OT: First Openly Recruit (Arizona)

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It's tweet bait. The media puts it out hoping some "un-enlightened" sports celeb, politician (especially if aligned in some remote way with Trump), celebrity in general, etc. puts 140 characters out than can be "crafted" into bashing ****. Now the person responding may be using it for their own devices (a representative from a conservative district strengthening their anti-homosexual bona fides, for example) but most things in put out by the media are not straight (no pun intended) reported, especially social issues; there is a narrative and an expected response baked in.

sure..all that..or in this case,,it is actually news.

How so?
Because he likes to fck folks in the *** and give bjs?

You sound like an angry closeter. You claim this isn't news and that you don't care, but you seem angry about it and already have 2-3 posts in this thread...???

And you sound like an angry Social Justice Warrior.
I'm not necessarily angry, but I find it amusing when people who want to be treated like everyone else (a reasonable expectation, btw) have to go out of their way to announce who they like to get down with.
How about just doing your thing and get on with life?
I don't need to know who you fck, regardless if you're ghay or hetero.
I watch football games to see blocking, tackling and TDs - not be subjected to ESPN-crafted tales of
someone's sexuality.
Anyways, take your drama out of my face, snowflake.

Drama? Okay. You are probably the type to claim that you don't care who someone is with but will google the wives of pro athletes to see who they're with.

And the only time people like you act mad about a particular story being in sports is when it doesn't fit your agenda. You're probably the type to not think Jackie Robinson being the first black baseball player in the MLB is news.

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sure..all that..or in this case,,it is actually news.

How so?
Because he likes to fck folks in the *** and give bjs?

You sound like an angry closeter. You claim this isn't news and that you don't care, but you seem angry about it and already have 2-3 posts in this thread...???

And you sound like an angry Social Justice Warrior.
I'm not necessarily angry, but I find it amusing when people who want to be treated like everyone else (a reasonable expectation, btw) have to go out of their way to announce who they like to get down with.
How about just doing your thing and get on with life?
I don't need to know who you fck, regardless if you're ghay or hetero.
I watch football games to see blocking, tackling and TDs - not be subjected to ESPN-crafted tales of
someone's sexuality.
Anyways, take your drama out of my face, snowflake.

Drama? Okay. You are probably the type to claim that you don't care who someone is with but will google the wives of pro athletes to see who they're with.

And the only time people like act mad about a particular story being in sports is when it doesn't fit your agenda. You're probably the type to not think Jackie Robinson being the first black baseball player in the MLB is news.

I get it now.
You're a cuck-sucking libtard who can't help himself by calling folks who don't agree with your agenda a racist.
Why would you think I would reject what Mr. Robinson had to endure to establish himself in the Major Leagues?
As a Cuban-American who is intimately familiar with baseball in this country and in Cuba, I have forgotten more
about the plight of black baseball players then you will ever know.
How dare you compare Jackie Robinson's plight to some ghay dude who just earned a scholarship to play
GTFO with your Bravo channel BS agenda.
Go sck a pinga sideways!
How so?
Because he likes to fck folks in the *** and give bjs?

You sound like an angry closeter. You claim this isn't news and that you don't care, but you seem angry about it and already have 2-3 posts in this thread...???

And you sound like an angry Social Justice Warrior.
I'm not necessarily angry, but I find it amusing when people who want to be treated like everyone else (a reasonable expectation, btw) have to go out of their way to announce who they like to get down with.
How about just doing your thing and get on with life?
I don't need to know who you fck, regardless if you're ghay or hetero.
I watch football games to see blocking, tackling and TDs - not be subjected to ESPN-crafted tales of
someone's sexuality.
Anyways, take your drama out of my face, snowflake.

Drama? Okay. You are probably the type to claim that you don't care who someone is with but will google the wives of pro athletes to see who they're with.

And the only time people like act mad about a particular story being in sports is when it doesn't fit your agenda. You're probably the type to not think Jackie Robinson being the first black baseball player in the MLB is news.

I get it now.
You're a cuck-sucking libtard who can't help himself by calling folks who don't agree with your agenda a racist.
Why would you think I would reject what Mr. Robinson had to endure to establish himself in the Major Leagues?
As a Cuban-American who is intimately familiar with baseball in this country and in Cuba, I have forgotten more
about the plight of black baseball players then you will ever know.
How dare you compare Jackie Robinson's plight to some ghay dude who just earned a scholarship to play
GTFO with your Bravo channel BS agenda.
Go sck a pinga sideways!

Wow. Here you go with the ad hominem attack. All you can resort to is calling me out of my name. Is this guy trying to use his sexual orientation to get ahead? You said you don't care who he is sleeping with...did he say who he is sleeping with? No. Because you don't have a comeback for the fact that when something is against your agenda, whatever that may be, you don't like to hear about it in relation to sports so you resort to name calling like your in middle school...and by the look of the way you write, that's probably where your education level is.

Nobody is comparing him to Jackie or what he might end up having to go through to Jackie. I'm comparing the fact that he's the first to do something and you say that's not news...I'm sure there were idiots like you who thought that Jackie being the first wasn't news. They said dumb stuff like you're saying now..."I don't care what color he is...why does him being black care...this isn't news...just shut up and play baseball...etc." You're that guy now. And kudos to you for "intimately familiar with baseball", do you want a cookie?
How so?
Because he likes to fck folks in the *** and give bjs?

You sound like an angry closeter. You claim this isn't news and that you don't care, but you seem angry about it and already have 2-3 posts in this thread...???

And you sound like an angry Social Justice Warrior.
I'm not necessarily angry, but I find it amusing when people who want to be treated like everyone else (a reasonable expectation, btw) have to go out of their way to announce who they like to get down with.
How about just doing your thing and get on with life?
I don't need to know who you fck, regardless if you're ghay or hetero.
I watch football games to see blocking, tackling and TDs - not be subjected to ESPN-crafted tales of
someone's sexuality.
Anyways, take your drama out of my face, snowflake.

Drama? Okay. You are probably the type to claim that you don't care who someone is with but will google the wives of pro athletes to see who they're with.

And the only time people like act mad about a particular story being in sports is when it doesn't fit your agenda. You're probably the type to not think Jackie Robinson being the first black baseball player in the MLB is news.

I get it now.
You're a cuck-sucking libtard who can't help himself by calling folks who don't agree with your agenda a racist.
Why would you think I would reject what Mr. Robinson had to endure to establish himself in the Major Leagues?
As a Cuban-American who is intimately familiar with baseball in this country and in Cuba, I have forgotten more
about the plight of black baseball players then you will ever know.
How dare you compare Jackie Robinson's plight to some ghay dude who just earned a scholarship to play
GTFO with your Bravo channel BS agenda.
Go sck a pinga sideways!

And out comes the persecution complex... and you must have it real bad too, wow! an alt-right Cuban-American. it's amazing you can get any sleep what with the , science loving socialists coming any minute to carry you away down their freshly paved Public road to a re-education center made of recyclable materials.
Glad this fruit isnt a Cane / weirdos think they have to announce some shx in order for everybody to know what they already see?? Lol who are they fooling besides themselves
Glad this fruit isnt a Cane / weirdos think they have to announce some shx in order for everybody to know what they already see?? Lol who are they fooling besides themselves

Proud to be homophobic and discriminatory? Cool.
Wow. Here you go with the ad hominem attack. All you can resort to is calling me out of my name. Is this guy trying to use his sexual orientation to get ahead? You said you don't care who he is sleeping with...did he say who he is sleeping with? No. Because you don't have a comeback for the fact that when something is against your agenda, whatever that may be, you don't like to hear about it in relation to sports so you resort to name calling like your in middle school...and by the look of the way you write, that's probably where your education level is.

Nobody is comparing him to Jackie or what he might end up having to go through to Jackie. I'm comparing the fact that he's the first to do something and you say that's not news...I'm sure there were idiots like you who thought that Jackie being the first wasn't news. They said dumb stuff like you're saying now..."I don't care what color he is...why does him being black care...this isn't news...just shut up and play baseball...etc." You're that guy now. And kudos to you for "intimately familiar with baseball", do you want a cookie?

Can you please give your crusader shtick a rest?

You started a thread about this topic, just to elicit responses so you could respond and further your campaign for ghey social justice.

Fine. Even though politics is not my thing on this board, ok, you've now furthered your ghey agenda.

How about giving it a fūcking rest. I don't care who you bone to be honest, but find your agendaing out of place on a canes site.

We get what you're saying. Ghey power, There. You happy? Can you let it go now?
Wow. Here you go with the ad hominem attack. All you can resort to is calling me out of my name. Is this guy trying to use his sexual orientation to get ahead? You said you don't care who he is sleeping with...did he say who he is sleeping with? No. Because you don't have a comeback for the fact that when something is against your agenda, whatever that may be, you don't like to hear about it in relation to sports so you resort to name calling like your in middle school...and by the look of the way you write, that's probably where your education level is.

Nobody is comparing him to Jackie or what he might end up having to go through to Jackie. I'm comparing the fact that he's the first to do something and you say that's not news...I'm sure there were idiots like you who thought that Jackie being the first wasn't news. They said dumb stuff like you're saying now..."I don't care what color he is...why does him being black care...this isn't news...just shut up and play baseball...etc." You're that guy now. And kudos to you for "intimately familiar with baseball", do you want a cookie?

Can you please give your crusader shtick a rest?

You started a thread about this topic, just to elicit responses so you could respond and further your campaign for ghey social justice.

Fine. Even though politics is not my thing on this board, ok, you've now furthered your ghey agenda.

How about giving it a fūcking rest. I don't care who you bone to be honest, but find your agendaing out of place on a canes site.

We get what you're saying. Ghey power, There. You happy? Can you let it go now?

My agenda? Lmao. I couldn't care less. What am I being a crusader for? I'm a crusader because I posted an article and I'm calling people out like you for being homophobic and discriminatory. Newsflash - not being homophobic does not mean I have some agenda. And of course you don't care who I am. Why would you? Just like I don't care who you are. Can you let it go? Can you let someone state their sexual orientation without getting your feelings hurt?

I started a thread because I thought people would find it interesting that for the first time ever, again, the first time ever, a football recruit who's being recruited somewhat heavily, is openly and doesn't care what people think about it. Sorry, next time I won't post it. I didn't know the homophobes would be so upset. What are you so upset about? Why are you mad bro?

I'll get off my so called social justice kick when you get off your homophobic one.
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Is crimson_cane the first openly g*y member of CaneInsight?
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Wow. Here you go with the ad hominem attack. All you can resort to is calling me out of my name. Is this guy trying to use his sexual orientation to get ahead? You said you don't care who he is sleeping with...did he say who he is sleeping with? No. Because you don't have a comeback for the fact that when something is against your agenda, whatever that may be, you don't like to hear about it in relation to sports so you resort to name calling like your in middle school...and by the look of the way you write, that's probably where your education level is.

Nobody is comparing him to Jackie or what he might end up having to go through to Jackie. I'm comparing the fact that he's the first to do something and you say that's not news...I'm sure there were idiots like you who thought that Jackie being the first wasn't news. They said dumb stuff like you're saying now..."I don't care what color he is...why does him being black care...this isn't news...just shut up and play baseball...etc." You're that guy now. And kudos to you for "intimately familiar with baseball", do you want a cookie?

Can you please give your crusader shtick a rest?

You started a thread about this topic, just to elicit responses so you could respond and further your campaign for ghey social justice.

Fine. Even though politics is not my thing on this board, ok, you've now furthered your ghey agenda.

How about giving it a fūcking rest. I don't care who you bone to be honest, but find your agendaing out of place on a canes site.

We get what you're saying. Ghey power, There. You happy? Can you let it go now?

My agenda? Lmao. I couldn't care less. What am I being a crusader for? I'm a crusader because I posted an article and I'm calling people out like you for being homophobic and discriminatory. Newsflash - not being homophobic does not mean I have some agenda. And of course you don't care who I am. Why would you? Just like I don't care who you are. Can you let it go? Can you let someone state their sexual orientation without getting your feelings hurt?

I started a thread because I thought people would find it interesting that for the first time ever, again, the first time ever, a football recruit who's being recruited somewhat heavily, is openly and doesn't care what people think about it. Sorry, next time I won't post it. I didn't know the homophobes would be so upset. What are you so upset about? Why are you mad bro?

I'll get off my so called social justice kick when you get off your homophobic one.

It's cūnts like you that give SJW's a bad name. On what fūcking basis are you calling me a homophobe? Because I called you out on a politically motivated thread?

GFY with that BS. I have expressed zero political opinions nor hate towards any particular group. But super sensitive sallies like you immediately jump on ANY deviation from your own particular party line as some kind of hate.

The only thing I'm saying is give your bullshīt agenda a rest. And don't tell me you could care less. You started the thread, have posted a dozen times, and now you're monitoring it like a hawk to jump on anyone that you think doesn't toe the line.

You're pathetic. Go post on some SJW rights site - you'll be happier there.
Is crimson_cane the first openly member of CaneInsight?

I think so.
I betcha ole hotpants Crimson can suck a tennis ball out of a garden hose.

You guys are so funny and clever with your middle school jokes. You don't have the intellectual capacity to have an intelligent debate so all you can think of to say back is "well your ghey." Haha guys, real original and mature. Do you see how ignorant y'all sound. Y'all post all over the thread about not caring what this recruits sexual orientation is but you care enough to make jokes what mine might be? Do you not see your own hypocracy?
This is about as much news as a friend of mine declaring for the NFL draft, even though he never played a down of organized football in his life. Made the local newspaper, though. Quite funny, actually.