Tears Nole Tears (“Offcial”)

Clemson is the number 2 team in the country. And let's not forget what they did to us last season. We had to come from 20 down to beat this same fsu team so I wouldn't be so quick to laugh...
Read the title of this thread...then proceed to leave. FSU sucks and will lose their bowl game streak they had no business keeping alive last year.

Clemson is the number 2 team in the country. And let's not forget what they did to us last season. We had to come from 20 down to beat this same fsu team so I wouldn't be so quick to laugh...

You must be lost, as you are clearly in the wrong thread for this sort of unabashed f$u slurping. Kindly take your poorly disguised love for the semenholes to some other board, or maybe a thread authored by bleakvern or one of the other closeted f$u cucks on this board.
And yes, we are better than f$u, and their depravity is still funny (no matter the current state of our program).

Clemson is the number 2 team in the country. And let's not forget what they did to us last season. We had to come from 20 down to beat this same fsu team so I wouldn't be so quick to laugh...
Dude I mean speaking star power terms FSU has more talent and they got molly womped at their place ... we loss by less in a hostile environment
Yall sissies got to pretend to laugh at everyone else's team to stop from crying over your own. ..

You are not fooling anyone with that sissy talk, you ***gart-cuck-gargling ***aloon.

And as usual with you inbred panhandle bums, the use of "your" instead of "our" reveals your true allegiance. You fail, troll.
Yall sissies got to pretend to laugh at everyone else's team to stop from crying over your own. ..

Sissies he says, yet your QB has a pair of lips tattoo'd on his neck, your team dances to Salt n Peppa's "Push It" at practice WITH EACH OTHER, and your head coach used Mickey Mouse to tweet out 'ringa, ding, ding...guess who gave us a great phone call on this lovely day?" Man if you don't stfu and accept this new FSU football.
Yall sissies got to pretend to laugh at everyone else's team to stop from crying over your own. ..

Thank you for providing real Nole Tears for us here. They were delicious and we all enjoyed your crying and venting. But now it's time to beat it geek. Mods...ban this Nole Troll before he floods this board with more of his sad little delicious Nole Tears.
Personal attacks
**** shame the only thing yall lil f@ggs got to look forward to is playing & posting corny **** on a free sports blog. Grown *** men posting junior high ****, but everyone else is a loser...lol