OT: Great (Scathing) Comments on College Football

look at all these ignorant "oh athletes make millions for the school" while that is true, the universities have formed a platform for which to generate the revenue.

You couldn't be more wrong.


You're a moran.

The fans run sports. All sports.

LOL. That? I figured you'll never do better and decided to save myself the waste...I'm going to put you out of your misery and onto my ignore list.

Should I be more honored of your ignore or Dan Sillyho #93 's ignore?

First let me say that when anybody states you get a free education as a football it is far from the truth. They and coaches spend many hours perfecting their craft to bring $ Millions into the university, where football makes a profit. They work for their scholie.

While the demand for football does permit some that who would not get in on academic merits alone, many have been able to focus and overcome learning disabilities to earn degrees. Miami has had an 80 something % graduation rate for many years. Many of these kids wouldn't have been able to improve their academics and earn their degrees. While football and academics is less important at places like alabaga, the benefits of opportunity and higher education does provide more successes than we give credit.
look at all these ignorant "oh athletes make millions for the school" while that is true, the universities have formed a platform for which to generate the revenue.

if player A doesn't sign with a school, then the school will sign another willing and capable player who will bring the revenue.

it's not the athletes that generate but the name and fanbase of all the schools that really generate the money. the universities and NCAA should and do hold all the cards here. we all know that the high school football players have no viable options.

You couldn't be more wrong.

1. It's a fact that winning teams generate more branding for a school than alumni, school, fans. Alabama now admits more out of state students then instate for the first time. Reason? Football. The same can be said for Miami's history. Any honest administrator will tell you that. How'd you miss it?

2. Platform from which to make money... I'll just stop the nonsense as almost all universities and definitely all the ones that play major college football are non-profits. Is their mission to educate or make money? Now throw in that the only schools that make money are the winningest programs and it becomes near criminal to choose to not educate all students (hey, they admitted them, they're responsible for educating them)

3. Fanbase's don't do anything but live vicariously through the kids that are being taken advantage of; the athletes generate the name. Miami's fan base didn't popularize "The U", the players did. ****, the Cane "fanbase" can barely bother to come to games. The "fanbase" gives itself far too much credit for something they have zero responsibility for. But they're real good at praising these kids when they do well/win and throwing them away or calling them JAGs when they don't pan out.

4. As for "...signing another kid...". LOL. You can't win with any old kids. Any old kids get bitter at the good kids and say things like "you're getting a free education" because they mistakenly believe that the "free" scholarships would be their's if only for those unqualified/criminal kids who don't belong, but the facts are that they wouldn't take any old kids if they were the only athletes left. Witness Miami using less than 75 of available 85 scholarships. Any old kids can rootand be bitter about kids who actually have athletic talent they lack.

You're a moran.

The fans run sports. All sports.

Where does the money come from, the fans, and as we know it's all about the $$$$
Forgive me If I do not feel sorry for a teenager who has the opportunity to get a first class free education for playing sports. It is a luxury that 95% of the student population nationwide doesn't have. A true blessing. Of course the University is going to make a great deal of their income off athletics. It's a business. If the student athlete feels they should be paid or getting ****ed over by the Universities then don't go to school. It's really simple.
College athletes work their asses off like nobody's business if they want to be good at football and stay eligible in the classroom.

Some of them have to work even harder because of a lifetime of not focusing on academics.

But when it's all said and done, in spite of some of the intrinsic unfairness, it's a privelige for them to be afforded the opportunity, which many people like them under similar circumstances do not get, because they are not as good at football.

At UM, they can always come back for their degrees, FOR FREE, and some even get advanced graduate degrees.

People can whine all they want, but these athletes will be better off if they fully take advantages of the opportunities afforded them and their lives will be immeasurably better than those similar to them that didn't have the advantages afforded by a major college scholarship.

I know several Cane graduates that are in the business world that came from less than ideal circumstances that parlayed their degrees into a successful post football life.

All it took was their hard work.

So while more needs to be done to help transition some of the laggards into being productive members of society, the opportunities are there for those willing to work for them. Sadly, some just don't want to put in the work. There is very little that can be done for them.

They can succeed.

It is within their power to succeed.

They just have to be willing to work for it.

Once football is over, they can finish their degrees FREE, or did you miss that part.

Stop making excuses because they don't have a PERFECT opportunity. It's an opportunity most don't have. And I know some who have come from horrible circumstances and are taking advantage of it, and if they can do it, anybody can do it


There are a bunch of people adding other **** to this thread other than what Rosen said. I'd be all for college athletes getting compensation but that's not what this is about. He's just crying because it's hard. It takes a lot of time, a lot of effort, and it cuts into his sleep. I'm sorry the university doesn't bend over backwards to make sure the classes he wants are available when he wants them. They don't do that for anyone though. What he's crying about has been done by hundreds of thousands of kids. If he doesn't want to put in the effort, he can quit football and see where his looks get him. Or, he can give up a few hours of sleep a night and put it into his studies like everyone else does when life's not perfect. I bet there are tons of people who WISH they had the opportunities he has.
College athletes work their asses off like nobody's business if they want to be good at football and stay eligible in the classroom.

Some of them have to work even harder because of a lifetime of not focusing on academics.

But when it's all said and done, in spite of some of the intrinsic unfairness, it's a privelige for them to be afforded the opportunity, which many people like them under similar circumstances do not get, because they are not as good at football.

At UM, they can always come back for their degrees, FOR FREE, and some even get advanced graduate degrees.

People can whine all they want, but these athletes will be better off if they fully take advantages of the opportunities afforded them and their lives will be immeasurably better than those similar to them that didn't have the advantages afforded by a major college scholarship.

I know several Cane graduates that are in the business world that came from less than ideal circumstances that parlayed their degrees into a successful post football life.

All it took was their hard work.

So while more needs to be done to help transition some of the laggards into being productive members of society, the opportunities are there for those willing to work for them. Sadly, some just don't want to put in the work. There is very little that can be done for them.

Just because you struggle with what amounts to 2 full time jobs doesn't mean you don't want to work. It takes a ton of work to just get by, I don't think it's within most people to do well at both things. I know I had enough trouble with school that there's no way I could have played football too. As an adult I think I could pull it off, but it would still be a struggle. Not sure why you think kids, especially ones who have grown up being told to do the minimum in school and put all their energy into football, would be likely to succeed.

They can succeed.

It is within their power to succeed.

They just have to be willing to work for it.

Once football is over, they can finish their degrees FREE, or did you miss that part.

Stop making excuses because they don't have a PERFECT opportunity. It's an opportunity most don't have. And I know some who have come from horrible circumstances and are taking advantage of it, and if they can do it, anybody can do it

Nobody's making excuses, I just said that it's doing two different jobs which isn't the cakewalk people make it out to be.
All Rosen said was being a football player and real student was difficult. Rosen is an economics major at UCLA, no easy academic track, so he takes his education seriously. He's not at UF majoring in 'Parks and Recreation Management'.

Is he wrong? No. Are there players only in school because of their athletic ability? Yes. Are there schools who push many of these students into academic tracks to do just enough to stay eligible? Yes. We criticize FSU and most of the SEC for this very behavior.
****** quarterback takes heat for controversial statement - Diaspora - Jerusalem Post

Last year, he said that college football should be considered a professional sport and wore a hat that said “F— Trump” while golfing on one of Trump’s golf courses.