Motion to Dismiss--Link

Shapiro first tried to get money for publishing a book about his allegations.He then asked SI for money for his story and they declined.Finally Yahoo and it's "reputable reporter",Robinson,published the story.I bet Yahoo paid Shapiro for the story.

Indiana radio station reported that the ncaa read the report and then trashed it,I live in Ohio and sometimes listen, and he also predicted we was getting loic 2 days before the loa arrived,I don't know but Mark Emmert said last week we don't mind being sued>>>>THEY AINT BUDGING ONE BIT,go ahead and miss the June hearing and file papers the sooner the better
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Indiana radio station reported that the ncaa read the report and then trashed it,I live in Ohio and sometimes listen and he also predicted we was getting loic 2 days before the loa arrived,I don't know but Mark Emmert said last week we don't mind being sued>>>>THEY AINT BUDGING ONE BIT,go ahead and miss the June hearing and file papers the sooner the better

A few things.

* I'm suuuure the radio guy in Indiana has the exclusive scoop on the COI's reaction to the Motion.
* I bet if and when the radio guy in Indiana said that the NCAA trashed our motion, he meant that the NCAA's Enforcement arm wrote a 42-page rebuttal to our Motion and didn't just sit on its hands. Doubt he was referring to the COI's response, know...nobody knows.
* He predicted LOIC? Holy **** stains! Did he also predict that we'd put some cornerbacks on the field against FAU in our first game? Seems legit.
* Mark Emmert says a lot of things. A lawsuit in this Miami ordeal is not in the NCAA's best interests. That's just a fact.

Your post leads me to believe that you're an idiot.