Tears Nole Tears (“Offcial”)




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I don’t watch him at all but clips I have seen when we were down he was right about us. Fans ain’t want to hear it but it was the truth. Now when we hired Mario he was like it’s a great hire, they know who the good coaches that recruit elite talent are. It’s that Saban network and he gave us our props, he knows we on the rise now.
he also passes remarks about saban giving out dodge chargers when people complain about our nil
This obviously isn't the worst example, but I would never allow my kid to disrespect other programs like that. You can have your moment in the sun and still be respectful to the institutions who worked hard for your commitment and lost.

Its a stupid thing to do with the transfer portal. Especially if its programs in your vicinity. Most kids seem to head back home if it dont work out elsewhere. Poor decision

It really grinds my gears reading nonsense like Miami is brainwashing kids. I’d wager large amounts of cash that we are up there as one of the most straightforward and honest programs in recruiting. Kids and families see through the BS (mostly, I’d wager). Shooting straight with your vision of the program, scheme, player usage and provide legit/solid NIL opportunities and you’re in a good place recruiting wise.