I don’t think in a free market economy a league should be able to dictate the age the player needs to be before entering. For example, did Trevor Lawrence need 3 years at Clemson before an NFL team would have drafted him? I don’t know the answer to that but the free market should make that decision. And if an NFL team picks someone who is too young to be successful then the NFL team should suffer from that poor evaluation.
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Before you tell me that I am cherry picking exceptions, my point is that history has taught us that the most efficient market, over the long run, is the free market. So linemen won’t be drafted at age 19, but we don’t need a rule to prevent an NFL team from drafting the lineman, the market will take care of that when they year olds fail and teams stop drafting 19 year old linemen because of the failure rate.
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Let the market dictate who is drafted and not administrators and rule makers who are afraid that teams will make poor drafting decision if left to their own choices. The 3 year rule does not exist to protect the college player. Disavow your shelf of that nonsense. The rule exists to force college players to provide a 3 year audition for the NFL to improve the chances of an NFL team making a better selection.
Same reason the NBA instituted 1 and done. not to help the players, but because teams were drafting high school kids number 1 and the failure rate was too high.