Da Orange Bowl should have been torn downs, and a new Orange Bowl built on da same sacred grounds.

Agree with all about how WOAT Golden is.

Still think the admin (Donna) was the cluster**** mastermind. It's no coincidence that after she left, we started to finally invest in the program, and what was the result??

Finally have a solid coaching staff and an IPF on the way (hopefully lol)

Donna should take plenty of blame bit not for the reasons most people put on her. She had nothing to do with his hire. We had a independent search team that put together the list of candidates & from that point everyone including the bot who was still split on is moving forward decided on him. Her blame for me comes from she was alot like the prick who pushed Jimmy out. She was worried about our look academically & as a result basically disregarded our athletics as a whole. For me she deserves blame for after year 1 the vast majority of the people who matter been turned on golden. She knew he was wrong for us but she never even tried to do what's right by those kids. Most off she deserves blame in my eyes cause she abandoned the ob & sent us off to purgatory at Joe Robbie. For that she should rot in the same mass pit as golden & no d. People have never gave the bot the credit they deserve. They have been prepared in many cases to make big splashes. Administration just never followed through till now.

I'll bite.. Do you think we'd have been better off with Barry Alvarez?

**** no. Barry would've been no better for us than alfraud. He is really stubborn to from everything I had heard. It takes a certain type of coach with certain types of schemes to be successful down here.

Fair enough, but nobody wanted Jimmy either. From what I gather, Alvarez was certainly more qualified than Larry and had the support of the admin (Donna), but players ultimately got what you wanted, which I think speaks against the popular narrative about Shalala that you alluded to..

Agree wholeheartedly with the OB, but BOT run schools, Dee, and they should equally if not share the majority of the blame as well.. One dude just paid a $14 mill to put his momma name on the new IPF. Other dude paid $100 mill to name medical school a few years back, and recently let off $50 mill to name the new campus health center.. Just a name! BOT got plenty of $$ and if they wanted to be Planks, Knights, or a Steve Ross they could easily do that. The city would have given us that land.. A lot of people should/could have stepped up.

BOT turned their back on the OB as well, along with the city (admin) of Miami, and way before Donna Shalala became president.. After what the football program has meant to the city and University over several decades, the players & fans deserved better for sure.

In hindsight, she ****ed up the OB real good and she's softly acknowledged the fact many times since. She's made several very bad real estate decisions during her tenure, but certainly was not the meddling football-hating troll she is often caricatured to be.
Agree with all about how WOAT Golden is.

Still think the admin (Donna) was the cluster**** mastermind. It's no coincidence that after she left, we started to finally invest in the program, and what was the result??

Finally have a solid coaching staff and an IPF on the way (hopefully lol)

Donna should take plenty of blame bit not for the reasons most people put on her. She had nothing to do with his hire. We had a independent search team that put together the list of candidates & from that point everyone including the bot who was still split on is moving forward decided on him. Her blame for me comes from she was alot like the prick who pushed Jimmy out. She was worried about our look academically & as a result basically disregarded our athletics as a whole. For me she deserves blame for after year 1 the vast majority of the people who matter been turned on golden. She knew he was wrong for us but she never even tried to do what's right by those kids. Most off she deserves blame in my eyes cause she abandoned the ob & sent us off to purgatory at Joe Robbie. For that she should rot in the same mass pit as golden & no d. People have never gave the bot the credit they deserve. They have been prepared in many cases to make big splashes. Administration just never followed through till now.

I'll bite.. Do you think we'd have been better off with Barry Alvarez?

**** no. Barry would've been no better for us than alfraud. He is really stubborn to from everything I had heard. It takes a certain type of coach with certain types of schemes to be successful down here.

Fair enough, but nobody wanted Jimmy either. From what I gather, Alvarez was certainly more qualified than Larry and had the support of the admin (Donna), but players ultimately got what you wanted, which I think speaks against the popular narrative about Shalala that you alluded to..

Agree wholeheartedly with the OB, but BOT run schools, Dee, and they should equally if not share the majority of the blame as well.. One dude just paid a $14 mill to put his momma name on the new IPF. Other dude paid $100 mill to name medical school a few years back, and recently let off $50 mill to name the new campus health center.. Just a name! BOT got plenty of $$ and if they wanted to be Planks, Knights, or a Steve Ross they could easily do that. The city would have given us that land.. A lot of people should/could have stepped up.

BOT turned their back on the OB as well, along with the city (admin) of Miami, and way before Donna Shalala became president.. After what the football program has meant to the city and University over several decades, the players & fans deserved better for sure.

In hindsight, she ****ed up the OB real good and she's softly acknowledged the fact many times since. She's made several very bad real estate decisions during her tenure, but certainly was not the meddling football-hating troll she is often caricatured to be.

I'm not sure what you took from what I said but I certainly don't blame her for that hire. She wanted to bring Barry from Wisconsin with her. That was a mutual decision. However after year #1 when everyone already turned on golden she was his biggest backer. She stayed rallying the bot that would be in the grey area. Alot of the bot resents our sports program as well for the same purposes she did. It wasn't the sport itself that she hated it was the image we put out nationally. You're also a lil off on the ob. When she was appointed she had to decide about the big east/acc, to accept the offer from the city to renovate the ob(city offered to match our 25 million & were willing to go up to 40. She floated the terms of the 25/25 when reality was ob NEEDED atleast 70 mil to get back really right.),city's other offer was tear down the ob and build back up on expanded site a complex for a stadium for the Marlins on one half & new ob on the other. She chose the acc because of the influx of cash regardless of the parameters including we move immediately to the more modern Joe robbie. The board was split & her as a brand new president had alot of power at that point. Don't confuse it came from others. Should we have ever let the ob get to that point,of course not & that's where the city's chronic procrastination towards the renovation ****ed us. That was also why I said I don't believe Larry really got a fair rap. He didn't want the job,wasn't prepared for it either. Now we see the end result. If I misunderstood any of your points I apologize. Just landed & jet lag is REAL!
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Donna should take plenty of blame bit not for the reasons most people put on her. She had nothing to do with his hire. We had a independent search team that put together the list of candidates & from that point everyone including the bot who was still split on is moving forward decided on him. Her blame for me comes from she was alot like the prick who pushed Jimmy out. She was worried about our look academically & as a result basically disregarded our athletics as a whole. For me she deserves blame for after year 1 the vast majority of the people who matter been turned on golden. She knew he was wrong for us but she never even tried to do what's right by those kids. Most off she deserves blame in my eyes cause she abandoned the ob & sent us off to purgatory at Joe Robbie. For that she should rot in the same mass pit as golden & no d. People have never gave the bot the credit they deserve. They have been prepared in many cases to make big splashes. Administration just never followed through till now.

I'll bite.. Do you think we'd have been better off with Barry Alvarez?

**** no. Barry would've been no better for us than alfraud. He is really stubborn to from everything I had heard. It takes a certain type of coach with certain types of schemes to be successful down here.

Fair enough, but nobody wanted Jimmy either. From what I gather, Alvarez was certainly more qualified than Larry and had the support of the admin (Donna), but players ultimately got what you wanted, which I think speaks against the popular narrative about Shalala that you alluded to..

Agree wholeheartedly with the OB, but BOT run schools, Dee, and they should equally if not share the majority of the blame as well.. One dude just paid a $14 mill to put his momma name on the new IPF. Other dude paid $100 mill to name medical school a few years back, and recently let off $50 mill to name the new campus health center.. Just a name! BOT got plenty of $$ and if they wanted to be Planks, Knights, or a Steve Ross they could easily do that. The city would have given us that land.. A lot of people should/could have stepped up.

BOT turned their back on the OB as well, along with the city (admin) of Miami, and way before Donna Shalala became president.. After what the football program has meant to the city and University over several decades, the players & fans deserved better for sure.

In hindsight, she ****ed up the OB real good and she's softly acknowledged the fact many times since. She's made several very bad real estate decisions during her tenure, but certainly was not the meddling football-hating troll she is often caricatured to be.

I'm not sure what you took from what I said but I certainly don't blame her for that hire. She wanted to bring Barry from Wisconsin with her. That was a mutual decision. However after year #1 when everyone already turned on golden she was his biggest backer. She stayed rallying the bot that would be in the grey area. Alot of the bot resents our sports program as well for the same purposes she did. It wasn't the sport itself that she hated it was the image we put out nationally. You're also a lil off on the ob. When she was appointed she had to decide about the big east/acc, to accept the offer from the city to renovate the ob(city offered to match our 25 million & were willing to go up to 40. She floated the terms of the 25/25 when reality was ob NEEDED atleast 70 mil to get back really right.),city's other offer was tear down the ob and build back up on expanded site a complex for a stadium for the Marlins on one half & new ob on the other. She chose the acc because of the influx of cash regardless of the parameters including we move immediately to the more modern Joe robbie. The board was split & her as a brand new president had alot of power at that point. Don't confuse it came from others. Should we have ever let the ob get to that point,of course not & that's where the city's chronic procrastination towards the renovation ****ed us. That was also why I said I don't believe Larry really got a fair rap. He didn't want the job,wasn't prepared for it either. Now we see the end result. If I misunderstood any of your points I apologize. Just landed & jet lag is REAL!

I know you don't blame Donna for Larry - you're very clear about blaming her for years 2-5 of Golden. You alluded to this before when you said "Donna should take plenty of blame but not for the reasons most people put on her." I get that and I agree 100%..

Also agree, many BOTs hate the []_[]'s lawless image. They prefer an Ivy League aesthetic of losing with "dignity" to a more rebellious spirit (ironically that's what the Ibis represents) and winning with "SWAG."

I'm not here to make excuses for Donna, but I'd like to see opinions (fan hatred) based in reality. So I appreciate the color you've given an often misunderstood and polarizing topic, Dee..

I was on the undergrad campus from 2002 - 2005 and I remember the ACC deal changing the game for us in 2004. Donna did it for $$$ (positive cash flow from ACC and Dolphins without spending any of our money), and in part to raise the profile of the basketball program (to join arguably the best conference play teams like Duke, UNC, etc... to pay for the BUC) and our academic brand (BOTs wanted to be "Harvard of the South").

The alternative, as you point out, was to spend []_[] money to fix the OB (for 7 games per year) and stay in the Big East.. At that point our endowment wasn't nearly what it's become and, after months of debate, she decided to gamble on the business decision by taking the money; but this is where I strongly fault the BOTs.

I don't know what the split was, but there should have been champions of the football program on the BOTs to guide our new president in her decision-making, or, if not, just write a check. Like you said, the city **** the bed in procrastinating for decades, but IMO the BOT could have influenced her decision with their checkbook if nothing else, after years of seeing our athletic dollars support the []_[].

The decision was Donna's and she appropriately catches the blame, but the fcukery and betrayal was the city's and the BOT's for handing her the situation to begin with.

So I agree, people should be unhappy with Donna, "but not for the reasons most people put on her."
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I'll bite.. Do you think we'd have been better off with Barry Alvarez?

**** no. Barry would've been no better for us than alfraud. He is really stubborn to from everything I had heard. It takes a certain type of coach with certain types of schemes to be successful down here.

Fair enough, but nobody wanted Jimmy either. From what I gather, Alvarez was certainly more qualified than Larry and had the support of the admin (Donna), but players ultimately got what you wanted, which I think speaks against the popular narrative about Shalala that you alluded to..

Agree wholeheartedly with the OB, but BOT run schools, Dee, and they should equally if not share the majority of the blame as well.. One dude just paid a $14 mill to put his momma name on the new IPF. Other dude paid $100 mill to name medical school a few years back, and recently let off $50 mill to name the new campus health center.. Just a name! BOT got plenty of $$ and if they wanted to be Planks, Knights, or a Steve Ross they could easily do that. The city would have given us that land.. A lot of people should/could have stepped up.

BOT turned their back on the OB as well, along with the city (admin) of Miami, and way before Donna Shalala became president.. After what the football program has meant to the city and University over several decades, the players & fans deserved better for sure.

In hindsight, she ****ed up the OB real good and she's softly acknowledged the fact many times since. She's made several very bad real estate decisions during her tenure, but certainly was not the meddling football-hating troll she is often caricatured to be.

I'm not sure what you took from what I said but I certainly don't blame her for that hire. She wanted to bring Barry from Wisconsin with her. That was a mutual decision. However after year #1 when everyone already turned on golden she was his biggest backer. She stayed rallying the bot that would be in the grey area. Alot of the bot resents our sports program as well for the same purposes she did. It wasn't the sport itself that she hated it was the image we put out nationally. You're also a lil off on the ob. When she was appointed she had to decide about the big east/acc, to accept the offer from the city to renovate the ob(city offered to match our 25 million & were willing to go up to 40. She floated the terms of the 25/25 when reality was ob NEEDED atleast 70 mil to get back really right.),city's other offer was tear down the ob and build back up on expanded site a complex for a stadium for the Marlins on one half & new ob on the other. She chose the acc because of the influx of cash regardless of the parameters including we move immediately to the more modern Joe robbie. The board was split & her as a brand new president had alot of power at that point. Don't confuse it came from others. Should we have ever let the ob get to that point,of course not & that's where the city's chronic procrastination towards the renovation ****ed us. That was also why I said I don't believe Larry really got a fair rap. He didn't want the job,wasn't prepared for it either. Now we see the end result. If I misunderstood any of your points I apologize. Just landed & jet lag is REAL!

I know you don't blame Donna for Larry - you're very clear about blaming her for years 2-5 of Golden. You alluded to this before when you said "Donna should take plenty of blame but not for the reasons most people put on her." I get that and I agree 100%..

Also agree, many BOTs hate the []_[]'s lawless image. They prefer an Ivy League aesthetic of losing with "dignity" to a more rebellious spirit (ironically that's what the Ibis represents) and winning with "SWAG."

I'm not here to make excuses for Donna, but I'd like to see opinions (fan hatred) based in reality. So I appreciate the color you've given to what is an often misunderstood and polarizing black & white topic, Dee..

I was on the undergrad campus from 2002 - 2005 and I remember the ACC deal and how much that really changed the game for us in 2004. Donna did it for $$$ (positive cash flow from ACC and Dolphins without spending any of our money), and in part to raise the profile of the basketball program (to join arguably the best conference play teams like Duke, UNC, etc... to pay for the BUC) and our academic brand (BOTs wanted to be "Harvard of the South").

The alternative, as you point out, was to spend []_[] money to fix the OB (for 7 games per year) and stay in the Big East.. At that point our endowment wasn't nearly what it's become and, after months of debate, she decided to gamble on the business decision by taking the money; but this is where I strongly fault the BOTs.

I don't know what the split was, but there should have been champions of the football program on the BOT to guide this new president in her decision-making, or, if not, just write a check. Like you said, the city **** the bed in procrastinating for decades, but IMO the BOT could have influenced her decision with their checkbook if nothing else, after years of seeing our athletic dollars support the []_[].

The decision was Donna's and she appropriately catches the blame, but the fcukery and betrayal was the city's and the BOT's for handing her the situation to begin with.

So I agree, people should be unhappy with Donna, "but not for the reasons most people put on her."

The idea that she was against the football program is absurd, she just had other priorities. You really can't fault the BOT or president for focusing on raising the academic profile of the school over the athletic profile. I would argue that she and the BOT could have done better by the football team, but to act like she or they purposely torpedoed the team is retarded. What's the possible upside to killing the program? Did she try to push the team in a "cleaner" direction? Absolutely, but that's not the same as trying to kill it. And a bunch of you forgot how much of the ncaa **** we dodged was a direct result of that tiny ***** being a political/marketing genius. She did a great job of quietly helping people see what a bunch of morons the ncaa are. Maybe she only did it to spare the university's academic image, but she ran circles around the ncaa and got them to largely drop a case that EVERYBODY thought was air-tight. When they handed out the punishment, the rest of the country was crying like b1tches about how they knew the U was dirty and the ncaa should throw the book at us because it was so obvious. **** if that little troll didn't help make it impossible for them the tag us with most of that ****. And don't fool yourself that if left alone they wouldn't have thrown the book at us. Unless you fight back, they do as they please.

Wow, I can't type "*****" without the 1 anymore? Nice.
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UM commit with a Gayturd header lol
That's actually not true & the only thing it truly accomplished was scaring off some of the bigger name coaches we approached initially & making us look like fools nationally. By that point the decision had been made on alfraud. The only difference was the Clemson game moved up the time frame.

We'll agree to disagree.

I strongly agree with Dee, and if you talked privately to any of the BOT or Admin, you would too. The banners, etc. just made our fan base look like ********, which a lot are, embarrassed the school, and did affect the coaching search. Thats a fact.
That's actually not true & the only thing it truly accomplished was scaring off some of the bigger name coaches we approached initially & making us look like fools nationally. By that point the decision had been made on alfraud. The only difference was the Clemson game moved up the time frame.

We'll agree to disagree.

I strongly agree with Dee, and if you talked privately to any of the BOT or Admin, you would too. The banners, etc. just made our fan base look like ********, which a lot are, embarrassed the school, and did affect the coaching search. Thats a fact.

That's actually not true & the only thing it truly accomplished was scaring off some of the bigger name coaches we approached initially & making us look like fools nationally. By that point the decision had been made on alfraud. The only difference was the Clemson game moved up the time frame.

We'll agree to disagree.

I strongly agree with Dee, and if you talked privately to any of the BOT or Admin, you would too. The banners, etc. just made our fan base look like ********, which a lot are, embarrassed the school, and did affect the coaching search. Thats a fact.

What coaches rules us out over this?
That's actually not true & the only thing it truly accomplished was scaring off some of the bigger name coaches we approached initially & making us look like fools nationally. By that point the decision had been made on alfraud. The only difference was the Clemson game moved up the time frame.

We'll agree to disagree.

I strongly agree with Dee, and if you talked privately to any of the BOT or Admin, you would too. The banners, etc. just made our fan base look like ********, which a lot are, embarrassed the school, and did affect the coaching search. Thats a fact.

The fan base embarrassed them and their egos, of course they're going to tell you that. Fact? Richt was Miami's top choice as soon as he got fired. Not sure how much it affected our coaching search but Miami just got a high caliber coach for the first time in over 20 years. In addition, if Miami was going to pay a competitive salary, which it did, there aren't too many coaches on this planet that would have turned down that opportunity. FOH.
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That's actually not true & the only thing it truly accomplished was scaring off some of the bigger name coaches we approached initially & making us look like fools nationally. By that point the decision had been made on alfraud. The only difference was the Clemson game moved up the time frame.

We'll agree to disagree.

I strongly agree with Dee, and if you talked privately to any of the BOT or Admin, you would too. The banners, etc. just made our fan base look like ********, which a lot are, embarrassed the school, and did affect the coaching search. Thats a fact.

The fan base embarrassed them and their egos, of course they're going to tell you that. Fact? Richt was Miami's top choice as soon as he got fired. Not sure how much it affected our coaching search but Miami just got a high caliber coach for the first time in over 20 years. In addition, if Miami was going to pay a competitive salary, which it did, there aren't too many coaches on this planet that would have turned down that opportunity. FOH.

Since you are a friendly fellow, FOH yourself. The BOT had no intention of "giving in to the crazies" or even appearing to. The game changer was obviously the Clemson game, that gave them the "cover" (and probably the resolve) to get rid of Folden and to not go through the circus again by ponying up big $.
That's actually not true & the only thing it truly accomplished was scaring off some of the bigger name coaches we approached initially & making us look like fools nationally. By that point the decision had been made on alfraud. The only difference was the Clemson game moved up the time frame.

We'll agree to disagree.

I strongly agree with Dee, and if you talked privately to any of the BOT or Admin, you would too. The banners, etc. just made our fan base look like ********, which a lot are, embarrassed the school, and did affect the coaching search. Thats a fact.

The fan base embarrassed them and their egos, of course they're going to tell you that. Fact? Richt was Miami's top choice as soon as he got fired. Not sure how much it affected our coaching search but Miami just got a high caliber coach for the first time in over 20 years. In addition, if Miami was going to pay a competitive salary, which it did, there aren't too many coaches on this planet that would have turned down that opportunity. FOH.

Since you are a friendly fellow, FOH yourself. The BOT had no intention of "giving in to the crazies" or even appearing to. The game changer was obviously the Clemson game, that gave them the "cover" (and probably the resolve) to get rid of Folden and to not go through the circus again by ponying up big $.

No intentions? Well considering their actions say otherwise you can call it however you want. Point is, for the first time in a real long time (if not ever) the school is finally investing a great deal of money into the program. If you don't think the negative press the school got from the media and it's own fan base didn't play a role in these changes then you sir are the naive one.
That's actually not true & the only thing it truly accomplished was scaring off some of the bigger name coaches we approached initially & making us look like fools nationally. By that point the decision had been made on alfraud. The only difference was the Clemson game moved up the time frame.

We'll agree to disagree.

I strongly agree with Dee, and if you talked privately to any of the BOT or Admin, you would too. The banners, etc. just made our fan base look like ********, which a lot are, embarrassed the school, and did affect the coaching search. Thats a fact.

The fan base embarrassed them and their egos, of course they're going to tell you that. Fact? Richt was Miami's top choice as soon as he got fired. Not sure how much it affected our coaching search but Miami just got a high caliber coach for the first time in over 20 years. In addition, if Miami was going to pay a competitive salary, which it did, there aren't too many coaches on this planet that would have turned down that opportunity. FOH.

Since you are a friendly fellow, FOH yourself. The BOT had no intention of "giving in to the crazies" or even appearing to. The game changer was obviously the Clemson game, that gave them the "cover" (and probably the resolve) to get rid of Folden and to not go through the circus again by ponying up big $.

Biggest load of crap i've ever read. You're embarassing yourself. The banners WERE CRITICAL to getting rid of the Folden disease. If it wasnt for them, simps like you would have continued to suck off Golden indefinitely. lol.
Donna should take plenty of blame bit not for the reasons most people put on her. She had nothing to do with his hire. We had a independent search team that put together the list of candidates & from that point everyone including the bot who was still split on is moving forward decided on him. Her blame for me comes from she was alot like the prick who pushed Jimmy out. She was worried about our look academically & as a result basically disregarded our athletics as a whole. For me she deserves blame for after year 1 the vast majority of the people who matter been turned on golden. She knew he was wrong for us but she never even tried to do what's right by those kids. Most off she deserves blame in my eyes cause she abandoned the ob & sent us off to purgatory at Joe Robbie. For that she should rot in the same mass pit as golden & no d. People have never gave the bot the credit they deserve. They have been prepared in many cases to make big splashes. Administration just never followed through till now.[/QUOTE]

I'll bite.. Do you think we'd have been better off with Barry Alvarez?[/QUOTE]

**** no. Barry would've been no better for us than alfraud. He is really stubborn to from everything I had heard. It takes a certain type of coach with certain types of schemes to be successful down here.[/QUOTE]
One other little tidbit as I recall.Alvarez was probably coming to the U because of there situation back at U of Wisc.but at the last moment

Fair enough, but nobody wanted Jimmy either. From what I gather, Alvarez was certainly more qualified than Larry and had the support of the admin (Donna), but players ultimately got what you wanted, which I think speaks against the popular narrative about Shalala that you alluded to..

Agree wholeheartedly with the OB, but BOT run schools, Dee, and they should equally if not share the majority of the blame as well.. One dude just paid a $14 mill to put his momma name on the new IPF. Other dude paid $100 mill to name medical school a few years back, and recently let off $50 mill to name the new campus health center.. Just a name! BOT got plenty of $$ and if they wanted to be Planks, Knights, or a Steve Ross they could easily do that. The city would have given us that land.. A lot of people should/could have stepped up.

BOT turned their back on the OB as well, along with the city (admin) of Miami, and way before Donna Shalala became president.. After what the football program has meant to the city and University over several decades, the players & fans deserved better for sure.

In hindsight, she ****ed up the OB real good and she's softly acknowledged the fact many times since. She's made several very bad real estate decisions during her tenure, but certainly was not the meddling football-hating troll she is often caricatured to be.[/QUOTE]
Alvarez was coming to the U until U of Wisc.stepped in and raised his salary by $500k or 50 %raise then.