Name that Miami likes at WR

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For those that need it, I started a new thread about dogs and it seems to be going well

But but he won’t come cause we lost one game while he watched. But if he watched us lose on tv as well lol. Like bruh this ain’t going to effect him the sample size and players and the relationship with the Hc is what they look at. I’m surprised and not surprised people think that this sh be tied together. Like the only downside is You went to a game that you couldn’t get hyped for a blowout. And that’s it
But but he won’t come cause we lost one game while he watched. But if he watched us lose on tv as well lol. Like bruh this ain’t going to effect him the sample size and players and the relationship with the Hc is what they look at. I’m surprised and not surprised people think that this sh be tied together. Like the only downside is You went to a game that you couldn’t get hyped for a blowout. And that’s it
I think we’re still good. Smith not so much as of today
If you're a kid trying to navigate the next 4-5 years of your life to make it to the NFL why would you put your future in a coaches hands that doesn't even know how to call for taking a knee.
If you're a kid trying to navigate the next 4-5 years of your life to make it to the NFL why would you put your future in a coaches hands that doesn't even know how to call for taking a knee.

I am certain the board wants to hear no positivity today but I'll drop some. Recruits look for opportunities and situations to perform in. We don't need to be in damage control. We are going to be just fine with this class and the following two.

One thing I will say. I can guarantee you our fan bases reaction and vitriol has more of a negative impact on recruiting than a coaching blunder or lack of execution by a CFB player ever will. This loss hurt our hopes for a dream season as fans much more than it hurt the perception with recruits. 💯
I am certain the board wants to hear no positivity today but I'll drop some. Recruits look for opportunities and situations to perform in. We don't need to be in damage control. We are going to be just fine with this class and the following two.

One thing I will say. I can guarantee you our fan bases reaction and vitriol has more of a negative impact on recruiting than a coaching blunder or lack of execution by a CFB player ever will. This loss hurt our hopes for a dream season as fans much more than it hurt the perception with recruits. 💯

The booing of our offense last night after they put up multiple dominant performances was pretty tired. I was in awe on how retarded this fan base was. Yes they sucked last night but can’t just boo them because they were struggling last night.
The booing of our offense last night after they put up multiple dominant performances was pretty tired. I was in awe on how retarded this fan base was. Yes they sucked last night but can’t just boo them because they were struggling last night.
We've always had spoiled entitled fans. I knew if we had a rough game they'd turn on the team despite what went on or weather conditions or getting outcoached.
If you're a kid trying to navigate the next 4-5 years of your life to make it to the NFL why would you put your future in a coaches hands that doesn't even know how to call for taking a knee.

As sick as I am today and as much as I couldn't sleep last night

Him not taking a knee will not hurt this kid's chance to maKe the NFL one bit. And this spring's draft will show that
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