OT: First Openly Recruit (Arizona)

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Wow. Here you go with the ad hominem attack. All you can resort to is calling me out of my name. Is this guy trying to use his sexual orientation to get ahead? You said you don't care who he is sleeping with...did he say who he is sleeping with? No. Because you don't have a comeback for the fact that when something is against your agenda, whatever that may be, you don't like to hear about it in relation to sports so you resort to name calling like your in middle school...and by the look of the way you write, that's probably where your education level is.

Nobody is comparing him to Jackie or what he might end up having to go through to Jackie. I'm comparing the fact that he's the first to do something and you say that's not news...I'm sure there were idiots like you who thought that Jackie being the first wasn't news. They said dumb stuff like you're saying now..."I don't care what color he is...why does him being black care...this isn't news...just shut up and play baseball...etc." You're that guy now. And kudos to you for "intimately familiar with baseball", do you want a cookie?

Can you please give your crusader shtick a rest?

You started a thread about this topic, just to elicit responses so you could respond and further your campaign for ghey social justice.

Fine. Even though politics is not my thing on this board, ok, you've now furthered your ghey agenda.

How about giving it a fūcking rest. I don't care who you bone to be honest, but find your agendaing out of place on a canes site.

We get what you're saying. Ghey power, There. You happy? Can you let it go now?

My agenda? Lmao. I couldn't care less. What am I being a crusader for? I'm a crusader because I posted an article and I'm calling people out like you for being homophobic and discriminatory. Newsflash - not being homophobic does not mean I have some agenda. And of course you don't care who I am. Why would you? Just like I don't care who you are. Can you let it go? Can you let someone state their sexual orientation without getting your feelings hurt?

I started a thread because I thought people would find it interesting that for the first time ever, again, the first time ever, a football recruit who's being recruited somewhat heavily, is openly and doesn't care what people think about it. Sorry, next time I won't post it. I didn't know the homophobes would be so upset. What are you so upset about? Why are you mad bro?

I'll get off my so called social justice kick when you get off your homophobic one.

It's cūnts like you that give SJW's a bad name. On what fūcking basis are you calling me a homophobe? Because I called you out on a politically motivated thread?

GFY with that BS. I have expressed zero political opinions nor hate towards any particular group. But super sensitive sallies like you immediately jump on ANY deviation from your own particular party line as some kind of hate.

The only thing I'm saying is give your bullshīt agenda a rest. And don't tell me you could care less. You started the thread, have posted a dozen times, and now you're monitoring it like a hawk to jump on anyone that you think doesn't toe the line.

You're pathetic. Go post on some SJW rights site - you'll be happier there.

On the basis that you seem offended about some 17 year old kid being open about his orientation. Poltical motivations? Lmao.
Who comes here to advanced their political motivations lmao? Sensitive? You're the sensitive ones. I couldn't care less about the kid. I just posted a recruiting related article. You're the ones who are mad. I'm just calling out your BS.

You're hilarious. Literally typing away like a hysterical banshee screeching into the screen to get your point across. Nobody cares that you like to suck kak. It's not an issue. Let it go, we're not judging you.
I now know why crimson has "crimson" in his screen name: it's the color his face turns when he gets into ****ing contests with other posters.
If the kid wants to be reallllll original then this will be the last time he uses it at any sort of platform. Michael Sam claimed he was going to do that too.....until he didn't.....and blamed his failures as a pro on it. And this works both ways. I found Teblows constant use of whatever "Christian" based image he was wrapped in to be off-putting and borderline fraudulent. We've somehow reached a point where the media is soooo thirsty for athletes to take stances that they'll ignore the actual on-field performance (or lack thereof) and will continue to prop you up if you're outspoken- expecially about issues they're sympathetic toward or that'll create content for them.

agree with you on that point. well said.

although, I can appreciate why the story is news, if only for the reason that it is an event that has never before occurred.

either way, I could care less about his sexual orientation.