Nike deal

Aren’t you the idiot who wanted to start Garcia over everybody else. And you’re calling me stupid?

You know what stupid is? Thinking Nike is buying it out.

Give me one good reason why they would do that.

Next time you call somebody stupid make sure you’re not the stupid one., because you’re the biggest short bus rider on this site.

Now get back to drinking your juice box and eating your bologna sandwich. Break time is over, son.
He also thinks coaching basketball is more difficult than coaching football.

So there's that.

No. No….this was Al Golden’s combo. Specifically, the coaches had cart blanche to chose uniform combos & Golden chose FAMU South. Lol

so whose idea was the upside down U, bra strap, the adding circle behind the shirts lol.
lol if we got Mario from Oregon, im pretty sure nike would make it a point to never deal w Miami again.
why you guys making it sound so personal? It's business. You think Nike might just want to jump on that train with Mario (if he chooses to leave) and be part of a revamped program committing millions to its program? That is what I call a win/win scenario
Anyone who predicted either James or Diaz's firing now lapping it up isn't an insider. Both moves have been very clear to even those with no insider sources like me!
I used to be a big Nike guy. I was disappointed when we switched to Adidas. But I've come around. I think Adidas has put a little more creativity and effort into it than Nike.
I like a few of my adidas swag that i bought from Caneswear, your one stop shop for all your Miami Hurricanes needs…

But if we go back to Nike… all of my Adidas stuff will be in Haiti the next day.
Rellyrell, you clearly have more insight into this topic than most on the board. Do you know if UM has grounds to terminate its contract with Adidas early? The 12 year deal was signed in early 2015, so we still have about half of the term left.

Obviously every fan would much prefer Nike gear for the Canes
Bro, so I commented on this a minute ago.

Adidas almost got Coach L fired w/ the FBI probe & put our b-ball team in jeopardy. The reason y Adidas broke bank on both KU & UL is b/c of the F up they did in recruiting. UL & KU r strong b-ball programs for Adidas, and they couldn’t lose them. I know for sure KU was looking to leave after what happened, but Adidas made a historic (for them) offer that KU couldn’t turn down.

Technically after The FBI probe, Miami could’ve split them. Furthermore, the way our contract was structured, yes Blake is an idiot & legal should’ve thoroughly vetted the language, but at the end of the day, THAT WAS ADIDAS’ LANGUAGE TO LURE US. The fact that they almost immediately went against their own contractural obligations w/ The UL deal, & we had to be prompted to remind them of their own language, should be cause.

However, it could be tricky b/c despite it all, we stayed. U’re talking about almost 5 yrs after the fact of the FBI probe, and 4 yrs after the contract discovery. It’s going to be tough, unless there’s other language that became compromised. Adidas can almost counter saying it was an oversight & they made it right.

B/c Miami is a private institution, the contract is not readily available to review, which is y we as fans, were all caught off guard when we found out the debacle of the language recently.
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Soooo, how about when we steal Mario from Phil???? is Nike still gonna take UM, and/or give us a great deal???
Them Footballvile cats are plugged in.
with local recruits.

You think they know the apparel provider?.

Also i know of them from before they even had a name.
Can't expect people to take a specific tweet seriously if the 9 tweets before that is you clout chasing. Street has to recognize that is bad for the brand if he wants Footballville to be viewed as a credible source.
Its usually X..he trolls and even laughs about it....and folks here are like dont hate on them.

The unnecessary trolling for attention for me is turned completely off. Also they blur the lines between fans/ journalist of the program or about the kids.
You cant be CANEville and ask a question to a kid like "why you think miami not recruiting you, they are messing up". Its counterproductive

I like their platform and what their doing though...just a few of my nitpicks
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