
took long enough, but finally we got someone in here that knows what he's doing

oh, and to you Al Folden...


I don't get the hate for Golden, Shannon, or Coker. Why wouldn't they take the job? Problem was the administration going cheap time after time. They thought Miami could just plug any coach in and win. There's no one on this board that would get offered 1.5 mil a year and turn it down. We should have been throwing out a much higher number to get a real coach and staff. Bargain bin coaches at a bargain bin price.

We shouldn't have expected to catch a big fish using a second hand Barbie rod and reel.

Interesting comment here. Golden was an ******* who communicated with the fans as if they were complete fools. Remember his interviews on wqam? The man was complete trash who refused to make changes for the good of the team. He was a selfish clown who hid behind that corny *** tie. He didn't know anything about championship football and if IIRC you where on board with this clown despite his obvious short comings in year 1.

My point was none of them should have been hired. It was the administration that deserves the hate, not the cheap *** coaches we hired. I didn't say anyone should LIKE the man, or any of the failures at HC. Just that the people responsible for those crap hires get a pass here. I don't get it.
took long enough, but finally we got someone in here that knows what he's doing

oh, and to you Al Folden...


I don't get the hate for Golden, Shannon, or Coker. Why wouldn't they take the job? Problem was the administration going cheap time after time. They thought Miami could just plug any coach in and win. There's no one on this board that would get offered 1.5 mil a year and turn it down. We should have been throwing out a much higher number to get a real coach and staff. Bargain bin coaches at a bargain bin price.

We shouldn't have expected to catch a big fish using a second hand Barbie rod and reel.

Stopped reading at "I don't get the hate."

Only an idiot says this. Straight up. God bless your soul.

Agreed 100% anyone that doesn't understand that should stick to Madden. This is simple. Coker didn't deserve hate. He was a **** good offensive coordinator who let himself be fooled by the kids that he was ready to be the head man at a big time show. His problem is he was unprepared for the job or the responsibility put on his shoulders. He screwed us cause he knew no better. Onion screwed us cause everything he did was about favoritism & having everything his way. He literally undermined every person from player to coach to administration while he was here. Far as golden goes he deserves nothing but hatred because he purposely ****ed his team. Any coaches job is to take the talent on hand & tweak your system to vet the best out of the whole shebang. Well all he did was repeatedly State in his own words "I got these athletically inferior kids at temple to do it my way & win(somewhat) so why can't these kids here do the same. The problem isn't me & my schemes,coaches etc. It's these kids are stoopid & not as good as they believe. They're failing us. What else is he saying when week Fter week it's we just didn't come out right... stop giving these pricks excuses.

Don't let Thomas M fool you. He loved Golden.

I back every coach we hire, and give everyone a chance. I did it with Jimmy Johnson, Dennis Erickson, Butch Davis, Larry Coker, Randy Shannon, and Al Golden.

You can not deny the fact our administration went cheap, and that is the reason we got bad coaches. That is my point that so many of you are missing. We never even know who the **** Al Golden is if the administration doesn't hire him. I guess it's easier to attack a coach than the idiots that hired him.

We all see what happens when you get a real coaching staff in here. But you know, those don't come cheap. UM was cheap, and we got what we paid for. Tell me where I'm wrong.
I don't get the hate for Golden, Shannon, or Coker. Why wouldn't they take the job? Problem was the administration going cheap time after time. They thought Miami could just plug any coach in and win. There's no one on this board that would get offered 1.5 mil a year and turn it down. We should have been throwing out a much higher number to get a real coach and staff. Bargain bin coaches at a bargain bin price.

We shouldn't have expected to catch a big fish using a second hand Barbie rod and reel.

Stopped reading at "I don't get the hate."

Only an idiot says this. Straight up. God bless your soul.

Agreed 100% anyone that doesn't understand that should stick to Madden. This is simple. Coker didn't deserve hate. He was a **** good offensive coordinator who let himself be fooled by the kids that he was ready to be the head man at a big time show. His problem is he was unprepared for the job or the responsibility put on his shoulders. He screwed us cause he knew no better. Onion screwed us cause everything he did was about favoritism & having everything his way. He literally undermined every person from player to coach to administration while he was here. Far as golden goes he deserves nothing but hatred because he purposely ****ed his team. Any coaches job is to take the talent on hand & tweak your system to vet the best out of the whole shebang. Well all he did was repeatedly State in his own words "I got these athletically inferior kids at temple to do it my way & win(somewhat) so why can't these kids here do the same. The problem isn't me & my schemes,coaches etc. It's these kids are stoopid & not as good as they believe. They're failing us. What else is he saying when week Fter week it's we just didn't come out right... stop giving these pricks excuses.

Don't let Thomas M fool you. He loved Golden.

I back every coach we hire, and give everyone a chance. I did it with Jimmy Johnson, Dennis Erickson, Butch Davis, Larry Coker, Randy Shannon, and Al Golden.

You can not deny the fact our administration went cheap, and that is the reason we got bad coaches. That is my point that so many of you are missing. We never even know who the **** Al Golden is if the administration doesn't hire him. I guess it's easier to attack a coach than the idiots that hired him.

We all see what happens when you get a real coaching staff in here. But you know, those don't come cheap. UM was cheap, and we got what we paid for. Tell me where I'm wrong.

Don't even try it you never supported Shannon. Trashed the dude from the jump while supporting golden to the bitter end. I agree, Miami went cheap but don't act like you treated both guys the same cause you didn't.
Wrong pal, I gave Randy a chance. Even after losing 47-0 to Virginia, when he signed that #1 class I was happy with him. I thought that despite his lack of coaching ability, he is going to tear it up in recruiting year after year. So, he got an influx of talent, but the results just didn't get better. The talent never developed. In my eyes the worst part of all was the recruiting afterwards. It fell off drastically. Players weren't reaching their potential, and talent was lacking horribly. I saw flaws in Randy Shannon as a coach, but I wanted the man to do well. Had he done well, he could have locked down South Florida for years.

What I didn't like were the Randy Shannon supporters that laughed at everyone that wanted him fired. "Randy Shannon aint going anywhere! HAHAHA" Remember those words? We had Randy Shannon fans, not Miami Hurricane fans. To the very end they supported Shannon, and we all know why. Those very same Shannon supporters hated Golden from day 1. Anyone, ANYONE that dared sticking up for this new coach at ANY point was crucified by the old Shannon Guard.

I challenge you to find me ONE person that was giddy Al Golden was head coach in 2015. They didn't exist. Everyone had turned on him. Much unlike the Shannon people who laughed at the rest of us for wanting a real coach at UM. Or is your memory that selective, or short?
As for me supporting Golden to the bitter end? Man, I was writing everyone I knew at UM BEGGING for them to make a change, BEFORE THE END OF THE 2013 SEASON. Randy Shannon got more time from me than Al Golden did. Also, I never took any action to get Randy fired.

So yes, I did support Al Golden for 2.5 years. Not ashamed of it. I give every coach we hire 2-3 years to get things at least heading in the right direction.

Bitter end... You might want to get your facts straight.
Read an article not too long back quoting Reggie Youngblood as saying Shannon "ruined too many dudes careers,"; was a real taste for how those kids felt about having played for him. Will be interested to see if similar hate emerges from former stud recruits from the Golden era i.e. Chick, Tracy Howard (luckily those two both seem to be carving a niche in the league)



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Randy Randy he's our man, if he can't do it...

Fire him

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This doesn't sound like a guy whom claims he gives a coach 2-3 years. Matter of fact you wanted Shannon gone after the Ou game in 2007 along with 1canes1, ylcane, tdjones34 and I think canesjim. Bottom line is you gave one coach a chance while wanting the bother gone real quick even based on your own self proclaimed standards.
Hey man, after that showing I was disgusted. "Hey, I'ma call timeout with the clock stopped!" I am flattered you took the time to dig that up.

We all post stuff after a loss. That doesn't mean I didn't want the man to succeed here. I was absolutely disgusted with the way he handled the end of that Cal game. Letting the clock run down, then calling his last timeout when the clock was stopped? Who the **** WASN'T upset by that? Still, I hoped the best for him, even if my post game rant came across as me being anti-Randy.

Nothing would have locked down South Florida like Randy Shannon winning. I wanted that. I wanted one of our own to win here more than anything. If I had to choose between winning big with Al Golden or winning big with Randy Shannon, I'd have picked Shannon in a heartbeat.

Going back nearly ten years... Man... I have learned a lot since then. Main thing being it was not Coker's, Shannon's or Golden's fault for being hired. It was the cheap administration thinking they could hire anyone and win. Tell me I'm wrong.

It was guys like you that brought race into it by defending everything Randy did, or didn't do. YOU had an agenda. My only agenda was wanting the Miami Hurricanes to win. I wanted competent coaching. You, on the other hand, just wanted a brother coaching, results be damned. Yet you have the nerve to try to twist it to try to make me sound racist. Yeah, that's right, I'm racist. Something about orange and green makes me color blind. If I'm racist, why the **** do I like all of our players? God, you agenda fools drive me crazy.
took long enough, but finally we got someone in here that knows what he's doing

oh, and to you Al Folden...


I don't get the hate for Golden, Shannon, or Coker. Why wouldn't they take the job? Problem was the administration going cheap time after time. They thought Miami could just plug any coach in and win. There's no one on this board that would get offered 1.5 mil a year and turn it down. We should have been throwing out a much higher number to get a real coach and staff. Bargain bin coaches at a bargain bin price.

We shouldn't have expected to catch a big fish using a second hand Barbie rod and reel.

Interesting comment here. Golden was an ******* who communicated with the fans as if they were complete fools. Remember his interviews on wqam? The man was complete trash who refused to make changes for the good of the team. He was a selfish clown who hid behind that corny *** tie. He didn't know anything about championship football and if IIRC you where on board with this clown despite his obvious short comings in year 1.

My point was none of them should have been hired. It was the administration that deserves the hate, not the cheap *** coaches we hired. I didn't say anyone should LIKE the man, or any of the failures at HC. Just that the people responsible for those crap hires get a pass here. I don't get it.

Shalala should be the one to blame. She was the down fall of the best college football team of all time. Biggest NCAA ****up of all time.
Coker, Shannon, and Golden all sucked. My policy is to support our coaches until it becomes obvious things aren't working.

I'd prefer that we don't dwell on those 3 guys anymore.
Last edited:
Re:Shalala, see Clinton's and Clinton Foundation/Global Initative...86'd. She's a malignant tumor. Hopefully Valerie Jarret is the same.

Go Canes!
took long enough, but finally we got someone in here that knows what he's doing

oh, and to you Al Folden...


I don't get the hate for Golden, Shannon, or Coker. Why wouldn't they take the job? Problem was the administration going cheap time after time. They thought Miami could just plug any coach in and win. There's no one on this board that would get offered 1.5 mil a year and turn it down. We should have been throwing out a much higher number to get a real coach and staff. Bargain bin coaches at a bargain bin price.

We shouldn't have expected to catch a big fish using a second hand Barbie rod and reel.

Interesting comment here. Golden was an ******* who communicated with the fans as if they were complete fools. Remember his interviews on wqam? The man was complete trash who refused to make changes for the good of the team. He was a selfish clown who hid behind that corny *** tie. He didn't know anything about championship football and if IIRC you where on board with this clown despite his obvious short comings in year 1.

My point was none of them should have been hired. It was the administration that deserves the hate, not the cheap *** coaches we hired. I didn't say anyone should LIKE the man, or any of the failures at HC. Just that the people responsible for those crap hires get a pass here. I don't get it.

Shalala should be the one to blame. She was the down fall of the best college football team of all time. Biggest NCAA ****up of all time.

Thomas M, you made that comment during the first qtr. after Jahvid Bests' long run to put Miami down 14 love. Way before the game was decided. 10 years later you still lying about it. You in politics? Asking for a friend.

You hated the guy, that's fine. I didn't like the hire either but you had to give him a chance. You gave him 1.5 games while giving golden 4 years ATLEAST although you only claim 2.5 years. That's a lot longer than you gave Shannon.

People asked why you wanted him gone so quick and you claimed the old internet cliche "player development". After 1.5 games? After that you made up stuff or cheerleader other peoples made up comments.

Anyways, don't pretend like you don't understand the hatred for a coach when you hated Shannon.
Thomas M, you made that comment during the first qtr. after Jahvid Bests' long run to put Miami down 14 love. Way before the game was decided. 10 years later you still lying about it. You in politics? Asking for a friend.

You hated the guy, that's fine. I didn't like the hire either but you had to give him a chance. You gave him 1.5 games while giving golden 4 years ATLEAST although you only claim 2.5 years. That's a lot longer than you gave Shannon.

People asked why you wanted him gone so quick and you claimed the old internet cliche "player development". After 1.5 games? After that you made up stuff or cheerleader other peoples made up comments.

Anyways, don't pretend like you don't understand the hatred for a coach when you hated Shannon.

You need professional help.

You have a seriously obsessive personality. First, you must have shīt out about 90 posts on Bandy's "crappy" 100 m time. Now you're obsessing on another poster, literally to the point of stalking him. Seek the professional help which you so desperately need
For the record, I have Par on ignore. However, if I said Randy Shannon had a problem with player development after 1.5 games.... Crown me.

Goodnight, Par.