Nike deal

Most schools sign apparel deals for anywhere from 8-12 years. Miami signed on the longer end of that span, and even then, with the money Adidas was offering at the time, along with the escalator clauses and the like(Which Miami legal should have known about, seeing that they helped draw up the contract to begin with, it's shameful that these attorneys weren't on the ball in regards to enforcing terms of the contract), the contract is very unlikely to be outmoded.

Keep in mind, at the time Miami signed, Nike was trying to hold the line on deals, the ONLY reason that Nike finally started paying was that Under Armour and Adidas was starting to make inroads. Keep in mind that when Miami signed their deal with Adidas, Alabama was only getting 2.5 million in cash and a similar amount of merch. Same with Clemson, same with a lot of other schools. The mega deals started happening when Miami moved on from the swoosh , and schools like Notre Dame, UCLA and others signed huge deals with UA. Nike struck back by poaching Michigan and Tennessee, by offering significantly more than they had offered any other school, and were then forced to match as schools like Bama and Clemson came up for renewal. That said, they weren't making those deals back when Miami was up for renewal. They lowballed Miami, point blank period and Miami made the rational move. I can talk for hours about other ways Nike treated Miami like dog crap, but the swoosh fanbois couldn't care less. I'm convinced that a lot of these people love a shoe company more than the University itself.

This is bogus af. Pls stop commenting on something u have no idea of. Like seriously, stop.

1. Nike did not “poach” Michigan to get back at Adidas. Michigan was upset w/ Adidas w/ how they were treated. They hated their colors, their alternate uniforms, their fan gear, & towards the last few yrs of their deal, Adidas was not replacing jerseys or practice unis. Harbaugh took the job & the first thing he requested was to leave Adidas b/c it’s not a good look for the program. Woodson, being a Jumpman Athlete, reached out to the brand, & UM became the 1st Jumpman football school.

2. Nike DID NOT PAY MORE for UTK. They actually offered less upfront $ than Adidas. Tennessee wanted to elevate their status among SEC schools by taking Nike’s deal which was structured like ours.

3. No tf don’t most teams sign 8-12 yr deals. Most deals are 8-10 yrs. THE ONLY time u see teams signing 12 yr deals are when they are renewing w/ long time partners, & that deal is 9 figures. They do not sign 12 yr deals w/ new companies.

4. Stop the bull chit that Nike treated us like crap for 20 yrs! This rhetoric makes zero sense. From compensation, to uniforms, to fan gear, Nike was 1st class to us. Now, if u wanna say the last 3 yrs they didn’t treat us w/ the same urgency, then fine. But even in 2014, they gave us brand new uniforms & don’t act like the players didn’t go HAM over them.

Here’s the links for links for ur viewing pleasure so u can stop spamming the board w/ ur personal feelings vs facts:


This is bogus af. Pls stop commenting on something u have no idea of. Like seriously, stop.

1. Nike did not “poach” Michigan to get back at Adidas. Michigan was upset w/ Adidas w/ how they were treated. They hated their colors, their alternate uniforms, their fan gear, & towards the last few yrs of their deal, Adidas was not replacing jerseys or practice unis. Harbaugh took the job & the first thing he requested was to leave Adidas b/c it’s not a good look for the program. Woodson, being a Jumpman Athlete, reached out to the brand, & UM became the 1st Jumpman football school.

2. Nike DID NOT PAY MORE for UTK. They actually offered less upfront $ than Adidas. Tennessee wanted to elevate their status among SEC schools by taking Nike’s deal which was structured like ours.

3. No tf don’t most teams sign 8-12 yr deals. Most deals are 8-10 yrs. THE ONLY time u see teams signing 12 yr deals are when they are renewing w/ long time partners, & that deal is 9 figures. They do not sign 12 yr deals w/ new companies.

4. Stop the bull chit that Nike treated us like crap for 20 yrs! This rhetoric makes zero sense. From compensation, to uniforms, to fan gear, Nike was 1st class to us. Now, if u wanna say the last 3 yrs they didn’t treat us w/ the same urgency, then fine. But even in 2014, they gave us brand new uniforms & don’t act like the players didn’t go HAM over them.

Here’s the links for links for ur viewing pleasure so u can stop spamming the board w/ ur personal feelings vs facts:

More zuly, please.
O-M-F-G. Folk, I literally can’t.

1. U inserted urself in to this discussion & brought up a topic I didn’t even mention; so this “circle jerk” is by you.

2. The POINT is Adidas signed a contract w/ LANGUAGE stating that we will be the highest compensated school in the ACC, which is considered a “sweetheart” deal. THE POINT IS, Adidas, as a BRAND NEW BUSINESS PARTNER showed either incompetency to follow through on its own language or deception. Either way it goes, it took an OUTSIDE SOURCE to highlight how we were getting screwed on our deal.

3. THE POINT IS, Adidas created a cloud over our basketball team, in which Coach L spoke about b/c we were investigated by the FBI for Adidas’ involvement to push the lines on recruiting.

4. The POINT is, as @TheOriginalCane pointed out, there’s separate compensation components regarding contract which goes into the value which is amount of gear + upfront $. My ONLY argument which had CHIT to do w/ u was the narrative found on page 28 in this thread that Nike low balled us. I gave Bama as an example to show the compensation difference, b/c some ppl r looking at strictly upfront $ vs. the totality of the language found.

5. Pls stop saying u prefer Nike, when all U’ve done post after post after post after post is trash them. That’s like the white guy saying he’s not racist b/c he has black friends, yet hurls racial epithets like horse shoes. We don’t need u throw that in so u’re argument seems unbiased. Just state what u have state b/c actions or post speak louder than the other chit.

6. The reason y ppl, not just here, but f’ing former players r clamoring to go back to Nike is b/c the fan gear suck, the off gear suck, & the uniforms suck. U’re look at a design, while we’re talking about fit, aesthetics, cohesion. Every got **** Adidas uniforms is crooked & droopy. Go look at TVD’s pic in I believe the Heisman mention thread, & see how f’ing crooked it is. Furthermore, ALLLLLLLLL of Adidas sponsored schools sucks ***! Why in the fck would u want to be grouped in or associated w/ that?

7. The whole point was to highlight how Blake James didn’t like the terms of Nike’s offer b/c the backend $ meant he had to get off his lazy *** & field a competitive team. Just like Richt had to push for a IPF, or Golden having to push for some f’ing training tables, Blake sought financial compensation w/o work. That’s not a myth, go ask donors. Adidas obliged b/c they were desperate in trying to go head up against Nike, including moving their American HQ to Oregon. And it’s back fired, which is y they turned their attention to UDub, UL, & KU…soon, they’ll be in a bidding war to keep TAMU in 5 more months.

Anyways, feel how u feel.
1. This entire 20+ page thread is about Nike and ****ting on adidas, it definitely has been a circle jerk. Not that I really care, but it's just a fact. You're just trying to get personal talking down to people who disagree with you though which is funny to me.

2. Okay Adidas is ******** us in our contract. I’ll accept that. And yet even while getting screwed we are making more money than with Nike, are we not? This is the main ******* point. I have repeatedly asked you if over these 7 or however many years if we would have actually made more money with Nike than we have with Adidas (cash+equipment). The fact you won't simply say yes to that means Adidas is giving us more because we oth know **** well over these last 7 years we would not average top 5 in merch. Maybe in 2018 alone we would have been high, but that's about it. If someone promises me $100 but only gives me $60 meanwhile another guy who only promises me $20 with potential to earn $40, at the end of the day I'm still getting more money from the first guy. And maybe after my contract with that first guy is up that second guy will give me a more competitive offer and I'll sign with him because I didnt like how I was treated by the first.

3.okay the NCAA/FBi decided to target Adidas... Like they couldn't do the exact same with Nike if they chose to? We weren't involved.

4. Okay so this is just agreeing with me - you're entire argument is Nike didn't rip us off and that upfront cash isn't everything...okay, but either you are just trying to show Nikes deal wasn't as bad as it seems or you are thing to imply that we COULD have made more by staying with Nike. If that is the case you could have avoided all this by just saying so, but you haven't which I'm taking to mean you know that we have actually received more money+equipment than we would have gotten from Nike. It's as simple as that. That's what I care about. This is the #1 most important thing. Yet you're mostly complaining that we have a stretched out U while ignoring Nike gave us the worst helmets Ive seen in my life.

5. Get it through your head I dont dislike Nike. You seem to think anyone who think Adidas Uniforms are better or that it's worth it to get paid more money is an idiot or something. I get it you love Nike and think they are a far superior company. I don't really give. ****. prefer them all else being equal. It's pretty low of you to compare liking a company to racism lol. You shouldn't be so die-hard for a company that you compare someone simply stating they like it to racism. It's pretty weird.

6. Okay, fan gear is a perfectly valid reason to say the adidas deal is worse than Nike. I accept that's, but don't think it outweighs if we are making more money and getting more equipment from it. That's the most important thing. And again it also is preference. Just as much as you hate Adidas, others may hate Nike. You're talking about fit and cohesion, but if the ******* design is garbage then it doesn't matter how nice it's made. Bro Nike ****ed up our ******* helmets and you are acting like Adidas shot Bambi's mother in front of your eyes. I will take a stretched out U logo and every other ****** Adidas quality vs those helmets any day. They are all minor complaints imo. And it's again why I've completely tried to avoid discussing it, because it is a matter of opinion and you have made it perfectly clear you hate the adidas ****. It doesn't make the adidas contract objectively worse though.

7. I'm not defending Blake James lol. It's funny that you want to act like saying if Adidas is paying us more cash+equipment it is somehow equivalent to defending James is pretty ridiculous.
1. This entire 20+ page thread is about Nike and ****ting on adidas, it definitely has been a circle jerk. Not that I really care, but it's just a fact. You're just trying to get personal talking down to people who disagree with you though which is funny to me.

2. Okay Adidas is ******** us in our contract. I’ll accept that. And yet even while getting screwed we are making more money than with Nike, are we not? This is the main ******* point. I have repeatedly asked you if over these 7 or however many years if we would have actually made more money with Nike than we have with Adidas (cash+equipment). The fact you won't simply say yes to that means Adidas is giving us more because we oth know **** well over these last 7 years we would not average top 5 in merch. Maybe in 2018 alone we would have been high, but that's about it. If someone promises me $100 but only gives me $60 meanwhile another guy who only promises me $20 with potential to earn $40, at the end of the day I'm still getting more money from the first guy. And maybe after my contract with that first guy is up that second guy will give me a more competitive offer and I'll sign with him because I didnt like how I was treated by the first.

3.okay the NCAA/FBi decided to target Adidas... Like they couldn't do the exact same with Nike if they chose to? We weren't involved.

4. Okay so this is just agreeing with me - you're entire argument is Nike didn't rip us off and that upfront cash isn't everything...okay, but either you are just trying to show Nikes deal wasn't as bad as it seems or you are thing to imply that we COULD have made more by staying with Nike. If that is the case you could have avoided all this by just saying so, but you haven't which I'm taking to mean you know that we have actually received more money+equipment than we would have gotten from Nike. It's as simple as that. That's what I care about. This is the #1 most important thing. Yet you're mostly complaining that we have a stretched out U while ignoring Nike gave us the worst helmets Ive seen in my life.

5. Get it through your head I dont dislike Nike. You seem to think anyone who think Adidas Uniforms are better or that it's worth it to get paid more money is an idiot or something. I get it you love Nike and think they are a far superior company. I don't really give. ****. prefer them all else being equal. It's pretty low of you to compare liking a company to racism lol. You shouldn't be so die-hard for a company that you compare someone simply stating they like it to racism. It's pretty weird.

6. Okay, fan gear is a perfectly valid reason to say the adidas deal is worse than Nike. I accept that's, but don't think it outweighs if we are making more money and getting more equipment from it. That's the most important thing. And again it also is preference. Just as much as you hate Adidas, others may hate Nike. You're talking about fit and cohesion, but if the ******* design is garbage then it doesn't matter how nice it's made. Bro Nike ****ed up our ******* helmets and you are acting like Adidas shot Bambi's mother in front of your eyes. I will take a stretched out U logo and every other ****** Adidas quality vs those helmets any day. They are all minor complaints imo. And it's again why I've completely tried to avoid discussing it, because it is a matter of opinion and you have made it perfectly clear you hate the adidas ****. It doesn't make the adidas contract objectively worse though.

7. I'm not defending Blake James lol. It's funny that you want to act like saying if Adidas is paying us more cash+equipment it is somehow equivalent to defending James is pretty ridiculous.

Okay, I have literally no idea all what u posted. Especially point 7. Where in any of my post, in this thread, did I say u were defending Blake James? Lol. Then u said like the NCAA “could’ve” went after Nike? But did they? Lol.

Listen folk, imma let u breathe b/c all that chit u just typed, yeeeeeeeah, my drunk uncle sounded more coherent.
Okay, I have literally no idea all what u posted. Especially point 7. Where in any of my post, in this thread, did I say u were defending Blake James? Lol. Then u said like the NCAA “could’ve” went after Nike? But did they? Lol.

Listen folk, imma let u breathe b/c all that chit u just typed, yeeeeeeeah, my drunk uncle sounded more coherent.
All it takes is simple reading comprehension, read what you wrote for the point, then read what I did.

But if that is too complicated I’ll make it incredibly simple, just answer one question:

Since 2015 when we switched to Adidas to TODAY, knowing what you know SPECIFICALLY regarding cash+equipment+back end merch (knowing **** well we wouldn’t be top 10 in any year besides 2018 at best) did the Adidas deal pay us more or less than that?

That’s all there is. Either Adidas paid us more money from 2015-today than we could have gotten from Nike or they didn’t. I’m talking straight receipts. What we actually received from Adidas the last 7yrs vs what Nike was offering when we re-signed.
All it takes is simple reading comprehension, read what you wrote for the point, then read what I did.

But if that is too complicated I’ll make it incredibly simple, just answer one question:

Since 2015 when we switched to Adidas to TODAY, knowing what you know SPECIFICALLY regarding cash+equipment+back end merch (knowing **** well we wouldn’t be top 10 in any year besides 2018 at best) did the Adidas deal pay us more or less than that?

That’s all there is. Either Adidas paid us more money from 2015-today than we could have gotten from Nike or they didn’t. I’m talking straight receipts. What we actually received from Adidas the last 7yrs vs what Nike was offering when we re-signed.

Nah; I think it’s u that need the reading comprehension. It’s funny how u want me to answer a direct ? from u, when u’ve literally skated by all the facts I stated. Lol.

Just remember, this whole argument was me disproving the “low ball” theory that another poster brought up in which u felt the need to introduce some other “hypothetical” bull chit in the mix. So I promise u, if it makes u feel better, u can respond & pretend in ur head that u “shut me up.” Lol. B/c I promise u I won’t read or respond to ur next post.
Adidas’ mercy is inferior to Nike.
but we can compare apples to oranges and we DO have hindsight…. So with that hindsight can you or RellyRell actually say that we got Less Cash + Equipment from Adidas than we would have gotten from Nike If we resigned? If the answer is no, then the point is correct that the Adidas deal was not complete trash like you two have been saying. I have already agreed on the 12 year aspect. But even after all this, that is really the biggest negative you guys can actually point out. If the contract had been 8 years, which I agree should have been the max, it seems like its pretty clear that it is a better deal than Nike…

Now maybe these last 4 year are bad enough that with hindsight the Nike deal would have been superior. But to this point today, you guys haven’t actually shown good enough evidence to say the Adidas deal was bad or even worse than Nike imo.

Also just cause someone dares disagree with you doesn’t mean they’re pouting like a baby which is just dumb as **** to say… anyways I’ll get out of this thread and let your guys’ circlejerk of the swoosh carry on.
The Adidas merch is “complete trash” and inferior to Nike; so we lost the deal right there. Now watch how much more we make when we switch.
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Adidas’ mercy is inferior to Nike.

The Adidas’ merch is “complete trash” and inferior to Nike. We lost the deal right there. Now watch how much more we make when we switch.
Good. I want the school to get more money than we deserve

Since the top Nike insider won’t say we would have made more money from them than adidas, it’s pretty clear that this deal isn’t so terrible. And hopefully the next apparel deal is with Nike and they will make us a priority and an extremely competitive offer.
Good. I want the school to get more money than we deserve

Since the top Nike insider won’t say we would have made more money from them than adidas, it’s pretty clear that this deal isn’t so terrible. And hopefully the next apparel deal is with Nike and they will make us a priority and an extremely competitive offer.
We'd sell more Nike gear independent of our performance. So you can't do an apples to apples comp.
We'd sell more Nike gear independent of our performance. So you can't do an apples to apples comp.
? Yes we literally can. RellyRell the Nike insider literally said Bama the #1 team in apparel gets about $7M from Nike just from sales. So clearly we’d be doing less than that
? Yes we literally can. RellyRell the Nike insider literally said Bama the #1 team in apparel gets about $7M from Nike just from sales. So clearly we’d be doing less than that

Thank u for verifying ur lack of reading comprehension.

1. I said the reason why Bama’s deal is more lucrative than our Adidas deal is b/c Bama is getting royalties from sales. I also stated they are the #2 apparel selling University, not #1. SMH. Furthermore, I gave an arbitrary # to give an example of how royalties work. I did NOT say that’s what they made. They probably make more $ on their total Nike sales.

2. U nor anyone else on this board, unless u work in the actual marketing & sales dept know how much merchandise we push, which is why u’re narrative makes zero sense. We can surmise that Adidas products r not moving for Miami b/c Fanatics, a site that don’t lower their prices for chit, are discounting hella Miami Adidas products, including our newest team shoe!

The only thing we all know is that the upfront $ from Adidas was more than both Nike & UA.

So if u’re going to continue to attempt to “quote” me, make sure u actually quote me & stop putting words in my post. U’re giving my state a bad name, “Cali” native.
Thank u for verifying ur lack of reading comprehension.

1. I said the reason why Bama’s deal is more lucrative than our Adidas deal is b/c Bama is getting royalties from sales. I also stated they are the #2 apparel selling University, not #1. SMH. Furthermore, I gave an arbitrary # to give an example of how royalties work. I did NOT say that’s what they made. They probably make more $ on their total Nike sales.

2. U nor anyone else on this board, unless u work in the actual marketing & sales dept know how much merchandise we push, which is why u’re narrative makes zero sense. We can surmise that Adidas products r not moving for Miami b/c Fanatics, a site that don’t lower their prices for chit, are discounting hella Miami Adidas products, including our newest team shoe!

The only thing we all know is that the upfront $ from Adidas was more than both Nike & UA.

So if u’re going to continue to attempt to “quote” me, make sure u actually quote me & stop putting words in my post. U’re giving my state a bad name, “Cali” native.
@calinative umstudent was so tired of getting his *** whooped that he called you out, without quoting you, hoping you wouldn't see it. That was one of the softest moves I have seen on here in a while.
Thank u for verifying ur lack of reading comprehension.

1. I said the reason why Bama’s deal is more lucrative than our Adidas deal is b/c Bama is getting royalties from sales. I also stated they are the #2 apparel selling University, not #1. SMH. Furthermore, I gave an arbitrary # to give an example of how royalties work. I did NOT say that’s what they made. They probably make more $ on their total Nike sales.

2. U nor anyone else on this board, unless u work in the actual marketing & sales dept know how much merchandise we push, which is why u’re narrative makes zero sense. We can surmise that Adidas products r not moving for Miami b/c Fanatics, a site that don’t lower their prices for chit, are discounting hella Miami Adidas products, including our newest team shoe!

The only thing we all know is that the upfront $ from Adidas was more than both Nike & UA.

So if u’re going to continue to attempt to “quote” me, make sure u actually quote me & stop putting words in my post. U’re giving my state a bad name, “Cali” native.
Wow what a difference between first and second! That’s really changing everything huh lol. That’s what you’re really gunna use as your main point to say I’m not comprehending what your saying? Lol I guess if that’s all you got go for it. You’re the one that said $7.5m not me.

At the end of the day You could just say if you actually think in the past 7 years we would have received more money with Nike over Adidas, but you won’t say that which basically proves the point. I’d be happy to agree with you if that were the case, but your refusal to say so makes me not believe it.

I didn’t use quotes either btw because it wasn’t a direct quote.
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I wasn’t responding to him lol, I don’t need to tag the dude when I’ve literally been responding to him repeatedly
You literally typed his name out in full, you could have taken the extra .01 second to type the @. I can't blame you for being shook though. If someone was going in on me like that without any vaseline I would probably try that move too.
You literally typed his name out in full, you could have taken the extra .01 second to type the @. I can't blame you for being shook though. If someone was going in on me like that without any vaseline I would probably try that move too.
And why do I need to tag him in that response? Lol I get it I interrupted your guys blowbang of the swoosh and now you are upset and view everything as a slight. I’ll let you continue to see who deep throat’s the best without further interruption now that I have a better understanding that we are making more money over the last 7 years with Adidas than we would have with Nike.

Thanks @OriginalGatorHater @Rellyrell you were very helpful. Oh yeah and don’t forget Tomorrow is the Day! Sleep tight.
And why do I need to tag him in that response? Lol I get it I interrupted your guys blowbang of the swoosh and now you are upset and view everything as a slight. I’ll let you continue to see who deep throat’s the best without further interruption now that I have a better understanding that we are making more money over the last 7 years with Adidas than we would have with Nike.

Thanks @OriginalGatorHater @Rellyrell you were very helpful. Oh yeah and don’t forget Tomorrow is the Day! Sleep tight.
This is the guy that has been making up quotes to try and bolster your argument. So you tried to slip in the last word by not tagging him. I will sleep very well tonight. I am sure you will be checking under your bed and under your closet for RellyRell, before you sprint to your bed and hop under the covers, after the abuse you received from him today.
? Yes we literally can. RellyRell the Nike insider literally said Bama the #1 team in apparel gets about $7M from Nike just from sales. So clearly we’d be doing less than that
That's apples to oranges; I'm talking about comparing Miami with Adidas to Miami with Nike. Miami has a different brand than Bama. Bama wins a lot but I wouldn't compare the []__[] to any other school.