OT - Redskins hiring first African American female assistant

Wondering how these experiments are going to work out. If ***** can't get respect from a bunch of young dudes. How is a chick going to earn respect in a grown mans locker room?
Man I wonder how you’d earn respect in the same arena. Let’s celebrate diversity please.
Who knew Daniel Snydee was a SJW.

That's what we're supposed to say every time theres a woman involved w football, right???

Not necessarily. Believe it or not, there are women who actually really like football. Most probably started out as grad assistants or interns, same as a lot of guys who are in the profession. Some might even have played HS football or possibly college. I went to a D3 college in the 1990s that had one of the first female kickers ever. Even if they didnt play ball, there are head coaches that never played college ball so that's not unusual.

The problem for the women is that no matter what they do or how much time they put in, some jerk off is going to say that the only reason they get hired is that the employers are trying to be "woke" or SJWs. Heres the thing- there isnt any demand by feminists to hire women into football. Movies, corporate ladder, broadcast news- yes. Football- no. There is a Rooney Rule for racial diversity, but it doesn't apply to interviewing women. The women who get hired actually earned it. And that "there were better candidates" argument is nonsense. The people criticizing didn't do the hiring or interviews.