Tears Nole Tears (“Offcial”)

I'm sorry but Winston never raped that lying chick, read the report. She was just mad his roommates kept coming into the room to watch.

Congrats on getting a free rape on the house, courtesy of the TPD and the Seminole athletic department.

You must be so proud.

It was not free. FSU had to pay $1 Million for the rare cover up and Winston had to most likely pay much more (was an undisclosed amount) in his settlement with the woman he raped.

Only FSU could create a market price for Star QB Rape

There are plenty of schools that would pay $1 million to win a NC this year.

That's the point...great ROI. Esp for these po-dunk towns that depend on the college football team's success. I suppose the major downside is a human being was raped and life shattered

Nope, they just tell themselves she asked for it and go collect the trophy.

Win 7 in a row, lose 7 in a row. I will keep hoping that chef Osceola accidentally plants his spear into his horse's leg, causing the horse to buck him off and break the chef's neck. These last few posters get it.


That was a glorious moment, but unfortunately no noles were injured. Also, I appreciate the culturally insensitive GIF. Seriously. Alternatively, it could be that chef's paint horse was drunk on "fire water."