Our Son......

Wish you and the fam the best from one father to another carters a tough kid no doubt he'll do well!!! GoCanes!!!! I'll be at the game cheering him on!!!!

Awesome stuff. I was seeing it all day across my twitter feed

Lucky young dude. Hope all works in ya favor. May carter be covered with Jesus blood and comes out on top.
My most sincere prayers are with you and your family man.

We as fans get caught up in the team's success and failures, but we forget that there are real people in that program that care.

(Man Hug)
Hucks - amazing stuff and all the best with your son and family. Please keep us posted as to his procedure and recovery. Hurricane fans need to stick together and support each other and hopefully everything is successful.
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I do like that they do this kinda stuff. Obviously this is on a completely different level, but that vid where they got sebastian to walk the bride down the isle was good too.
Hope you and you son have a great time the next few days.

This board definitely needed that. Thank you so much for sharing.

best wishes to Carter, you, and the rest of your family.
What a great experience for your son. Awesome. ! Prayers for you and your family. Very proud of the "U" how they showed such warmth and love toward our "little" Cane
I know we all don't like Golden and his coaching, but I have heard nothing but great things about the type of person he is. He is going to do what is best for the people around him and his family.
Very touching, bless you and your family. I hope everything goes great with his procedure. Awesome for them to do everything like that for you and your family.
D Hucks, thanks for sharing. Awesome story and great work by the U's staff, coaches, and players. Best wishes to Carter and the rest of your family. Stories like this made me proud to be a Cane alum.
Best post since I've signed up here, really puts things in perspective. Best of luck to your son and family, stay strong brother.
Thanks for sharing on here.

A really cool moment for you and your son, hopefully just the first of a lifetime full of them.
What an amazing day. Great job by every single person involved. I wish you and your family nothing but the best. God Bless.
I'm going to start by saying this, what I'm about to share hopefully accomplishes a couple of things. First, bringing awareness to my son's condition, Fanconi Anemia. Second, giving you guys an inside look at my son's Make a Wish, wish.

What this is NOT. This isn't an endorsement for the staff. This will be nothing about "Fire Golden", "Bring Back Butch", "Fire Dorito", or anything like that. I will state some opinions about the staff though, but from a standpoint of how they're dealing with us. This was NOT set up as a ploy by the staff to deter attention from what is going on with the program. This was OUR request as a family. I'm hoping you guys can show so restraint here, as I'm very aware of the level of emotion within the fan base.

This is a special moment I'm sharing with you guys. If you can't help yourself, stop reading now, and exit thread right. Thanks in advance.

Carter was diagnosed with Fanconi Anemia (http://www.fanconi.org/) around May. It's the same condition that Jimbo Fisher's son, and Mike London's daughter have. For those that don't know much about it, feel free to go to the above link, or just google it. He is slated to have a bone marrow transplant on the 29th of this month. In a short and sweet explanation, because of the condition he has, it can cause life threatening circumstances to have the transplant, but it is an absolutely necessary evil if he wishes to have a somewhat normal life. So, Make a Wish foundation was called in.

We had an elaborate wish at first, but they can only do but so much understandably. What was granted was access to the Canes from 10.8 - 10.12.2014.

My son is a Canes fan, mainly because of me. He admires Duke, but LOVES Sean Taylor. From here, I'm giving you guys some views from the inside of this process. Most of the wish will fall between today (10.8), until the Cincinnati game. I will continually update this with pictures and info as this progress along.

Day 1 10.8.2014

We meet with Lindy from the Marketing side of things at 7:30am. She's in charge of a lot of things during game day as well. Coordinator of sorts if you will. She is a beast. She set up just about everything with this wish from UM's side. After meeting Lindy, she shouted across the street, and here comes Sebastian running over in the Smoke uni. Whomever was in that suit, was a stone cold clown. He was off the wall.

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We were escorted inside the Hecht where Carter was greeted by two of his favorites, Duke and Denzel. They took us through all of the trophies, crystal balls and the such. Duke and Denzel are two funny dudes.

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From there we went upstairs and toured some of the facilities. We ended up in Coach Ice's offices after meeting a few folks, notably Kevin Beard for me anyway. We were waiting on some group meetings to finish up to go in and actually sit in on the team meeting before practice. While waiting, some of the players meet out of the EJ Room, and the fun began. Since I'm a weirdo, and know **** near the whole team by face, I introduced Carter to maybe 20 or so players, ranging from Gray Crow and Malik Rosier, to Chad Thomas and Ufomba Kamalu.

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Minutes later, it was time for the meeting. We were introduced by Coach Golden to the entire team and staff. Duke and Carter were two peas in a pod. So he sat with Duke during the meeting. Golden naturally used Carter as motivation for this coming week. We all know how great of a speaker Al is, and he did not disappoint. And for those wondering he stated that the loss fell on both the staff and the players.

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To wrap up the meeting, Chick was called up to help Carter with doing the Canes Chant that Sebastian does. Goosebump inducing moment.


Next, we were whisked away to the equipment room where he was fitted for his equipment. First we meet with Coach Vinny and he taped Carter up. We meet the track coach as well, very nice lady. They then took him to the locker room where he had his own locker next to David Njoku, gave him a jersey with our last name on the back, helmet w/visor, shorts, socks wristbands, etc., etc. They geared him up and sent him to watch film with Coach Ice and the running backs.

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After a few minutes of cracking on Chocolate for falling in and out of sleep, Al requested us to come to his office.

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Carter, my wife and I along with some staff, were introduced to Al formally. We sat down, and Al spent some face to face time with Carter. It was a really cool moment, as you could tell, or I was sold, that he was really enamored with Carter. He spent time talking to Carter about everything from favorite subjects in school, to what was going to be worked on in practice (MONEY DOWNS!!!!!!!!!!), and even which of the helmets was his favorite. From there, we went down to the weight room.

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We meet some players coming in for a quick workout before practice. Then headed out to practice.

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They literally set up the entire set up for running through the smoke. Cheerleaders, band, players and the such set up the whole deal. He ran through with a few players, with players cheering him on, and was another goosebump inducing moment.


From there, practice started, and Carter and Duke were hand and hand most of the time. If Duke was getting reps, Carter waited for him, and Duke would come back to him. He played "tips" with Phillip, chatted with Herb, stretched with the team too. One of my favorite parts was Tracy yelling to Carter to come join the corners in a drill. Tracy even let Carter tackle him. Then they posed together for an epic photo.

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We finished up with Carter "breaking the team down" which resulted in Sunny carrying Carter away on his shoulders. After coming down from atop of Mt. Odogwu, Jake Heaps threw some passes to Carter which was awesome. Jake is a really nice, down to earth guy.

While chatting with the players after practice, the media asked us for interviews. We were interviewed by the local CBS station, and Christy from the Sentinel.

We were then given a campus tour, and had lunch at the Rat. Then we went to AllCanes, did some shopping and finished the day up.

I'll post more videos and pictures, and 3 Penny will be doing a Raising Canes on Carter as well. The pics and vids here are done with my phone. My wife took a ton with a camera camera. It will also be on the news tonight on CBS. Here are some links too. I'll post day two tomorrow.



https://mtc.cdn.vine.co/r/videos/FD...?versionId=tq0Wes_fdhwFXziUFN1 A7QtBaI26g23q


For anyone wanting to give to the cause.....


And before ya'll ask, yes I can play DT.
We all can see that Al is in over his head as a coach, but it seems to me he is very good at this PR type of stuff, and I do think he has a good heart.

Thank you for sharing this with us, and prayers to you and your family...your boy will make it through this and come out stronger on the other end.