New Pres.


March 30, 2015

Dear University of Miami Family and Friends:

Last fall the Presidential Search Committee was charged with finding the successor to President Shalala. This is a tall order, but we’re confident we are on the right track and would like to take this opportunity to give a short update.

We reached out to the community to hear the views and suggestions. We are pleased to report that we have hosted more than 50 separate outreach meetings. It has been invigorating and heartening to witness the interest of so many and rewarding to experience everyone’s willingness to assist in the process. Not surprisingly, different groups have their own distinctive areas of focus, and we learned much about the enormous complexity of our institution. While such individual concerns and desires were helpful to understand, a few overriding and recurrent themes prevailed throughout this process:

• the very tangible pride and commitment that so many have in the U was remarkable . . . and heartwarming;
• the uniqueness of our university, our location, and our community was an asset people consistently felt we need to leverage;
• UM is atypical in our boldness, in our willingness to take risks for the greater good of the university, as a 21st-century global university. We are not your “usual” university, and our next president shouldn’t be “usual.”
• Personal relationships matter. The interpersonal skills of our next president should be an important component of our consideration set. Our goal has been to identify and to recruit a leader not only capable of building on the university’s proud legacy, but also someone who is ready to roll up his or her sleeves and jump in with new ideas and a distinct and energetic vision.

As anticipated, our search received an enthusiastic response from a very distinguished and diverse pool of candidates. After very careful deliberation, we have narrowed that pool to four finalists. We met with these four for multiple and varied interviews; we not only met with them in formal settings in Miami, we also visited them on their home turf, even dining in their homes. We feel good about the process and are on track now to finalize a choice over the next few weeks. We are confident that our next president will not be comfortable resting on our laurels; he or she will be a change agent, dedicated to increasing our university’s stature and reputation for excellence.

One final theme emerged from our various outreach meetings, which was the recognition that the new president cannot accomplish this ambitious agenda for change alone. Our next president’s success – and therefore UM’s success – is absolutely dependent on our ability as a community to come together—to inform, support, and work as a team. Managing the transition will be just as important to our success as making the right choice for president.

We thank you for the wisdom you shared and for your invaluable contributions to our process. We look to you now to be equally generous and wise as we move into this next stage of transition.

On behalf of the entire Presidential Search Committee, we thank you for your support, for your insights, and for your encouragement. We are tremendously proud to have been asked to serve in this capacity and honored by your entrusting us with this important task.

Richard "Baby Dlck" D. Fain

Chair, Presidential Search Committee
Vice Chair, Board of Trustees
For the record, I don't think Yuracko gets the job but she got consideration because she was that, "Rising Star," type that another poster referenced earlier.

I still think it's Stavridis's to lose.
We're getting the Rear Admiral every weekend in the fall anyways, might as well give him the job full time.
Who needs great football players as long as we have the appropriate mix of diversity? Why be the usual university when "UM is atypical in our boldness, in our willingness to take risks for the greater good of the university, as a 21st-century global university." Blah, blah, blah, mierda!
Who needs great football players as long as we have the appropriate mix of diversity? Why be the usual university when "UM is atypical in our boldness, in our willingness to take risks for the greater good of the university, as a 21st-century global university." Blah, blah, blah, mierda!

Diversity = we don't care if you have polka dot skin, or ***** the pooch (literally), or are any of the 5 genders, or worship naval lint (from the ship laundry), as long as you're a good Marxist.
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For the record, I don't think Yuracko gets the job but she got consideration because she was that, "Rising Star," type that another poster referenced earlier.

I still think it's Stavridis's to lose.

This worries me. As Tad has painstakingly detailed, you must at least come across as a Left of Center "freethinker" (actually the opposite in American Leftist practice, but I digress) to those other University presidents your looking to be chummy with...Does it really matter for the actual job? **** no, but it keeps up the academia narrative. If I was advising Stavridis, I would pass on some sage retired military advice:

If you are no longer active duty or reserve, your a civilian NUMBNUTS! Act like it!

Exhibit 1 from Stavridis social media presence:

Exhibit 2 from Stavridis social media presence:

Yep, we get your a full admiral, four stars, but a significant number of people influencing hiring decision makers absolutely loathe the military. Don't make their job any easier by letting them deride you as a baby killer behind closed doors (at least we got them out of the open ala 1966-1979).

Take down all the uniform pictures and show yourself in academic dress on all platforms, DEAN Stavridis. Trust me, you don't lose your leadership style or panache when you don't have the uniform on, you just (as Clint Eastwood remarked in his role as Master Gunnery Sergeant Tom Highway in Heartbreak Ridge),
"Adapt, You Overcome"
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No matter who the next UM President is, they will likely not be as good as donna was on paper.

Example #1:

UM football in donna's last year: 6-7
UM football in new prez's 1st year: 4-8
Can't see Yuracko coming close to sniffing the uM presidency. She's only held two extremely short-term admin positions, one as Assoc Dean for Academic Affairs/Faculty and Research and one as Interim Deam of the Law School at NW. She may be some sort of "rising star" or whatever, but her CV sure doesn't point to a serious candidate for UM president.

'Bout the same credentials as Golden, so she's a shoo-in.
I've heard about the Admiral. Who is the other person?

Kimberly Yuracko joined the Northwestern Law faculty in 2002 after serving as a Visiting Assistant Professor of Law for the 2001-02 academic year. She served as Associate Dean for Academic Affairs: Faculty and Research from October 2009 through December 2010. From January 2011 through December 2011 she served as Interim Dean of the Law School. Her primary research interests are in antidiscrimination law with a focus on *** discrimination in employment and gender equity in education. She teaches courses in employment law, property, and family law. Her book Perfectionism and Contemporary Feminist Values was published in 2003 by Indiana University Press. She is also a co-author of the casebook Feminist Jurisprudence: Cases and Materials and is the author of numerous articles.


Oh, crap. Just what we need, another liberal, radical feminist **************. I sure hope this is just a bad rumor.
Jesu Christo. Don't even bother looking up her published works because it'll ruin your freaking day. The batsh!t crazy eyes should be an instant disqualifier.

View attachment 30131

Not to mention that she's on the intrawebs looking for friends for her and her kid.

I'm going to start drinking now. Wake me up when she institutes a campus wide "sensitivity" initiative and gender neutral restrooms. Then I can just end it.

Let's put a smile on that face.
I've heard about the Admiral. Who is the other person?


Oh, crap. Just what we need, another liberal, radical feminist **************. I sure hope this is just a bad rumor.
Jesu Christo. Don't even bother looking up her published works because it'll ruin your freaking day. The batsh!t crazy eyes should be an instant disqualifier.

View attachment 30131

Not to mention that she's on the intrawebs looking for friends for her and her kid.

I'm going to start drinking now. Wake me up when she institutes a campus wide "sensitivity" initiative and gender neutral restrooms. Then I can just end it.

Let's put a smile on that face.

Blake james would do her.
I also expect UM's faux top 50 ranking in US News to disappear after donna leaves.

This is a foregone conclusion. Don't see how this school stays in business when (in theory) you can get a better education for much less money up in Hogtown.
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Can't see Yuracko coming close to sniffing the uM presidency. She's only held two extremely short-term admin positions, one as Assoc Dean for Academic Affairs/Faculty and Research and one as Interim Deam of the Law School at NW. She may be some sort of "rising star" or whatever, but her CV sure doesn't point to a serious candidate for UM president.

'Bout the same credentials as Golden, so she's a shoo-in.

Not even close...Golden had HC experience already. This chick has been the equivalent of an interim position coach for a year or two.
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I've heard about the Admiral. Who is the other person?

Kimberly Yuracko joined the Northwestern Law faculty in 2002 after serving as a Visiting Assistant Professor of Law for the 2001-02 academic year. She served as Associate Dean for Academic Affairs: Faculty and Research from October 2009 through December 2010. From January 2011 through December 2011 she served as Interim Dean of the Law School. Her primary research interests are in antidiscrimination law with a focus on *** discrimination in employment and gender equity in education. She teaches courses in employment law, property, and family law. Her book Perfectionism and Contemporary Feminist Values was published in 2003 by Indiana University Press. She is also a co-author of the casebook Feminist Jurisprudence: Cases and Materials and is the author of numerous articles.


just got home from work and saw this after asking about it this morning and thought to myself "Wooooooooeeeeee, this is gonna be good". Can't wait to read the tread......
For the record, I don't think Yuracko gets the job but she got consideration because she was that, "Rising Star," type that another poster referenced earlier.

I still think it's Stavridis's to lose.

Do you know for certain if she is among the four finalists?

I do not know for certain that she is one of the 4 finalists but I heard her name being said back in January so she was at least getting late interest.