New Unis !! (We hope)

No I'm not okay with an orange or green helmet that is worn more than once every few seasons....which is what Nike gave us. You got such big *** blinders on you can see that the full ******* unis Nike gave us last were 100% garbage compare to what we have now.

You're too worried about trashing a uni we wear once a year than the ones we wear the rest of the games

I’m trashing the uniforms we wear all the time! TF??! Lol.

I’m trashing the material, I’m trashing the lack of aesthetics, I’m thrashing the font, I’m trashing the fan gear, I’m trashing the lack of student athlete apparel, I’m trashing our players shoulder pads sticking up under the jersey, I’m trashing the alternate jerseys, I’m trashing Adidas giving FIU the theme “Miami Nights”.

And I also trashed Nike for giving us those hideous pro combat joints. But again, u have shown a propensity to support bull chit from ur post history. U’re “rah rah” Miami. Defend Shalala, defend Golden, defend Blake James, defend Diaz, defend Adidas, defend playing in an Aqua blue stadium that chits on alumni parking passes…bro, u can wear the cape, Idgaf. Ur opinion is ur opinion.

I’m trashing the uniforms we wear all the time! TF??! Lol.

I’m trashing the material, I’m trashing the lack of aesthetics, I’m thrashing the font, I’m trashing the fan gear, I’m trashing the lack of student athlete apparel, I’m trashing our players shoulder pads sticking up under the jersey, I’m trashing the alternate jerseys, I’m trashing Adidas giving FIU the theme “Miami Nights”.

And I also trashed Nike for giving us those hideous pro combat joints. But again, u have shown a propensity to support bull chit from ur post history. U’re “rah rah” Miami. Defend Shalala, defend Golden, defend Blake James, defend Diaz, defend Adidas, defend playing in an Aqua blue stadium that chits on alumni parking passes…bro, u can wear the cape, Idgaf. Ur opinion is ur opinion.
Never defended Shalala, Golden, or Diaz lol. Only thing I've ever defended James with is the switch to Adidas. Because while you're just ****ting on Nike for the Pro Combat unis which weren't even that bad you seem to have completely blocked the orange and green actual ******* helmet they gave us out of your memory, which is why you can't simply admit that that alone is worse than EVERYTHING you are *****ing about Adidas with. From what I have seen Adidas has been better plain and simple. I get it your a Nike fanboy. Doesn't mean the **** they gave us the previous two uniforms even come close to what Adidas has.
Never defended Shalala, Golden, or Diaz lol. Only thing I've ever defended James with is the switch to Adidas. Because while you're just ****ting on Nike for the Pro Combat unis which weren't even that bad you seem to have completely blocked the orange and green actual ******* helmet they gave us out of your memory, which is why you can't simply admit that that alone is worse than EVERYTHING you are *****ing about Adidas with. From what I have seen Adidas has been better plain and simple. I get it your a Nike fanboy. Doesn't mean the **** they gave us the previous two uniforms even come close to what Adidas has.

1. We’ve gone back & forth on this topic in 2014. I was perfectly fine w/ the green lids. Why? B/c we rocked green lids in the 70’s. Did u know that? We rocked burnt leather helmets in the 30’s. Were u aware w/ that? So as long as it’s in OUR history, I have zero problems. Just like I had zero problems w/ the green & gold jerseys w/ the gold warning flag lids b/c we rocked them in the late 60’s.

I said back then, my complaint w/ the green & burnt lids was Nike should’ve went w/ a matted finish like the original helmets vs a gloss, but for me, if we rocked yellow helmets I would be good b/c it’s in OUR history. I’m all for whatever is in our archive. I love throw backs, even ones w/ a modern touch like the 75th addition of The Golden State Warriors jerseys this season.


(Smile, u’re on candid camera. Yeah u tend to change ur tune later, but u go hard in the paint in the moment.)

3. It amazes me how ur trying to hold Nike accountable for changing our lids in 2014, lid colors in our HISTORY, actually, disregarding our history w/ them; yet, u conveniently dismiss from UR memory & give Adidas a pass for giving us the white & Super Wide Silver U helmets or the Black & Super Wide Silver Veteran Appreciation day helmets.
-In just SEVEN yrs, we’ve had:
1. Feathers
2. Silver
3. Strawberry Patches
4. Aqua Green
5. Became “The V”
6. A Maze on the #’s
7. Light orange
8. Tangerine orange
9. Shimmer Green
10. Annnnnd ALL have been crooked!

Yet, u wanna talk about the year 2014??! LMAO, OK, Mr or Ms (since I’m not sure if u’re a male or female) “I prefer Nike/Jordan Brand” per ur 2014 argument. U have a funny way of showing that.
“But, but, but, but they keep fixing them, though!” Lol. Adidas is the Manny Diaz of outfitters, FOH. U don’t need to keep fixing chit if u do it right.

4. AGAIN, FOR THEE RECORD: I’m trashing the ENTIRE operation of Adidas, specifically players’ apparel & fan apparel. Something u can’t refute, which is y u’re not addressing that, talking in circles. Pay the fck attention. When ****’s, Fanatics, and other retailers are constantly marking down our newly released gear, it’s a sign that chit ain’t moving! Why? B/c they suck! Grown men don’t want to wear a tangerine orange, w/ a sticker Ibis on their shoes, unless they rocking baggy sweat pants to hide their diapers!


5. Did or did not Adidas give our theme to FIU, a G5 school, when we played on the grounds of OUR old home?

6. Did or did not Adidas renege on our contractual agreement regarding compensation compared to other ACC Schools?

7. Did or did not Adidas almost burn our b-ball program w/ impermissible benefits behind our back, launching a FBI investigation into us?

This is all w/in 7 yrs??! Really? And we give Cristobal a jersey that fits a baby?? Lol. My guy try to stretch it, and his face said it all. Lol.

Anyways, u’re right about one thing; I didn’t find u defend Diaz, so there’s that. Lol. U r a Raiders fan, so I expect nothing less than a back & forth.
What’s funny, & @AllAboutTheU can attest to this; I said I have more NUPE friends than friends from my own frat. Lol. My boy who’s connected to SC & Poly is a NUPE. They actually thought I was going to be on that line that crossed, but I was a Sigma Beta in HS & my mentor had me all sold on PBS life before I stepped foot on campus. Let’s just say I pulled a Cristobal during that decision. Lol.

What yr did u cross?
Im a young cat. I crossed Spr. 2008 (grad)
1. We’ve gone back & forth on this topic in 2014. I was perfectly fine w/ the green lids. Why? B/c we rocked green lids in the 70’s. Did u know that? We rocked burnt leather helmets in the 30’s. Were u aware w/ that? So as long as it’s in OUR history, I have zero problems. Just like I had zero problems w/ the green & gold jerseys w/ the gold warning flag lids b/c we rocked them in the late 60’s.

I said back then, my complaint w/ the green & burnt lids was Nike should’ve went w/ a matted finish like the original helmets vs a gloss, but for me, if we rocked yellow helmets I would be good b/c it’s in OUR history. I’m all for whatever is in our archive. I love throw backs, even ones w/ a modern touch like the 75th addition of The Golden State Warriors jerseys this season.


(Smile, u’re on candid camera. Yeah u tend to change ur tune later, but u go hard in the paint in the moment.)

3. It amazes me how ur trying to hold Nike accountable for changing our lids in 2014, lid colors in our HISTORY, actually, disregarding our history w/ them; yet, u conveniently dismiss from UR memory & give Adidas a pass for giving us the white & Super Wide Silver U helmets or the Black & Super Wide Silver Veteran Appreciation day helmets.
-In just SEVEN yrs, we’ve had:
1. Feathers
2. Silver
3. Strawberry Patches
4. Aqua Green
5. Became “The V”
6. A Maze on the #’s
7. Light orange
8. Tangerine orange
9. Shimmer Green
10. Annnnnd ALL have been crooked!

Yet, u wanna talk about the year 2014??! LMAO, OK, Mr or Ms (since I’m not sure if u’re a male or female) “I prefer Nike/Jordan Brand” per ur 2014 argument. U have a funny way of showing that.
“But, but, but, but they keep fixing them, though!” Lol. Adidas is the Manny Diaz of outfitters, FOH. U don’t need to keep fixing chit if u do it right.

4. AGAIN, FOR THEE RECORD: I’m trashing the ENTIRE operation of Adidas, specifically players’ apparel & fan apparel. Something u can’t refute, which is y u’re not addressing that, talking in circles. Pay the fck attention. When ****’s, Fanatics, and other retailers are constantly marking down our newly released gear, it’s a sign that chit ain’t moving! Why? B/c they suck! Grown men don’t want to wear a tangerine orange, w/ a sticker Ibis on their shoes, unless they rocking baggy sweat pants to hide their diapers!


5. Did or did not Adidas give our theme to FIU, a G5 school, when we played on the grounds of OUR old home?

6. Did or did not Adidas renege on our contractual agreement regarding compensation compared to other ACC Schools?

7. Did or did not Adidas almost burn our b-ball program w/ impermissible benefits behind our back, launching a FBI investigation into us?

This is all w/in 7 yrs??! Really? And we give Cristobal a jersey that fits a baby?? Lol. My guy try to stretch it, and his face said it all. Lol.

Anyways, u’re right about one thing; I didn’t find u defend Diaz, so there’s that. Lol. U r a Raiders fan, so I expect nothing less than a back & forth.
Lol I think those posts actually hold up for what I was saying... What I was defending Blake James for is pretty reasonable imo. And how is that me even close to simping for Diaz? I really think you're lacking any type of comprehension of the situation or what was even said. Wow In 2016 I was excited for a non Donofrio Defense that was attacking. Oh hey guess what it worked pretty ******* well for a few years and at the least it was exactly what a said it was - aggressive. You going to act like it wasn't fun to watch the defense in 2018?. I guess we're supposed to do nothing but hate on every person in the program? Blake James wasn't a good AD. He did some things I liked - like get the IPF done, switched to Adidas, etc. Could anyone else have done that? yes. The problem really was bigger than Blake James who was really just a nobody doing what he was told basically.

Bro there is a major ******* difference between having a one-off uniform one or two games and having an actual ******* alt helmet be green or orange. Idgaf if it was apart of our history at one point or not. It was ******* trash. It looked like complete garbage. You comparing that bull**** to the black helmet we wear every once in a while or to those ice uniforms is exactly what I'm talking about. It's not even close how much worse that was out of Nike than what we have out of Adidas right now. Literally everything you're trashing Adidas for has basically been fixed already so why are you still *****ing about it. The **** Nike gave us was the last thing they did. Major difference. Wow our logo stretches a little.... cry me a river.

Idk what adidas did or did not do regarding contracts, so I haven't been speaking to that at all. Maybe thats a good reason to want to go back to Nike. But purely from looking at the uniforms we have worn, there is ZERO question in my mind Adidas has been FAR SUPERIOR. And all your points just further make me believe that. Literally like all your critiques are nbd to me.
Lol I think those posts actually hold up for what I was saying... What I was defending Blake James for is pretty reasonable imo. And how is that me even close to simping for Diaz? I really think you're lacking any type of comprehension of the situation or what was even said. Wow In 2016 I was excited for a non Donofrio Defense that was attacking. Oh hey guess what it worked pretty ******* well for a few years and at the least it was exactly what a said it was - aggressive. You going to act like it wasn't fun to watch the defense in 2018?. I guess we're supposed to do nothing but hate on every person in the program? Blake James wasn't a good AD. He did some things I liked - like get the IPF done, switched to Adidas, etc. Could anyone else have done that? yes. The problem really was bigger than Blake James who was really just a nobody doing what he was told basically.

Bro there is a major ******* difference between having a one-off uniform one or two games and having an actual ******* alt helmet be green or orange. Idgaf if it was apart of our history at one point or not. It was ******* trash. It looked like complete garbage. You comparing that bull**** to the black helmet we wear every once in a while or to those ice uniforms is exactly what I'm talking about. It's not even close how much worse that was out of Nike than what we have out of Adidas right now. Literally everything you're trashing Adidas for has basically been fixed already so why are you still *****ing about it. The **** Nike gave us was the last thing they did. Major difference. Wow our logo stretches a little.... cry me a river.

Idk what adidas did or did not do regarding contracts, so I haven't been speaking to that at all. Maybe thats a good reason to want to go back to Nike. But purely from looking at the uniforms we have worn, there is ZERO question in my mind Adidas has been FAR SUPERIOR. And all your points just further make me believe that. Literally like all your critiques are nbd to me.

Lol; no problem Captain Save-A…salute to u
The only time I've thought about uniforms... is when they look excessively stupid. How hard is it to NOT make your uniforms stupid? Not hard! Dont make stupid uniforms nobody likes... thanks. Signed - peruche.
Kappa Alpha Psi
glad to hear it wasn't Lambda Lambda Lambda
