pat Fitzgerald. Standard practice on the team that Freshman who mess up in practices get restrained bent over and then "dry humped" by 8-10 upperclassmen wearing halloween masks in front of the teammates. Fitz would often signal what freshman needed to be hazed. He's been suspended. His career is ovah and the solid program he'd built is going to get wiped out for years. Bad bad.

I understand hazing is a tradition and many of us have been through it, but this stuff, if true, is disturbing and really ****ed up.
We admittedly hazed in my fraternity (which did not), but as the Pledge Trainer for 2 semesters, the first thing I told all my pledges is that at no point would they be naked nor would there be anything sexual.
Drinking (supervised) , running, getting food at 2am, cleaning rooms or cleaning the house after the party is all to be expected. But sexual stuff crosses a line and I agree with @Brooklyndee that sexual activities are an excuse for people who get off on that stuff to watch others do it.

Non-perverts never make people do sexual stuff.
Student newspaper at northwestern blew open wild hazing practices in the football team that happen with encouragement from Pat Fitzgerald. Standard practice on the team that Freshman who mess up in practices get restrained bent over and then "dry humped" by 8-10 upperclassmen wearing halloween masks in front of the teammates. Fitz would often signal what freshman needed to be hazed. He's been suspended. His career is ovah and the solid program he'd built is going to get wiped out for years. Bad bad.

The solid program He's built has been wiped out by going 4-20 the last 2 years, not the hazing, He's a coRch. These hazing incidents just give NW more ammunition to fire Him, NW's not spending $1B on their program for nothing.
Hazing in my team doesn't go as far as this. The young bucks are supposed to carry the soccer balls in bags, wash the jerseys, carry the goals around the pitch and then in November, all newcomers go on a chair, get a beer with a Kümmerling inside and whoever finishes last in chugging gets another beer to chug later on. Thats it. No sexual BS, no physical violence, nothing.

English youth soccer coaches also hazed kids and youths. The result was that a lot of young English players have been sexually assaulted and traumatized as a result. Because of hazing, a Belgium student died just a few weeks ago. About three years ago, a student athlete at Kentucky died of a heat stroke because his coaches refused to get him water.

Like, there is a reason why certain practices that happened 30 years ago don't happen anymore. And its not the generation that is supposed to go through it, its the generation that now screams "Back in the day, we did blah blah blah we were so tough blah blah blah" that either refuses to let young adults go through it or combats anyone who tries to let young adults to go through it.

There's team bonding and then theres being a ******* creppy ****flap and Northwestern most certainly didn't do any team bonding here. Some in here really need to look in the mirror and stop defending this weirdo bull****.
It is about power, via humiliation, unto subjugation.

The goals are primitive, but they usually fall along a predictable and consistent structure:

I require you to do something we both view as shameful, in service of pleasing me. I am in control over you, you are willing to do almost anything I tell you to. I protect myself because you are the one doing the shameful conduct; to implicate me you must also implicate yourself.

There may also be some “I wanna do *** stuff lol” mixed in there as well.
This has nothing to do with *** people trying to figure out a way to turn it sexual. people can stop right there with that convenient trope (not saying you are but others have).

it’s about ******** wanting power to degrade and humiliate other people whatever their sexuality is. There’s research on this scenario.

whether he knew or not (he gets paid millions to know and to instill a culture for when he’s not around so he doesn’t have to worry about always having eyes) he’s got to go, and I don’t buy the letter from the team either.
Bro, freshmen QBs being forced to put their hands on freshmen centers’ nutsacks and other freshmen having to get dry humped and fake gangraped is seriously messed up. Those aren’t drinking games.
This is wrong especially in today’s society. But don’t go asking Romberg about “hazing” during his time as part of the greatest CFB team known to mankind. These stories would seem like nursery rhymes and the NCAA would open up a brand new investigation on us.

Players, admin, and coaches especially know better. It just doesn’t have a place in today’s sports world. Nor does Fitz have a leg to stand on.

It does seem there are some suit’s involved representing a couple kids $ chasingn