Why is race being discussed? ..
Cause there is no other logical explanation for the amount of love a kid that spurned Miami and openly mocked them gets from a certain segment of this fan base.
Such a ridiculous statement... Yea it can't because the kid was a great college qb who proved every doubter wrong... And he has a wonderful story regarding his upbringing... That being said, you're a race baiter and your hate will cloud any rationalized point... No one here mentioned race... However, your anger enabled you to resort to your ignorance... Haha fools like you playing the race card...
I think race plays a huge role with a certain segment of this fan base. Its actually blatantly obvious. This thread is a prime example. Then look at the Ice Harris for HC thread. And how about the Charlie Strong slurpfest thread?
And what do you mean TB proved the doubters wrong? The kid was a 5 star all everything out of HS. Not many doubters when it comes to 5 stars. Revisionist history if you ask me.
So we're going to pretend like no one was saying he was an athlete playing qb? We're going to pretend that no one said he was going to be switched to wr or safety? According recruiting analysts most coaches who he encountered alluded to idea of wanting him to convert... The only schools seriously recruiting him as a qb was UM and UL... It's not revisionist history at all... I definitely recall the fambase stating he was a spread qb and he wasnt a pro-style qb... However, we took Preston Dewey(5th year hs senior) and David Thompson... Both were spread qbs and Thompson thrived in the zone read role... The doubters were also indicated in his ranking? Number 1 dual threat? The kid wasnt a dual threat since his sophomore year of high school... He was the best pocket passing qb coming out... Instead Driskel was number 1 because he was big and white... In reality their rankings should have swapped... Driskel was a zone read qb who was a beast as a runner...
As for race, maybe some posters may have that motive but it's not me... The insane poster directed his post towards me and you haven't seen any race related posts from me... That being said, ignore the Harris for HC post... Why take that serious? Any rational person would ignore that poster and concedes he's being silly... Harris is not a better HC than Golden...
As for Strong? What do you expect the guy revived UL football... He came in won a bowl and 7 games... The following year he started a walkout and true freshman and won a share of the Big East, the 3rd year he won a BCS bowl and his 4th year he went 12-1... It's not a slurp fest... The guy is being lauded for accomplishments... Which he should... Race has nothing to do with that... Now if we were bragging about a coach with winning percentage below .500 then you can make that argument but not against a coach who won and developed his players...