Nick Saban, a known cheater like his friend Bill Belichick, wants to limit player compensation

Then why attach themselves to a school?

I'm ok with them being pros. I don't necessarily agree with it, but I'm ok with it. However, if we're gonna do it like that, why not form a minor football system separate of NCAA? ****, keep all the same team names just lose the affiliation with the universities. It's not like these guys are (or ever really were) going to college for an education.
SIAP but ain’t no money in minor league football. My team in Birmingham was has won a USFL/USL championship 3 years in a row. With a strong following since the 80s and a rowdy fan section. The stadium was about half full. If Alabama played in this stadium the place would be packed there would be packed. They
You completely missed my point.
thanks for the Birmingham Stallions/Crimson Tide comparison though.
I misread you post. But still you’d have players in their mid to late 20’s who could play for those teams. If they were good enough to go to the NFL they wouldn’t be staying in school. Then you have the title IX aspect. The system is about as good as it gets right now. This should have been solved decades ago when they got those big contracts

SIAP but ain’t no money in minor league football. My team in Birmingham was has won a USFL/USL championship 3 years in a row. With a strong following since the 80s and a rowdy fan section. The stadium was about half full. If Alabama played in this stadium the place would be packed there would be packed. They

I misread you post. But still you’d have players in their mid to late 20’s who could play for those teams. If they were good enough to go to the NFL they wouldn’t be staying in school. Then you have the title IX aspect. The system is about as good as it gets right now. This should have been solved decades ago when they got those big contracts
My point is this. Why even be attached to a school when they are there to play football and get paid for it? The players’ attendance was “suspect” when I was in school. Their majors are weak at best. They aren’t there to become chemists, doctors or engineers. The academic component of the student-athlete is largely a myth. Therefore, why be attached to a school at all?
My point is this. Why even be attached to a school when they are there to play football and get paid for it? The players’ attendance was “suspect” when I was in school. Their majors are weak at best. They aren’t there to become chemists, doctors or engineers. The academic component of the student-athlete is largely a myth. Therefore, why be attached to a school at all?
I agree with you 100% on the part about them going to school just for football. We are too deep in the game but got the rules missing. The only reason there are these big contracts for college football is because people attach themselves to the schools for whatever reason. Some love it because they went to school there. Some love it because they never went to school there but live close to the school. Some love it cause they just love the team. We argue back forth on this board cause of the love for the U. I’m 43 years old and for the first time stepped on the campus and was giddy as a child on Christmas. They messed up a long time ago when they started paying these coaches these salaries to win games but didn’t pay the players who are out there doing the work.
Dilldough or not, he's not entirely wrong. Yes he's a cheat. Yes he's a POS. Yes, F him. and yes, there needs to be some sort of limitations/regulations/ovesight placed on NIL. The coach compensation discussion is another topic that ought to be addressed as well, but those issues - and there are many - are separate of NIL compensation. Yes I can see how they're sort of related, but I also see that they're different.

Example: Jim Harbaugh. His "penalty" from the NCAA is not a joke. It's an insult to anyone with an IQ over 80. He cheated at Michigan (and probably Stanford and anywhere else for that matter), won a natty, got paid a mountain of cash along the way, then slipped out the escape hatch as the NCAA loomed, signing a five year contract with the Chargers. What does the NCAA do? Punish Michigan and give Harbaugh a four year ban from coaching in college. WTF is that? ****, even Gerald Ford's let the nation heal pardon of Nixon was better than this. (Don't take this political, please).

All of this said, how does it relate to NIL? It doesn't. Two separate issues. Now, does it make Harbaugh (or Saban) a doosh bag hypocrite? **** yes it does. What's the real soution? Some sort of limit/cap for D1 schools across the board and a separate solution for coaches like Harbaugh and Saban that cheat so that the coach is punished, not the school they left after the fact. My thought would be massive cash penalties. In the case of Harbaugh, a $4M fine or something like that. I'm not a lawyer, so I'll stop here as I'm sure I've provided enough fuel for the lawyers and wanna be lawyers in the group.

Carry on.

F Saban.
Buddy stay on topic we ain't talking bout harbaugh....this is about Saban.

Go on an osu board with that Harbaugh sh-t
Saban was orchestrating all kinds of payola at Michigan St and LSU as well. He "flipped" a boatload of LA kids who were Miami committs at the last minute during the early Coker years. I do give him credit for teaching Mario how to run a program top down but he really is a hypocritical clown when it comes to his NIL stance.
Yes he's been paying South Florida kids since michigan state. I went to high school in Hollywood do your history on him grabbing Hollywood kids.
There is absolutely nothing good about this, & the only reason y u’re stating this is b/c Miami has benefited “somewhat” from this.

Our roster has been in influx since 2019 w/ no cohesion. So yeah, we’ve been able to buy a player for a season or two, w/ what results? Meanwhile, u have a school like Texas that’s buying up the whole **** CFB world. Oregon is buying up every 5 star walking planet earth.

I don’t want that ****; u want CFB to be ran like California, & I’m saying California is a total **** show b/c of lack of parameters. EVERY infrastructure needs structure. I do not want college athletics to lose what made college athletics different than professional athletics. Ppl still care about college.

So yes, there needs to be parameters around both NIL & The Transfer Portal, & I really wish u would stop looking at things from an Orange & Green lens vs. the betterment & health of the entire sport. Under the table bags should’ve always been regulated w/ extreme prejudice, just like removing the ability of a student athlete to make $$ off their NIL should’ve never been imposed. There’s a happy medium, but I feel both sides r way too right & way too left.

Again, I’m all for NIL. If Pepsi wanna pay player A $2m for 5 yrs to star in their commercial, so be it. If Adidas wanna pay player B $1.5m to rock their products, so be it. If Mercedes want player C to advertise their car on campus, so be it. If The University shares $$ from jersey sales to player D, so be. But if the Collectives from University wanna pay E to play at their favorite school, or steal player E from their current school, that’s bull **** & not the intent of NIL.
U named Texas and Oregon buying up players. Two teams that has won **** just like us in the time period it's great!! Lol
Buddy stay on topic we ain't talking bout harbaugh....this is about Saban.

Go on an osu board with that Harbaugh sh-t
Happy to do so right after you take a reading comprehension course. Harbaugh was used as an example to demonstrate a bigger point, but I guess you missed that part. Saban didn’t get caught/punished by the NCAA; Harbaugh did. It’s germane to the conversation. Germane means relevant to. I thought I would save you the googling. You do know how to google things, right? Buddy?
Pays to have friends in high places, like the guy who hired him at LSU, then went on to lead the NCAA. For you older Cane's fans: