OT:NBA regular season suspended

Look, you are a complete fraud. You are JUST AS BAD as those who you claim are "overreacting".

Every time something like this happens, there are extremes.

And you are on the "nothing is wrong" extreme.

Meanwhile, it is possible to minimize the impact by PROJECTING how much harm could arise from doing nothing AND THEN DOING SOMETHING TO PREVENT THAT.

But in order for billions of people to get off their filthy ****s and start doing something like washing their hands, using hand sanitizer, minimizing travel, etc., they have to actually believe that there is a threat.

So the dopey jag-offs like you, who keep telling us that flu and breast cancer are "worse" are blithely convincing the idiot sheep not to treat this as if it is anything out of the ordinary. Or you act as if there is a political motivation. Or any one of a dozen other ignorant responses.

Nobody ON ANY SIDE OF THIS disagrees that Coronavirus impacts elderly and/or unhealthy people more significantly. THAT is not the point. It is HOW certain people use that information that is the problem. Because the "everything is fine, let's talk about football" crowd is lulling people into inaction. And inaction will allow the problem to reach its "potential" spread numbers.

So here's an idea. Don't panic. But take precautions. If the trade-off is "let's have 2 crappy weeks of no sports" for "coronavirus never reached the projected impact numbers", then all sides should view it as a victory.

This kind of crap has happened over and over and over again. Virus/flu outbreak begins. Nobody does anything. Impact is greater than it should have been. Why don't we just TRY once to take precautions and minimize the problem?

Here you go, this was 100 years ago. Spanish flu? Hey, but we can't cancel the parade...

Try to be smarter. If you pride yourself on being so "Empirical", then don't be an idiot. Not everything is "media hype" and "ad sales" and "politics". We all know that the older you are and the unhealthier you are, the more that you are at risk for ANYTHING that happens in life.

But those things do not equate to "there is nothing to see here, go back to ordinary life".

Walk a middle pathway. Take precautions, but don't freak out. It's really not that difficult.

I'm still waiting for an example.

You wrote a whole lot of nothing for a very simple question.

Care to avoid some more?

Stop panicking. Healthcare workers are people just like you and have the same concerns. Overwhelming them with questions and stress and hyperbole about worst case scenarios doesn't help them or anyone else.

Take reasonable precautions. Wash your hands, disinfect surfaces, cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough. You may want to reconsider your plans to attend events.

There is a happy medium between panic and complacency.

i know. It’s tough, though: There are definitely inflection points for when and how to react. There is a great book discussing the lack of reaction to HIV in the 1980s by the Reagan administration and the lack of resourcing and infrastructure to deal with it. Consider the lack of general public health funding at that time and the duality of hiv being labeled a ***** disease by the general public and it’s no surprise it spread.

I’m not criticizing any leader who has to go through this as it’s a lot more complicated. But I remember reading a very solid macro level paper showing that in general public health funding lags under right wing administrations in the modern American government era and therefore rates of infectious disease etc tend to be higher Etc.

again though, it’s very difficult to foresee a highly spreadable infectious disease that has elevated risk of poor outcomes (icu, ventilation or death) regardless of age when you have a comorbidity like diabetes or cvd so again not blaming any one leader.

i agree with him banning travel to Europe and a lot of universities and jobs requiring remote work for at least a week or two, though.
You have come to the right place friend!

Nothing but 24/7 all Canes talk, all the Canes time.

No off topic or muppets tolerated here!

Would you like a glass of cool and refreshing Kool-Aid?
Or perhaps its lesser known cousin, Flavor-Aid?

Flavor-Aid was actually used at Jonestown, but Kool Aid got the credit/blame.
Look, you are a complete fraud. You are JUST AS BAD as those who you claim are "overreacting".

Every time something like this happens, there are extremes.

And you are on the "nothing is wrong" extreme.

Meanwhile, it is possible to minimize the impact by PROJECTING how much harm could arise from doing nothing AND THEN DOING SOMETHING TO PREVENT THAT.

But in order for billions of people to get off their filthy ****s and start doing something like washing their hands, using hand sanitizer, minimizing travel, etc., they have to actually believe that there is a threat.

So the dopey jag-offs like you, who keep telling us that flu and breast cancer are "worse" are blithely convincing the idiot sheep not to treat this as if it is anything out of the ordinary. Or you act as if there is a political motivation. Or any one of a dozen other ignorant responses.

Nobody ON ANY SIDE OF THIS disagrees that Coronavirus impacts elderly and/or unhealthy people more significantly. THAT is not the point. It is HOW certain people use that information that is the problem. Because the "everything is fine, let's talk about football" crowd is lulling people into inaction. And inaction will allow the problem to reach its "potential" spread numbers.

So here's an idea. Don't panic. But take precautions. If the trade-off is "let's have 2 crappy weeks of no sports" for "coronavirus never reached the projected impact numbers", then all sides should view it as a victory.

This kind of crap has happened over and over and over again. Virus/flu outbreak begins. Nobody does anything. Impact is greater than it should have been. Why don't we just TRY once to take precautions and minimize the problem?

Here you go, this was 100 years ago. Spanish flu? Hey, but we can't cancel the parade...

Try to be smarter. If you pride yourself on being so "Empirical", then don't be an idiot. Not everything is "media hype" and "ad sales" and "politics". We all know that the older you are and the unhealthier you are, the more that you are at risk for ANYTHING that happens in life.

But those things do not equate to "there is nothing to see here, go back to ordinary life".

Walk a middle pathway. Take precautions, but don't freak out. It's really not that difficult.

Your flaws above--and they are numerous.

Society isn't taking "two week off", they are in "cancel christmas mode".

If memory serves, didn't a poster here yesterday state his entire baseball season was cancelled?

How many other venues and activities have been shutdown "until further notice".

I don't recall being hands off or laize faire, it's just my brain is far more resistant to hysterics than perhaps others.

Do you think public health and sanitary standards, even overall health, is different than the Spanish Flu era?
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Stop panicking. Healthcare workers are people just like you and have the same concerns. Overwhelming them with questions and stress and hyperbole about worst case scenarios doesn't help them or anyone else.

Take reasonable precautions. Wash your hands, disinfect surfaces, cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough. You may want to reconsider your plans to attend events.

There is a happy medium between panic and complacency.

A big problem is pain in the *** soccer moms pulling up in their Cayennes thinking they should get priority in testing when to actually do this right, you would first test elderly/comorbidities/health care workers/nursing home ALF workers, etc

These people need to get to the back of the line and stop bothering people so that they can brag to their neighbors they were the first ones tested for Corona virus.

I think some black helicopters are going to be following her next...she isn't sticking to the script in Seattle.

Is she, perhaps, sleepless?
A big problem is pain in the *** soccer moms pulling up in their Cayennes thinking they should get priority in testing when to actually do this right, you would first test elderly/comorbidities/health care workers/nursing home ALF workers, etc

These people need to get to the back of the line and stop bothering people so that they can brag to their neighbors they were the first ones tested for Corona virus.

You are on roll lately. 👆👆👆
Or perhaps its lesser known cousin, Flavor-Aid?

Flavor-Aid was actually used at Jonestown, but Kool Aid got the credit/blame.

"Jones then ordered and likely coerced a mass suicide and mass murder of 918 commune members, 304 of them children, almost all by cyanide-poisoned Flavor Aid."

JD08 dropping truth carpet bombs...
i know. It’s tough, though: There are definitely inflection points for when and how to react. There is a great book discussing the lack of reaction to HIV in the 1980s by the Reagan administration and the lack of resourcing and infrastructure to deal with it. Consider the lack of general public health funding at that time and the duality of hiv being labeled a ***** disease by the general public and it’s no surprise it spread.

I’m not criticizing any leader who has to go through this as it’s a lot more complicated. But I remember reading a very solid macro level paper showing that in general public health funding lags under right wing administrations in the modern American government era and therefore rates of infectious disease etc tend to be higher Etc.

again though, it’s very difficult to foresee a highly spreadable infectious disease that has elevated risk of poor outcomes (icu, ventilation or death) regardless of age when you have a comorbidity like diabetes or cvd so again not blaming any one leader.

i agree with him banning travel to Europe and a lot of universities and jobs requiring remote work for at least a week or two, though.
The CDC isn't going to stay quiet for political reasons. South Korea is a great example of where we need to look for advice. They were ahead of this from day one because of the effects they suffered from MERS a few years ago. This is exactly the time for unity, not politics, but political hacks care about power more than people.

BBC News - Coronavirus in South Korea: How 'trace, test and treat' may be saving lives https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-51836898
Look, you are a complete fraud. You are JUST AS BAD as those who you claim are "overreacting".

Every time something like this happens, there are extremes.

And you are on the "nothing is wrong" extreme.

Meanwhile, it is possible to minimize the impact by PROJECTING how much harm could arise from doing nothing AND THEN DOING SOMETHING TO PREVENT THAT.

But in order for billions of people to get off their filthy ****s and start doing something like washing their hands, using hand sanitizer, minimizing travel, etc., they have to actually believe that there is a threat.

So the dopey jag-offs like you, who keep telling us that flu and breast cancer are "worse" are blithely convincing the idiot sheep not to treat this as if it is anything out of the ordinary. Or you act as if there is a political motivation. Or any one of a dozen other ignorant responses.

Nobody ON ANY SIDE OF THIS disagrees that Coronavirus impacts elderly and/or unhealthy people more significantly. THAT is not the point. It is HOW certain people use that information that is the problem. Because the "everything is fine, let's talk about football" crowd is lulling people into inaction. And inaction will allow the problem to reach its "potential" spread numbers.

So here's an idea. Don't panic. But take precautions. If the trade-off is "let's have 2 crappy weeks of no sports" for "coronavirus never reached the projected impact numbers", then all sides should view it as a victory.

This kind of crap has happened over and over and over again. Virus/flu outbreak begins. Nobody does anything. Impact is greater than it should have been. Why don't we just TRY once to take precautions and minimize the problem?

Here you go, this was 100 years ago. Spanish flu? Hey, but we can't cancel the parade...

Try to be smarter. If you pride yourself on being so "Empirical", then don't be an idiot. Not everything is "media hype" and "ad sales" and "politics". We all know that the older you are and the unhealthier you are, the more that you are at risk for ANYTHING that happens in life.

But those things do not equate to "there is nothing to see here, go back to ordinary life".

Walk a middle pathway. Take precautions, but don't freak out. It's really not that difficult.

Bringing up the Spanish flu is a bad luck thing to do. That was on a whole other level, especially since it killed quickly, and preferred the younger and healthy, which is much more destructive to society (nothing against senior citizens). Whole young families would be wiped out by the Spanish flu. What a horrible way to die, people literally drowning in their own fluids. And back then with literally no supportive care. Knock on wood. Hope we never see something like this.
Bringing up the Spanish flu is a bad luck thing to do. That was on a whole other level, especially since it killed quickly, and preferred the younger and healthy, which is much more destructive to society (nothing against senior citizens). Whole young families would be wiped out by the Spanish flu. What a horrible way to die, people literally drowning in their own fluids. And back then with literally no supportive care. Knock on wood. Hope we never see something like this.


The Spanish Flu!!!!!

FFS these muppets.
The Spanish Flu of 1918 preceded the use of antibiotics and antivirals and really is irrelevant for comparison.
But you're skirting past the only point I was trying to make to you. I don't believe you are wrong for having any of the opinions you do on Coronavirus. I was never saying your opinions are wrong. What I am calling you out on is the way you present it in absolute terms. Your logic forces everyone into one of two camps: you either agree that the response and worldwide pandemonium has been warranted, or you're Baghdad Bob. I am simply pointing out that there are rational positions in the middle. You paint a picture where either the water is freezing cold or scolding hot. No other option; absolutism. Many people may actually think the water is warm and not on either end of the absolute spectrum. That was my whole point, man. You have to stop labeling anyone who feels the worldwide frenzy of panic is disproportionate and not rational a Baghdad Bob. Doing so crumbles the foundation of what would otherwise be solid points you make. Sure, there are probably some loons out there who think the whole thing is made up. But that's Alex Jones-esque fringe sh-t, man. Most people, like myself, who think the reaction to coronavirus has been irrational, do not also choose to live with our head in the sand, advocate for allowing it to go unchecked, hope old people get sick, or elect to be willfully blind like Baghdad Bob. There are many rational positions in the middle. In fact, IMO, the only sane positions ARE those in the middle.

Case in point, you end your post by telling me to "pay attention" to the dude from Italy's comments, as if I have been entirely unaware of the situation in Italy. I've literally spent hours reading statements and info coming from doctors in Italy. I'm very aware of the state of coronavirus there. Just because I dont happen to agree with you that the sky is about to fall, doesn't mean I'm ignorant to coronavirus.
No, I'm not worried about the middle. I'm in the middle. The problem is the idiots in the Baghdad bob camp who are claiming this is nothing and that the whole thing is much ado about nothing when there's a **** ton of evidence that it's a serious issue. Those fools are gonna **** the rest of us. I'm saying when you Bob it, this is where you end up(lock down, building makeshift hospitals). The people in the middle who know there's a problem and aren't freaking out are hopefully the ones that keep us from ending up like China and Italy. Italy went from 2 cases to full lock down in just over a month. You know this, but we have guys in here saying no biggie it only kills old people (paraphrase). "It only kills old people" just might be some people's last words. If you're one of the people on forums trying to convince everyone this is no big deal, you're in the Baghdad Bob camp.
Well really smart people do when comparing, thematically, the psychology of mass hysteria and panic.

Beanie babies and crypto currency rushes and collapses same same.

The housing fueled great recession of 2008...

See a theme.

See, smart people can connect the dots of seemingly dissimilar data, events, etc and learn from what they share in common.
Interesting, because any media outlet says the exactly same thing, as you. Must be extremely credible for this reason.
The Spanish Flu of 1918 preceded the use of antibiotics and antivirals and really is irrelevant for comparison.

The mortality rates would be much lower today, but you should read in depth into it. It’s a scary virus. It would literally overwhelm the immune systems of people, I’m not sure if antibiotics would have a huge impact. I suppose if you survive the first few days and get a secondary bacterial infection. A lot of people literally dropped dead after just a few days. It was insane.
Your flaws above--and they are numerous.

Society isn't taking "two week off", they are in "cancel christmas mode".

If memory serves, didn't a poster here yesterday state his entire baseball season was cancelled?

How many other venues and activities have been shutdown "until further notice".

I don't recall being hands off or laize faire, it's just my brain is far more resistant to hysterics than perhaps others.

That's what people like you do.

You mischaracterize a reaction, or even a mild overreaction, into a mass hysteria.

"Cancel Christmas". Yeaaaaah, that's what's happening, right. Over-over-reactors like you turn "until further notice", which may well be 2 weeks, into "Cancel Christmas 9 months from now".

"A poster" stated "his entire baseball season was cancelled"? And YOU turn THAT into "Cancel Christmas"? Now you're the hysterical one.

I have no idea who "a poster" is or what constitutes "his entire baseball season". MLB has not cancelled "the entire baseball season". The NCAA has not cancelled "the entire baseball season".

It's people like you, with your "flu is worse, cancer is worse, car accidents are worse" nonsense that delude people into doing nothing, thus making the problem worse. That is reality.

Spin your stats any way you want to. Suck down all your "perspective". Blame the media. Blame politics.

But the rest of us can take precautions.

You want to whine about things shutting down for a couple of weeks? Maybe we should spend MORE money on the CDC instead of cutting the budget.

Pound-wise, penny-foolish. That phrase pre-dates all of your stats, the modern media, and Democrats vs. Republicans.

Go sit at home and complain about everyone overreacting, instead of dealing with the reality of what is happening. I am not saying that there is no overreaction. But trying to act like you are "smarter" than everyone else, instead of recognizing that there is a problem and doing something to help to manage the crisis is just ridiculous.
Look, you are a complete fraud. You are JUST AS BAD as those who you claim are "overreacting".

Every time something like this happens, there are extremes.

And you are on the "nothing is wrong" extreme.

Meanwhile, it is possible to minimize the impact by PROJECTING how much harm could arise from doing nothing AND THEN DOING SOMETHING TO PREVENT THAT.

But in order for billions of people to get off their filthy ****s and start doing something like washing their hands, using hand sanitizer, minimizing travel, etc., they have to actually believe that there is a threat.

So the dopey jag-offs like you, who keep telling us that flu and breast cancer are "worse" are blithely convincing the idiot sheep not to treat this as if it is anything out of the ordinary. Or you act as if there is a political motivation. Or any one of a dozen other ignorant responses.

Nobody ON ANY SIDE OF THIS disagrees that Coronavirus impacts elderly and/or unhealthy people more significantly. THAT is not the point. It is HOW certain people use that information that is the problem. Because the "everything is fine, let's talk about football" crowd is lulling people into inaction. And inaction will allow the problem to reach its "potential" spread numbers.

So here's an idea. Don't panic. But take precautions. If the trade-off is "let's have 2 crappy weeks of no sports" for "coronavirus never reached the projected impact numbers", then all sides should view it as a victory.

This kind of crap has happened over and over and over again. Virus/flu outbreak begins. Nobody does anything. Impact is greater than it should have been. Why don't we just TRY once to take precautions and minimize the problem?

Here you go, this was 100 years ago. Spanish flu? Hey, but we can't cancel the parade...

Try to be smarter. If you pride yourself on being so "Empirical", then don't be an idiot. Not everything is "media hype" and "ad sales" and "politics". We all know that the older you are and the unhealthier you are, the more that you are at risk for ANYTHING that happens in life.

But those things do not equate to "there is nothing to see here, go back to ordinary life".

Walk a middle pathway. Take precautions, but don't freak out. It's really not that difficult.
You make some very good points. But you too, unfortunately, succumb to absolutism. For example...

"This kind of crap has happened over and over and over again. Virus/flu outbreak begins. Nobody does anything. Impact is greater than it should have been. Why don't we just TRY once to take precautions and minimize the problem?"

"Nobody does anything", huh? How about H2N2, MERS, SARS, Ebola? All were packaged by the media in similar hysteria of how they would devastate the global population. None ultimately did. So why in your view is it "nobody does anything" and "why can't we just TRY for once to take precautions"? Seems to me you're presenting a distorted reality.

And then you state:
"If the trade-off is "let's have 2 crappy weeks of no sports" for "coronavirus never reached the projected impact numbers", then all sides should view it as a victory."

Sure, if that was the entirety of this in a vacuum I can't imagine there is anyone who would disagree with that statement. But what about this slightly modified and in my opinion more accurate statement:

"If the trade-off is "let's have 2 crappy weeks of no sports" and our economy absolutely devastated for "coronavirus never reached the projected impact numbers", then all sides should view it as a victory."

I'm not sure one would view that as the same level of "victory", especially if that person feels the response to coronavirus has been grossly disproportionate to the threat.
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