Confirmed New DC is Lance Guidry

There have been reports on Bama side saying interest/offer in Strong is false reporting. Is there a chance he stays on for recruiting standpoint since Guidry a secondary coach.
Ideally you’d like to see a hire that has a little more experience. Both as a DC and recruiter on the trail.

Looking at Mashall’s F+ rankings:

In 2020, before he got there, they were 21st in defense.

Then Doc is gone, Huff takes over. Maybe it’s because it was a new defense, but Marshall slips to 46 under him. Which is probably a little further than you’d want, even if breaking in a few defense.

But in 2022, even adjusting for schedule, they rank 10th. So pretty elite once the players had a year in the defense down.

But that’s also it for a sample size.
Me waiting for @Memnon opinion

Nervous Ted Striker GIF by filmeditor
This feels to me like when Butch dumped Bill MIller (I know we didn’t fire Steele but we also didn’t fight to keep him), and hired Greg Schiano.
For those who remember that switch you will recall how quickly our defense changed. That worked out pretty well
Good hire. Expect a lot of complaining that we didn’t hire Bill Belichick as our DC but this guys is very good and has proven he can do it at a couple of different places.
Not with me. This gives me hope that Mario is open to innovative up and coming guys, something this program needs. Come on Mario, do this with offense too.
actually impressive considering how sudden the Steele move happened. apparently a good hire by reviews so im good lets roll (TBH, i dont think he flopped on the D staff last year either)
Just a guess but the Steele thing probably wasn't as sudden. I imagine he let Mario know is had been approached and if the offer came through he would take it. He probably was at least a week ahead of the public announcement. JMO