NCAA alleges Miami ignored Shapiro's involvement

I don't ever wish pain on anyone, but....

Someone needs to go all "Allah Akbar" on 700 W. Washington Street in Indianapolis, Indiana

So by asking how Miami handled Shapiro, they are "alleging" Miami knew but ignored what he was doing?

Maybe I'm st00pid, but I'm pretty sure the NCAA has not produced any evidence that Miami knew of any improprieties... So how are they alleging it?

The article didn't supply any direct wording from the NCAA, but the implication is that they wouldn't be asking for this evidence if they believed UM used due diligence.

Thing that bugs me is that they've had over 2 years to "investigate" this, so you'd think they'd find out whether UM did or did not use their due diligence BEFORE slapping us with LOIC.
The University had NO OBLIGATION to hire a PI to investigate Shapiro. But they did.

Why would Miami spend money to hire a PI just to ignore what he said? The PI, from what we know, didn't uncover anything that implicated wrongdoing.

Secondly, if it was Paul Dee's responsibility to control Shapiro, why was he not interviewed? If the onus fell to the head coaches, why were they neither interviewed nor given show causes if they "ignored evidence". Not a single authority figure was implicated in anything close to unethical behavior! NOT ONE.

Their citing of LOIC is the biggest farce in all of this.
The ONLY acceptable resolution to this whole charade involves Emmert taking a perp walk. That ***** needs to do time. Sharing a cell with Shapiro or Sandusky would be fitting. I am not kidding, either. He needs to be arrested, tried, convicted, sentenced then sodomized.
Lots of good points in this thread but some thing that fail get the emphasis over and over by the media et al are facts about Shapiro:

1. He is now known to be one of the greatest ponzi schemers of all time - but to know this at the time and not now falls under hindsight is 20/20

- he fooled everyone for years including very sophisticated investors or those who managed their money/did background checks etc

-how long and how much federal money/manpower/hours etc did it take to actually catch him - far more than any university would have at its disposal much less a small private U with 5-9 person (?? amount) compliance department

2. He has stated over and over -- screaming his agenda to bring down UM no matter what it takes

3. The amount of "STUFF" that has been proven as factual and true led to zero or one game suspensions of all but 3 players - these are such small infractions/ $$$ how would this create or raise a flag - or for larger amounts like the value of a recruit in a suite at a football game - this is not like the 10s of thousands of dollars flowing blatantly for everyone to see - or players driving around in new cars etc

4. Mentioned more but not enough - almost no objective corroboration of what Shapiro says (just take it as fact since said it twice)

5. as stated above citing LOIC without actually interviewing those in charge of the institution ie ADs, coaches, etc (who knows who else)

Those aspects mentioned above are major issues without even bringing to table all the other charade/ethical/illegal crap from the NCAA.
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Miami needs to send some folks undercover to Bama & LSU, record all the same things there & say hey if you're gonna hit us then we're bringing them down too. Oh yeah and by the way federal investigators have copies of the evidence so lets be fair.