Nike deal

Russell Athletic or GTFO.

I also think more linebackers need to wear the bullring facemask.

Nike had our kids looking like rejects from a Daft Punk video. Adidas brought back our classic 80’s uniforms. I’ve got no problem with Adidas.

You really think this whole story is anything but total bullshlt, like we’re going to break a contract that’s going to cost us millions of dollars that we can use towards the football program? Why? So we can have a whoosh and make the lamest of the lame, i.e., Nike fan boys, happy?
Nike had us looking like clowns at the end there but their uniform quality is much better. Adidas looks like cheap spandex high school uniform material. If Nike kept it simple and got the design right would take that over ghey *** Adidas any day
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The Adidas deal goes for another 6 or so years and unless Nike is backing up a Brinks truck to Miami(Which they aren't, they treated Miami as second class, even when things were going well from 2000-2004), there's no point in having the conversation. It's amazing how many of our fans jock Nike, when they did everything they could to ***** the University over. They gave us that final uniform template, which was complete trash in a contract year, and then tried to low ball the University, hoping that the school would be stupid enough to take it.
Wasn’t their rumors that Adidas was shorting us money or something and James had no idea until someone else knew about it? If so, I’d have to assume there was a breach of contract so maybe there is something to this.
Actually, someone in Legal dropped the ball, and failed to exercise a clause in the contract that automatically raised Miami's payout, due to another school getting more. I don't blame Adidas for that, that's on Legal. Someone should have known that contract well enough to figure that out.
The Adidas deal was struck by Blake with a former UM marketer who is in charge of Adidas’ NCAA department so I can see why and it is true about the contract.

Semper Canes!!!
If the billionaires are as embarrassed as it seems, this makes some sense. No more v’s on the collar. That is the most amateur **** ever.

We just got chucked by the worst holes team in 50 years. Adidas might be all for getting out of the deal. They barely make us gear as it is.
If we are going to bs everyone at least have something that can't be easily disproven by simple research. Adidas is heavy on the Miami merch for both the student-athletes and the fanbase at large. That isn't the problem. The problem is that we have a ton of cultists that would blow Phil Knight if he asked him to, despite his company trying to ***** the University at contract time. Keep in mind, they backed up a truck to Tennessee and Michigan and they haven't won a **** thing in forever too. Yet, they gave Miami a garbage deal and tried to guilt trip the school into taking it by giving us that awful uniform template.