Tears Nole Tears (“Offcial”)

When they win 7 games do you think that will affect any 5*'s decisions or is the money that long?
That remains to be seen at fsu. Its always been a given that they do whats necessary under dumbo. Im curious how itll be with willie lump lump drawing from the well so often. I think hes gonna have to change up his approach from how he was at oregon but early signs are its same old willie.

Nothing is gonna happen to oregon. Thats why phil knight was upset about losing him. Because #1 willie regardless of the cash aspect is a good recruiter. What made him elite was having phil knight and his money behind him. This is gonna be a dead end investigation cause it would take either seatrunk,the handler or a person on oregon staff at the time to admit what the payment was actually for. To rhink oregon is a clean program im sorry but youd have to be absurd to believe.
What are you guys talking about with Oregon?

I mean correct me if I’m wrong, but that’s a 7 year old article, that’s already a dead issue that’s been disposed of by the NCAA. Chip Kelly got a show cause for it that’s already expired. Or am I missing something here?
Im not sure how Tre'Shaun Harrison is a 4*. Caught him live multiple times and I saw a 3* player with a lil upside, that's it. I know he got him from when he was in the NW at Oregon but nobody up here is upset he left the area lol nobody really mentions him. I guess FSU fans will find out eventually lol
Maybe that's some kind of Haitian Jungle Bush Boogie.

I don't know what to make of that but if somebody of my generation did that we could only explain it as somebody trying to flunk the draft physical to get out of going to Vietnam.

We didn't have any of this don't kiss don't tell back then. You kissed another guy you were out. Simple as that. No Vietnam.

EDIT: Just realized, I meant draft board physical, like get drafted into the army and sent to Vietnam. Not NFL draft physical. Too many youngsters who must have been confused.
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Maybe that's some kind of Haitian Jungle Bush Boogie.

I don't know what to make of that but if somebody of my generation did that we could only explain it as somebody trying to flunk the draft physical to get out of going to Vietnam.

We didn't have any of this don't kiss don't tell back then. You kissed another guy you were out. Simple as that. No Vietnam.

Haitian Jungle Bush Boogie.....wow....its actually a song and dance from South Florida
Maybe that's some kind of Haitian Jungle Bush Boogie.

I don't know what to make of that but if somebody of my generation did that we could only explain it as somebody trying to flunk the draft physical to get out of going to Vietnam.

We didn't have any of this don't kiss don't tell back then. You kissed another guy you were out. Simple as that. No Vietnam.
These kids have no idea what the draft was. We ever get in real war, they will faint when Uncle Sam come to get them. Thank the Lord that the young girls are tough cause the6 will need to do the fighting in a draft army today.
Selling out? It's fcking vanilla ice. What dignity or self respect did he have to sell?

It’s literally impossible for Vanilla Ice to have ever sold out. Ever.

Just not possible.

I mean how can he be a sellout? It’s a serious question.

I don’t particularly have anything against him, but he’s a guy that got spectacularly lucky with a very popular novelty catchy choreographed four note beat (not his - under pressure) from 30 years ago that he’s milked into a d-list career doing whatever he gets offered and refurbing houses.

That’s not selling out. It’s just some lame shlub getting work. You don’t think it’s going to be more than just a little sad seeing him trying to pump up a bunch of balding gut bellied FSU fans with his lame shtick.

The whole thing is just cringeworthy. You just don’t want to look. I would honestly be embarrassed if I were a nole. The guy has got to be pushing 60 to be bouncing around on a stage.
Noles suck! Taggart is in the big leagues now and if kids were skecptical about our staffs ability to get them to the NFL just watch happens when these guys are barely winning 6 games.
Maybe that's some kind of Haitian Jungle Bush Boogie.

I don't know what to make of that but if somebody of my generation did that we could only explain it as somebody trying to flunk the draft physical to get out of going to Vietnam.

We didn't have any of this don't kiss don't tell back then. You kissed another guy you were out. Simple as that. No Vietnam.

Over 50,000 people should have sucked a **** to stay alive and out of Vietnam.

It's so sad that you are proud of the statement you made. Why do you care what other people do? Afraid it will rub off? I'm not.