New Stadium

An on campus stadium would be optimal for various reasons but I have given up on the prospect of this ever happening,
The noise in the OB especially in that WEZ was second to none.

I think the loudest the Orange Bowl ever got was when we played Nebraska for the National Championship and my man Kenny Calhoun (good dude) deflected that pass on their attempted 2 point conversion.

Those were the days my friend , we thought they’d never end (okay I’m digressing a bit now) 🏈
How is it that SMU can build an on-campus stadium, but we can't? Dallas is a bigger, more congested city. University Park is wealthier than Coral Gables. Miami has more fans than SMU.

And yet our admin has our fanbase so beaten down and duped that people actually believe building a stadium would be impossible.

Where there's a will, there's a way. If Miami wanted a stadium built in Coral Gables, it would happen.
I thought we were cool man. Lol. Ok. Aside from the zoning which wouldn’t permit it, we couldn’t afford it in the location that it’s located.

The environmental and traffic studies would show cost prohibitive requirements on the transportation planning and infrastructure development side in that specific location. They would likely need roads widened and extended in ways that would require more money than we have to do acquisitions and then build it out. It’s just not suited for that type of venue to go there, especially with land costs.

I’m not making this up. How do I say this??? I’m an expert in transportation planning and public infrastructure and land acquisitions involving major projects. Yes, Eminent Domain and zoning too. The costs would be insane, the environmental and structural impacts to that neighborhood and the extended neighborhoods would be unbearable, given how it’s all situated.

And politically, if either the state or City leadership has an issue with doing it we would be dead. The stringent requirements would magnify. It would need to be in an area whose situation has the ability to be more easily changed and absorb the new use.
I think the loudest the Orange Bowl ever got was when we played Nebraska for the National Championship and my man Kenny Calhoun (good dude) deflected that pass on their attempted 2 point conversion.

Those were the days my friend , we thought they’d never end (okay I’m digressing a bit now) 🏈
Man that place erupted!!! Those were the days bro.
I’ve been to a lot of big time college stadiums. Husky Stadium and the Coliseum are the only ones I would compare to Hard Rock as an overall great experience. Obviously I am biased

SEC is over rated. Complete low IQ people surrounding you, it’s really not that loud, super fratty. All SEC stadiums are a logistical nightmare to leave.

BIG10 seemed to have cool people but it is f*cking freezing in October.
Let me just go ahead and do this for those of you who think there's some large amount of green space to accommodate a football stadium. I guarantee you this will be the first time most of you have looked at it...

If they razed West Lab and consolidated the big green space to the east. Some oak trees would need to get knocked down.
Let me just go ahead and do this for those of you who think there's some large amount of green space to accommodate a football stadium. I guarantee you this will be the first time most of you have looked at it...

View attachment 101733
Tear down all that academic bullsh*t and put some field goal posts up, cotdamnit. Kids are learning on the internets theses days
Unless something changes... the best location for a stadium would be Tropical Park... and that's if the County would give the U the same sweet deal they gave Loria and the Marlins. The location has the needed close expressway access needed for the traffic generated by games.
I still have yet to read someone explain the benefit of having an on campus stadium (relative to the dynamics Miami is facing and not some big state school).... Yay we have an on campus stadium like Wake Forest or Vandy... That will definitely draw the recruits....
Let me just go ahead and do this for those of you who think there's some large amount of green space to accommodate a football stadium. I guarantee you this will be the first time most of you have looked at it...

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Anybody that’s ever attended the University, or set foot on campus, knows immediately there is no where to put a stadium. Literally nowhere.
I go to all the games. You’re dead wrong. It was loud from the get go and that wasn’t a sellout crowd last Saturday. I don’t know maybe it was 45,000-50,000, no idea. Still not bad considering everything this year. The only thing you’re right about is that it’s always late arriving crowd. Be a fan of Michigan if you want then you can watch 100,000 people in the stands and boring *** big 10 football. That oughta make you happy.
People from big cities generally get to their sporting events late it's just a thing
Let me just go ahead and do this for those of you who think there's some large amount of green space to accommodate a football stadium. I guarantee you this will be the first time most of you have looked at it...

View attachment 101733
Aside from all that snark at the end. a pic is worth a thousand words. My question is, Do we really need all that neighborhood???
I go to all the games. You’re dead wrong. It was loud from the get go and that wasn’t a sellout crowd last Saturday. I don’t know maybe it was 45,000-50,000, no idea. Still not bad considering everything this year. The only thing you’re right about is that it’s always late arriving crowd. Be a fan of Michigan if you want then you can watch 100,000 people in the stands and boring *** big 10 football. That oughta make you happy.

For what it's worth, whenever I go out to the restroom during games, there is a not-insignificant number of people hanging out by all the bars and food vendors. If all those people were in their seats at once, I think it would look different. This is the price we pay for playing in a stadium that sells good beer, decent food, and has TVs around everywhere showing the game.
Let me just go ahead and do this for those of you who think there's some large amount of green space to accommodate a football stadium. I guarantee you this will be the first time most of you have looked at it...

View attachment 101733
The best opportunity for an on campus ( near campus ) stadium passed 20+ years ago. Holsum Bakery site across Dixie Highway and Red Road now the site of Sunset Place. Probably never would have been approved though.