Mind me asking why the player needs to be smarter there than other DB positions?
CB is pretty simple, especially in our scheme. They're basically playing man-to-man on the outside WR unless he runs underneath immediately. And obviously lining-up is super simple.
*Nickel has to line-up to a certain side every play based on passing strength, formation, etc.
*They have to recognize offensive alignments, motions, etc...and adjust their alignment accordingly.
*Sometimes they're inside leverage, sometimes they're outside leverage...depending on coverage call + offensive formation.
*They're responsible for reading the release of 2 WR's as opposed to the CB who's usually only worried about 1 guy.
EX: In one of the coverages we play, Porter is responsible for the #2 WR unless the #3 runs out. If the #2 WR DOESN'T run out, he sticks on #2 man-to-man.
Needles to say, this involves a lot of quick thinking and awareness.