Michael Jackson-Kerr DB from Alabama committed-unconfirmed

They complain that our safeties can't play the ball in the air, then they take a mediocre DB? Ok. I see you now.
I see Golden recruits like he coaches. As a coach its you freelance and try to make plays outside the scheme you sit the bench. As a recruiter, it's your being brought in to play in this scheme, if you don't like it oh well we'll find someone who will regardless of skill level. If this is the talent Golden continues to be bring in UM will continue to be mediocre.
My question is, does he have SEC offers? (It seems he does from a previous post) God, I remember the day when schools were askng did a prospect have a Miami offer. smh. Not gonna bash the kid tho. He could end up being a stud or he could end up being another in a long line of JAGs. No one knows. I just hope we don't fill up the roster with under the radar players at positions of need.
I have no idea how to watch a DB's tape:

He is tall
he makes some plays
he might be flying around

can someone tell me if that is impressive or what?

For DB's you're looking at 4 things:

Ball Skills

1) Check - He's 6'2
2) Incomplete - There's a couple of times you see him flip his hips and it's fluid. Not a struggle for him like most other big corners but would like to see more.
3) Check - High points the football and made a terrific over the shoulder grab for a pick
4) Check - Comes up in run support and isn't afraid to tackle. Doesn't hurt that he's probably 190+ either.

Sounds like a Safety to me

yes unless the local newspaper is making stuff up:

"Colleges have neither stopped nor gotten enough of Michael Jackson.

The 6-foot-1, 195-pound defensive back from Spain Park High School picked up his first offer from a Southeastern Conference school last week. In fact, both LSU and Georgia offered him a scholarship on the same day.

"It was real surprising," Jackson says. "You don't expect those two to be your first SEC offers. It was real eye-opening."

Jackson got both of the offers while at an Alabama summer camp. Georgia coaches told him they "liked everything I bring to the table and I'm perfect for their secondary." Alabama coaches liked Jackson too, though they haven't offered him a scholarship yet. He expects to hear from Alabama coaches this week on whether his camp performance warranted an offer. Alabama already has four defensive secondary commits and 19 total for its class of 2015, meaning spots are very limited going forward. "
Not bashing the kid but this was a bad pick up if true. The kid can play but there are other corners/players in general they could have used that scholarship on. Yes we need corners but not just any corners, corners you can see making an impact for the program whether its early or later in their career. Golden needs to learn to take what he can get, for the 2016 class this will be key, that is how you add depth. You have guys in 2015 like Khalid mcgee and hoggins who would probably be a cane if offered and who could Potentially develop to be better than a johnson or irvin. In every cycle if a south florida baller wants in, offer him regardless of the #s at that particular position. Cedrick Wright and Elijah Daniels, who I am big on will probably face the same stuff as hoggins and mcgee next cycle. I'm not being bias off location, I just feel as long as the staff is honest, when #s add up I just feel a South florida player is more likely to stay. Cronk's situation was due to a lie not the truth. If it clicks for AG or another Miami head coach UM will be dominant. Resources are right in front of the right coach's face, they just have to understand how to use them.
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I have no idea how to watch a DB's tape:

He is tall
he makes some plays
he might be flying around

can someone tell me if that is impressive or what?

For DB's you're looking at 4 things:

Ball Skills

1) Check - He's 6'2
2) Incomplete - There's a couple of times you see him flip his hips and it's fluid. Not a struggle for him like most other big corners but would like to see more.
3) Check - High points the football and made a terrific over the shoulder grab for a pick
4) Check - Comes up in run support and isn't afraid to tackle. Doesn't hurt that he's probably 190+ either.

Sounds like a Safety to me

I should have prioritized:

1) Hips
2) Ball Skills
3) Length
4) physicality

The hips is what separates Corners and Safeties. If he can turn and run/stop and start, he's a corner. If he can't, he's a safety.

2/3/4 are interchangeable based on scheme, but hips are non-negotiable.
Here is his twitter: https://twitter.com/Greatness09_

Golden and Beaz are following him and thats it.

he hasnt but anything up on twitter about a commit.

Apparently his top 5 back in September

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yes unless the local newspaper is making stuff up:

"Colleges have neither stopped nor gotten enough of Michael Jackson.

The 6-foot-1, 195-pound defensive back from Spain Park High School picked up his first offer from a Southeastern Conference school last week. In fact, both LSU and Georgia offered him a scholarship on the same day.

"It was real surprising," Jackson says. "You don't expect those two to be your first SEC offers. It was real eye-opening."

Jackson got both of the offers while at an Alabama summer camp. Georgia coaches told him they "liked everything I bring to the table and I'm perfect for their secondary." Alabama coaches liked Jackson too, though they haven't offered him a scholarship yet. He expects to hear from Alabama coaches this week on whether his camp performance warranted an offer. Alabama already has four defensive secondary commits and 19 total for its class of 2015, meaning spots are very limited going forward. "

i personally don't buy into the starts or offers, but, yea that article is from July, in which he says "I want to stay in the SEC," he says. "It feels good to see that the SEC is looking at me."

yet no recruiting service shows those offers. sorry, but I'm not buying it
Im just bummed by the fact that we cant go after fenton oR hoggins and redwine. The state of florida is widely overlooked by our staff. Cant tell you anything about michael kerr, bjr i know fenton is a baller.
Im just bummed by the fact that we cant go after fenton oR hoggins and redwine. The state of florida is widely overlooked by our staff. Cant tell you anything about michael kerr, bjr i know fenton is a baller.

It looks like Fenton has a Miami offer...??? He got it back in January of this year, ie 10 months ago...
Im just bummed by the fact that we cant go after fenton oR hoggins and redwine. The state of florida is widely overlooked by our staff. Cant tell you anything about michael kerr, bjr i know fenton is a baller.

I know Hoggins has a lot of picks, but he is listed at 5'8" and 160# which means he is 5'7" and 150#. That's pretty small, even if your a balla...
LSU offer, if true, is all I need to know. I agree we should be going after some of the smaller but talented local guys, but this is a different kind of player who fills a different need, so I don't see the link.