Not breaking news, but…

We don’t publish factual injuries before release.

We don’t publish factual recruiting information before its time.

We don’t shut down a legit poster who heard a coach is unhappy.

We don’t shut down a legit poster who says the woes on offense are the HC’s doing not the OC’s doing.

We don’t shut opinions down because they criticize or blame the coRch who you’ve been quite defensive of on here.

Y’all don’t like it go elsewhere. People had no problem ****ting on every coach for the past 20 years but now we see some of those same people crying about the fans treatment of Mario.

Tough ****. Don’t be a coRch and maybe they’ll be less miserable to you.
ALL of us have inherent biases and will be attracted to opinions, statements, views, that fuel or confirm that bias. Moderating boards such as this one is subjective at best that includes each individual moderators opinions and BIAS.

BTW, I ain’t going anywhere anytime soon until I’m swimming with the fishes.
not to say that lane is the best ever but he is at a historically trash program in the toughest division in football. hes done more than any coach has ever done in the past 60 years or so. Oregon is far far far ahead of OM prior to even Mario going there.

Riley went 55-10 at OU w the best winning percentage in OU history. he won 11 games in year 1 at USC. if Mario had done either of those, no one would care bout a down year, but go on talking **** bout two coaches far better than Mario as a HC

TrumpyCane wants to know what does it say about Kiffin that hes at said trash program and there have been multiple jobs open at other P5 programs?

This isn't TrumpyCane crapping on Kiffin, he was actually TrumpyCane's choice (you can go back to when Manny was being fired to see posts) but TrumpyCane simmered down on him after that horrible finish last year and then seeing the stat on him being 1-19 or w/e it is against teams that finished with 9 wins

We don't have to prop up other mediocre coaches to **** on Mario
TrumpyCane wants to know what does it say about Kiffin that hes at said trash program and there have been multiple jobs open at other P5 programs?

This isn't TrumpyCane crapping on Kiffin, he was actually TrumpyCane's choice (you can go back to when Manny was being fired to see posts) but TrumpyCane simmered down on him after that horrible finish last year and then seeing the stat on him being 1-19 or w/e it is against teams that finished with 9 wins

We don't have to prop up other mediocre coaches to **** on Mario
I was never we need to hire lane. I said theyre better coaches than both our coffee drinking bum and the cocaine dealer of boca.

either way, im more upset that we have people defending a coach who has. been worse than Manny Diaz here. ill never understand that. hes worse than Manny in the only stats that matters. the rest of it is bc people like Mario more than Manny. to me, both suck as coaches AT MIAMI. thats where their records really matter. what Mario does at miami. so far, hes a failure.
so when are we supposed to see this ceiling bc so far hes worse than our previous coach by record at miami meanwhile brohm just led Louisville to the ACCCG in year 1 taking over. a worse situation and their first 9 win season since 2016.
By doing the one thing Mario should have done, take 3+ portal QBs! Brohm likely took a knee, too. Lol
so when are we supposed to see this ceiling bc so far hes worse than our previous coach by record at miami meanwhile brohm just led Louisville to the ACCCG in year 1 taking over. a worse situation and their first 9 win season since 2016.
I expect Miami floor to be 9-3 starting next season. Ceiling is TBD but has to at least be 12-2.

I honestly could not care less about Louisville, TCU last year, Minnesota under Fleck, etc etc.

1 hit wonder seasons are easy to point to, show me sustained success and I can be convinced.

We saw that in 2017 and ended up right back at square one. That's exactly the type of inconsistency this program needs to avoid.

I have seen Mario go from 12-2 to a 4-3 covid year and bounce back to 10-2 with Anthony Brown at QB.

Is that not evidence of consistency?
I expect Miami floor to be 9-3 starting next season. Ceiling is TBD but has to at least be 12-2.

I honestly could not care less about Louisville, TCU last year, Minnesota under Fleck, etc etc.

1 hit wonder seasons are easy to point to, show me sustained success and I can be convinced.

We saw that in 2017 and ended up right back at square one. That's exactly the type of inconsistency this program needs to avoid.

I have seen Mario go from 12-2 to a 4-3 covid year and bounce back to 10-2 with Anthony Brown at QB.

Is that not evidence of consistency?
we won 9 in 16 and 10in 17. we were building sustained success till rights health fell off.

ive also seen Mario have a worse record than Manny Diaz so what is he building here? idc what hes done at Oregon or FIU. what has he done here to give you any hope? nothing. hes worse than Manny. period.

how do you know Lville is. one hit wonder? this is their first year under a new coach and he took them to the ACCCG. if Mario did that last year or even this, you'd all ask how high if he told you to jump all bc you like him better (and hes your avatar so you clearly do)
Where did I ever say his post shouldn’t be allowed? I said it’s trash. I never asked for another middle aged man who moderates an internet message board to remove it. Get your facts straight. The rest of what you said is correct and I agree with it.
Are you for real?

Your words:

“But coming on this board and starting this toxic *** thread knowing **** well where it'd lead is ******* gross.”

You don’t have to say “it shouldn’t be allowed” when you post this. And what was gross was when John Ruiz was bankrolling Mauigoa and Bain and Samson and winning NIL battles we’re now losing, you were slamming him on here and on Twitter. That was great man.
More like...
- Jeremy Moses; 3,708yds 36TD’s & 16INT’s
- Brady Attaway; 3,181yds 27TD’s & 7INT’s

At West VA:
- Geno Smith; 4,205yds 42TD’s & 6INT’s
- Clint Trickett; 3,285yds 18TD’s & 10INT’s

At Southern Miss:
- Nick Mullens; 3,272yds 24TD’s & 11INT’s

At Houston:
- Clayton Tune; 3,544yds 30TD’s & 10INT’s
- Clayton Tune; 4,074yds 40TD’s & 10IN’s

But yeah, he “suCks bRo!”...
I am not a Dawson sucks guy, but nit absolving him of responsibility either.

Why did you leave off his QB at Kentucky, the ONE year he coordinated without Holgerson?

Patrick Towles 2148 yards, 9 TDs, 14 INTs 56% completion.

Please post all data points, not just ones that fit a narrative.
You left out the most important stat relevant to this conversation. Clayton Tune attempted passes of 20 yards or more last year under Dawson.

Week 1- two
Week 2- six
Week 3- one
Week 4- seven
Week 5- three
Week 6- Five

Tyler van Dyke this year against Texas A&M - 3 passes attempted for 20 or more yards through the air.

Tyler this year against NC state? 3 passes attempted for 20 or more yards through the air . You can't make this up smh lol

Tyler this year against Miami ohio? 2 passes attempted for 20 or more yards

Tyler against unc? 8 passes attempted for 20 or more yards

Tyler against Bethune? 6 passes attempted of 20 or more yards

Pff exposes alot of people who claim to watch these games.
Doesn’t fit the narrative.
we won 9 in 16 and 10in 17. we were building sustained success till rights health fell off.

ive also seen Mario have a worse record than Manny Diaz so what is he building here? idc what hes done at Oregon or FIU. what has he done here to give you any hope? nothing. hes worse than Manny. period.

how do you know Lville is. one hit wonder? this is their first year under a new coach and he took them to the ACCCG. if Mario did that last year or even this, you'd all ask how high if he told you to jump all bc you like him better (and hes your avatar so you clearly do)
How do you know Louisville isn't? They have played the easiest schedule in the ACC.

Why are you in a rush to crucify Mario in year 2?

If what Mario did at FIU and Oregon doesn't matter, why should we care about the success Lane, or any other coach, had in their career? That's some of the worse logic I have seen.

Sure sounds like you want to ignore facts that are inconvenient to your argument.

Sure sounds like you will be rooting for FSU tomorrow - rather see Mario fail than your team succeed? Two can play board psychiatrist but I will jump as high or low as I please thank you.
I am not a Dawson sucks guy, but nit absolving him of responsibility either.

Why did you leave off his QB at Kentucky, the ONE year he coordinated without Holgerson?

Patrick Towles 2148 yards, 9 TDs, 14 INTs 56% completion.

Please post all data points, not just ones that fit a narrative.
Dana wasn't at Southern Miss either.

If you look at the entire body of Dawson's work, you'll see mostly highly productive quarterbacks with a few duds.
Are you for real?

Your words:

“But coming on this board and starting this toxic *** thread knowing **** well where it'd lead is ******* gross.”

You don’t have to say “it shouldn’t be allowed” when you post this. And what was gross was when John Ruiz was bankrolling Mauigoa and Bain and Samson and winning NIL battles we’re now losing, you were slamming him on here and on Twitter. That was great man.

You and I must interpret things a lot differently, guess I’ll just leave it at that. And look at big John now. Finally doing what he should’ve done from Day 1. Shutting the **** up. That’s all that was asked of him from those of us who saw this trainwreck coming from a mile away.
we won 9 in 16 and 10in 17. we were building sustained success till rights health fell off.

ive also seen Mario have a worse record than Manny Diaz so what is he building here? idc what hes done at Oregon or FIU. what has he done here to give you any hope? nothing. hes worse than Manny. period.

how do you know Lville is. one hit wonder? this is their first year under a new coach and he took them to the ACCCG. if Mario did that last year or even this, you'd all ask how high if he told you to jump all bc you like him better (and hes your avatar so you clearly do)
Louisville is 9-1 now. lol this is crazy.
You and I must interpret things a lot differently, guess I’ll just leave it at that. And look at big John now. Finally doing what he should’ve done from Day 1. Shutting the **** up. That’s all that was asked of him from those of us who saw this trainwreck coming from a mile away.
We have a meddling corch who just couldn't handle scoring upwards of 38 points a game and looking competent. He just couldn't win if it wasn't his way. This is who he is, this is who he has always been, and this is what every mario detractor on this board was afraid of.

There is no way we can look the way we did going into the by week and then look the way we have the last 4-5 weeks without the head man putting his input and demands on people.