Miami vs UCF?

UCF beats UM by 20+

They're a **** good team.

They beat Temple by a field goal....and now you can state with definite that they'll beat Miami by 20. OK

Yes. Yes I can.

ARe you saying Im wrong or are you not man enough to post the statement that UM would beat a soon to be BCS team in UCF??

But since you've decided to play this game... UCF beat Louisville and Houston, both on the road. Do you think UM could do that? What games in UM's schedule this year reflect that thinking?

UCF's only loss was @ South Carolina and it was a very close game with UCF leading for the better part of 3 quarters.

I know this is a tough pill for many here to swallow but I thought you of all people would be able to.

..given what you typically swallow. :p
I'm not gonna come out...

I totally respect your decision. :emothg:

Seriously though, I think you need to factor momentum into this discussion. UCF has a freshman QB who is playing better and better and the year has progressed. UM's offense is struggling with injuries and a lack of confidence. Our defense is hurting in every way imaginable. You would also need to factor in the little brother component (in state thing). THey would be FIRED UP to play us. This would be a blowout.
I'm not gonna come out...

I totally respect your decision. :emothg:

Seriously though, I think you need to factor momentum into this discussion. UCF has a freshman QB who is playing better and better and the year has progressed. UM's offense is struggling with injuries and a lack of confidence. Our defense is hurting in every way imaginable. You would also need to factor in the little brother component (in state thing). THey would be FIRED UP to play us. This would be a blowout.

Huh? Are we talking about a different UCF team? Blake Bortles is a RS JR. Not that it helps my argument but it makes me question if you've actually watched them this year.
Sorry folks...I live 10 mins away from UCF.. This is the best UCF team..ever.

UM does not want to..and can not afford a loss to UCF...yes they are good..and losing to Duke was Awful..but losing to UCF would be a disaster recruiting wise..and I would be miserable Cuz I would hear about it on radio for the next 10 years. ****.. Radio never lost to UCF OR DUKE..but UCF would toast our *** right now.. just being honest.
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And Stanbeck would run our D over like a Fugging dump truck full of concrete out of control @ 100mph...
Sorry folks...I live 10 mins away from UCF.. This is the best UCF team..ever.

UM does not want to..and can not afford a loss to UCF...yes they are good..and losing to Duke was Awful..but losing to UCF would be a disaster recruiting wise..and I would be miserable Cuz I would hear about it on radio for the next 10 years. ****.. Radio never lost to UCF OR DUKE..but UCF would toast our *** right now.. just being honest.

Well, that's just because they have out recruited us the past five years. We just don't have the talent to hang with them. The only shot we have is to out coach them. Especially on the defensive side of the ball. If we let their offense run up and down the field with no impediments, they will quickly tire and we'd win the game. Bend, break, get raped. GENIUS!!!
My God... We are now afraid of UCF... before that Duke and now Virginia...

So Drepressing...

*back to drinking

Every bowl prediction I've seen of late has us in the Russell Athletic bowl vs Louisville. Which has me beginning to believe we've been cursed. we could have had Bridgewater.......but instead we get to watch him pick us apart in the bowl game. It's almost monumental bad luck should that be our draw......
Miami loses to Duke and VT by 18 and gives up over 500 yards of offense both games lol.....

ANY team we face in a bowl game w/ a month to prepare would kick our asses up and down the field.

I think we luck out and get a 7th place B10 team. We can stop a PSU or Minnesota.
MArk D'Onofrio to the rescue...he will shut down UCF's vaunted attack with 3 weeks to prepare we will pitch a shutout against them GO DORITO!!!
Huh? Are we talking about a different UCF team? Blake Bortles is a RS JR. Not that it helps my argument but it makes me question if you've actually watched them this year.

I meant to say first year starter but I was also wrong on that. I thought Jeffrey Godfrey was their QB in 2012 but apparently Bortles beat him out in 2012. As it stands that adds to my point. UCF has a veteran QB :) who knows how to manage the game. lol

dude, we getting whooped if we play UCF this year. It'll be interesting to see who they get in a BCS bowl game.
I am a UCF grad and a huge CANES fan, but the way we look on Defense it might not be pretty! I say lets not play UCF, because if they beat us the **** talking from the Knight fans will never stop. One more thing we don't play them again!

I say lets play in the Chic Fil A and kick some Georgia Bulldog ***!

Man, double edge sword! UGA would run it over, around, and thru our ***! I just don't see our D stopping anyone right now.

I'm just sad.
UCF is a second rate program. They had USC by ten at half, at home, with Shaw out, and they ****ed the game away in five minutes of the third.

They had their chance against Coker and Shannon.

Their state rival is USF.
How sad is this....... scared to play any team with a hint of an offensive pulse. Thank you Mr. Doritos. Thank you oh so very much......
Sorry folks...I live 10 mins away from UCF.. This is the best UCF team..ever.

UM does not want to..and can not afford a loss to UCF...yes they are good..and losing to Duke was Awful..but losing to UCF would be a disaster recruiting wise..and I would be miserable Cuz I would hear about it on radio for the next 10 years. ****.. Radio never lost to UCF OR DUKE..but UCF would toast our *** right now.. just being honest.

If finishing 4th (IF we win out, otherwise 5th or 6th) in the weakest Coastal of all time doesn't kill recruiting, nothing will. We can't sink any lower.
After the first quarter, you'll be all like...
