Nijel Pack to Miami

Money implications aside, this is a huge pickup. Big time shooter.
Assuming we add Omier, I think the team next year looks better than last year even with losing 3 good veteran players who took us further than we’ve been. Pack/Wong in the backcourt with Omier in the post and a versatile player in Miller and tgat is a very good looking team with depth.

Look, I think Ruiz is making it about himself and guys like that personally rub me the wrong way. In the old days, he’d be threatening the program with his antics.

HOWEVER, these are not the old days. Miami is not “literally just buying players”, Miami didn’t make the announcement, Miami didn’t take the risk. Ruiz did, it’s his money and his rep that gets put on the line. He just announced the sponsorship publicly, which is not uncommon. In fact the “reporter” is objecting to it being public and the timing, while lying about who announced it, and would be completely fine if it was under the table like the old days.

Im a bit torn on this because I love the attention it’s bringing and the way it’s leveling up the program, but I don’t like the way Ruiz (and his family) likes to be the story as much as the players. I can’t have it both ways.
My thoughts exactly .
I don’t understand how people can ask Ruiz to stay in the background. He’s paying UM athletes to promote him and his LifeWallet company. So, that is what he is doing. LifeWallet is now know all across the country from this marketing strategy.
This x10000.

Look, I absolutely understand how this new atmosphere is jarring for some and even hard to understand/accept for others but you HAVE to look at NIL deals as what they're actually SUPPOSED to be- marketing deals.

Once you view them as that then I'd posit Ruiz is a) not only being more transparent than a TON of other people but b) can legitimately say that him being sooo public is just him trying to maximize HIS investment in a marketing relationship for HIS company and NOT just handing out money and PRETENDING that's the case.
So what’s the starting lineup looking like because if it’s any of those players from the bench this past season starting yikes…
Ruiz is playing close to the line by being so public, but the reality is that UM is not making these payments. Lifewallet/Ruiz is. If Pack wasn’t coming to Miami, he wouldn’t be an attractive sponsor to Lifewallet. It’s no different than a normal sports sponsorship.
Your right and it’s a new time in college sports which is going to take time for me to get use to. I guess I just don’t like how public Ruiz is being with all this.

Edit: I just saw your previous post inday and I agree with your sentiment.
I’ve felt that way for a while… on the other hand, he’s playing the game and he probably really is trying to promote LifeWallet in the process.

I think DRad is the real deal (I think he’s strong enough and smart enough to shut down a Nevin Shapiro type) and from what I can tell Ruiz is not being pushed away.
I’m about to ask my boss to promote my life wallet , I’m following this news closely.
This x10000.

Look, I absolutely understand how this new atmosphere is jarring for some and even hard to understand for others but you HAVE to look at NIL deals as what they're actually SUPPOSED to be- marketing deals.

Once you view them as that then I'd posit Ruiz is a) not only being more transparent than a TON of other people but b) can legitimately say that him being sooo public is just him trying to maximize HIS investment in a marketing relationship for HIS company and NOT just handing out money and PRETENDING that's the case.
To add to this. He isn’t just paying guys. They are actually doing marketing events and commercials for the company.
boom smile GIF
Ruiz is def an attention *****

But as long as he keeps paying up, I don't give a ****. Shrug
It’s about **** time we have someone help (even it’s more so for their own benefit) Miami get some players here. We can cry about how he’s doing it, but we do need these young men and women to see that they will get paid if they come to UM. If Mario and the AD has an issue with it, they’ll deal with it. Until then, keep on throwing money at these kids and let’s win some chamionships!
That’s a ton of bank and I’m grateful to Ruiz.

But IMO this whole NIL thing is starting to spiral out of control and it’s not gonna end well for college athletics as we know it.
Who the F cares? No one had this "The game is ruined" energy when coaches started getting paid more than entire academic departments. No one had this energy when the highest paid state employee became a football or basketball coach in 48 out of 50 states. The talent should get paid, and I'm happy they are. If college sports changes, then so be it. The old system was trash and only served to take earned wealth from mostly working class student athletes and put it in the hands of old douchebags.