Mullins ? Up dates please ?

What's going on with him ? Is he getting or not . I heard all year how we don't have know worries about Mullins getting in ?

You'll get one when there is something to update

Were you afraid that he was cleared, enrolled and practicing...and you were the only one that hadn't heard yet? Next time, take 20 seconds to skim the board before waisting our time. When there is a definitive answer, good or bad, there will be mass posts discussing it. I promise, you won't miss it.

I'm curious as to how exactly one goes about "waisting" time.

Only when you have made time your belt will you truly be free.

NCAA is a shady organization. Time for the Big 4 conferences to leave the NCAA & form their own governing organization with its own rules. **** the out dated NCAA.
No offense to the OP as his is obviously a legit question but I love when fans are like "Is this happening...or what?!" as in they've reached a personal breaking point with some issue and if it's not resolved right NOW then just forget about it!
Hope the kid makes it in. Influx of additional talent always a good thing. Even if its a bit late the practice and training will be very beneficial for his development going into next season. Gonna need a polished WR to replace Coley.