I stated what I believe to be fact, how it affects any of you is up to you. In other words, I tell it like I see it.
To your other question, I rattled off the first four big cities I could think of. USC? HAAHAHAHA buddy.... Los Angeles doesn't give one **** about USC just like Miami doesn't give one **** about the canes. No offense. If the city of Miami gave a ****, we would have 10x more money than Alabama. But they don't, and we don't.
Stanford? Their own students don't even give a **** about that team.
College football has a small and religious following outside the south, but it's far, far from the mainstream. New York, LA, these are NFL towns. So is Miami.
The only place where college football has a big following is the old slave states down south. It is what it is.
And where do South Bend, Ann Arbor, Columbus, fall within you definition of old slave states down south?
Derp derp derp....
Are you suggesting that South Bend, Ann Arbor, and Columbus are not "religiously" passionate about their teams?
Yep. I've been to South Bend, seen Notre Dame play. Been to Columbus, seen Ohio State. Outside of Columbus, Ohio has the Bengals and the Browns. Notre Dame.... well my chart already showed you chicago don't really give a **** like they do about the Bears.
Here's a google heat map for the search term "college football." As you can clearly see, it's MUCH more popular in the old south than anywhere else.
I don't get how anyone can talk about Canes sports every single day. Like seriously I believe the ones who are negative and such are just burnt the **** out on this **** but they can't stop.
Some of y'all need take a long break from this BS(Canes news).
OMC who exactly is this thread pointed at? Name some posters you feel are too negative as you call it?