Tears Nole Tears (“Offcial”)

Maaaan, one of my non-blood brothers who grew up with the Patas and I had some **** good seats to that game. We thought we were making down from Tally in good time until we ran into that I-95 renovation chaos in Palm Beach County. Long story short, it was the 3rd Quarter by the time we reached Dade.
But yeah, we're gonna open up a 50 pack on those payasos...
At least 50.

bruh I never been there so I dont know but thats scary, is that a reason they took it down? They should of did renovations, **** a concrete building made for football cant hold us crazy *** canes fans lol. Glad nobody ever got hurt bruh that **** sounds scary asf.
Didnt seem that bad to me but most games in teen years I was either working selling beer on tap or finessing my way to alumni section sitting with the old money in the good seats on 50 yard line.. We used to have the longest lines for beer because we wouldnt follow any stupid rules like you can only have one drink per person or anything like that.. And we would get them boys right with no foam in cup, tips would be nice.. lol..

But I remember that FSU game when Sinorice moss took screen outside and scored, that upperdeck felt like it was gonna drop that night lol.. Good times were had..
Some of these man either trolling or has the worse insiders. Bryant is Bama's when they want him.....what? You can say it's a battle but what they smoking. Man getting stuffed in lockers and they still sleeping

Where are you from if you don’t mind me asking..your use of man in particular sentences is interesting..
I just don’t understand how these guys can be so delusional. It’s an 8-13 staff that was a Mack Brown special and blown assignment by us from being 6-15.

Staff’s that can’t recruit do not build nationally competitive programs. We said the same crap about Golden finding diamonds in the rough and “coaching them up.” Meanwhile, they think 8-13 P5 NoRvElL iS bEtTeR tHaN a coach with a 35-13 record, two P5 conference championships, and a Rose Bowl.

Deep down I believe most of them understand the predicament they’re in. Admitting it though is a step too far for them.