Miami Flo's Predictions

  • Still confident there will be two more commits by mid-August
  • Don't know where Cole initially commits, but he ends up in our class (says he has no inside info on this recruitment)


  • Heyward, could be a mutual parting of the ways since he never visited this weekend
  • Monitor the Rudolph recruiting. He came on his own dime after moving back to OH
  • We're not #1 w/Stone, but we have a chance. There's work to be done here
  • Feels much better about Breland than Stone. We're in a good spot here, but he's not a lock
    • Doesn't trust Jimbo, glad Breland didn't visit anywhere this weekend.
  • Still says he feels good about his 3 flips. This definitely means Heywards wasn't one of the three gymnasts
You forgot to mention that if McCoy doesn't make a move soon for a flip that the staff may be moving on from him

My take on him is that he clearly has a connection (NIL or otherwise) with some small-time players on the roster, but that's it.

Amazing he's built a whole thing around the locker room water cooler talk they feed him imo.
I watch his show. He's definitely getting inside information. He doesn't let out things he knows, but not supposed to tell such a spoiling a commitment, etc. I repect that. I believe that is why he continues to get information because he doesn't leak and his show is good for the program and fanbase.

I think this thread is completely wrong in calling it predictions. FLO is relaying information from big money donors with inside information. That's not a prediction. He's telling us how and who the staff are recruiting, what recruits the staff feels good about, and the state of the program.

I don't keep tabs on recruiting wins and losses. These are not predictions. Recruiting is fluid. No one can be 100% on a recruit. Not even Mario's staff.

Like CIS, everyone should just enjoy the nuggets of information and not hang onto every single word.
There’s the “expect a couple commits by xx timeline” again lol. We’ve heard this for weeks now. It was supposed to be a few more by the end of a weekend (couple weeks ago), then it was end of July and now it’s mid-August.

aint nobody got time for that GIF
716There is a recruit on the table that you could say is silently committed. Could pop this week, could wait to the BBQ - Miss
7/16Feels really good about two recruits committing in the next 3 weeks (including BBQ week). Would put money down on it. - looking like a miss a few days left here
6/7There will be 2-3 CBs portal out after this year due to playing time concerns - hit Graves hit the portal
6/7Robert Stafford is special, you'll hear his name being mentioned a lot after fall camp - I think this is a hit?
6/7The flips are all 4* and 5* - still waiting ?
6/5Miami had a major blue chip offensive recruit visit silently this weekend. Expects details will be public by next Sunday. - been 2 months miss

5/30Monitor the Colin Hurley recruitment (unsure if this qualifies as a prediction) - its been 2 months miss
5/30Miami is after another blue-chip QB that hasn't been publicly leaked (yet) - its been 2 months miss
5/30Flo expects we will have between 16-18 commits before the HS season starts. - hit
5/28Good news on the DL is coming very, very soon, much sooner than you think - miss
5/22June could end up being the greatest month in Miami recruiting history - we said wait for july still a miss
5/15Mario is about to flip some major "big boy" recruits - over 2 months now miss
5/15Jason Taylor is going to be problem for other teams on the trail - lets give this one more time
5/15Multiple "good things" happened at the pool party and they involved gymnastics - been 2 months now miss
My advice is what getting people bent is the timelines. Forget them.

Better advice: Believe none of what you hear / read. Take every bit of information shared with a huge lump of salt. Be patient, and over time, you'll most likely realize most people don't know jack ****.
716There is a recruit on the table that you could say is silently committed. Could pop this week, could wait to the BBQ - Miss
7/16Feels really good about two recruits committing in the next 3 weeks (including BBQ week). Would put money down on it. - looking like a miss a few days left here
6/7There will be 2-3 CBs portal out after this year due to playing time concerns - hitGraves hit the portal
6/7Robert Stafford is special, you'll hear his name being mentioned a lot after fall camp - I think this is a hit?
6/7The flips are all 4* and 5* - still waiting ?
6/5Miami had a major blue chip offensive recruit visit silently this weekend. Expects details will be public by next Sunday. - been 2 months miss

5/30Monitor the Colin Hurley recruitment (unsure if this qualifies as a prediction) - its been 2 months miss
5/30Miami is after another blue-chip QB that hasn't been publicly leaked (yet) - its been 2 months miss
5/30Flo expects we will have between 16-18 commits before the HS season starts. - hit
5/28Good news on the DL is coming very, very soon, much sooner than you think - miss
5/22June could end up being the greatest month in Miami recruiting history - we said wait for july still a miss
5/15Mario is about to flip some major "big boy" recruits - over 2 months now miss
5/15Jason Taylor is going to be problem for other teams on the trail - lets give this one more time
5/15Multiple "good things" happened at the pool party and they involved gymnastics - been 2 months now miss
This sounds pretty accurate to me
August 20, 2023 Predictions and Recruiting Show


  • Would be shocked if JoJo flips. There will be rumors, but he's not flipping
  • Regardless of Saturday's announcement, Zaquan will end up a Cane [he's said this previously, so not a new prediction]


  • Franklin was a recruiting L. No way to spin this. All 3 teams had the same NIL $ on the table, grandma wanted him at Ole Miss
  • FSU is dropping bags for verbals and then for the commits to recruit other players. Unclear if they will have the NIL funds for signing day also
  • Doesn't like the fact that Zaquan didn't announce this weekend. F$U is throwing massive bags around for verbals. Michigan is a concern here too
  • UF leading for Mincey right now
August 20, 2023 Predictions and Recruiting Show


  • Would be shocked if JoJo flips. There will be rumors, but he's not flipping
  • Regardless of Saturday's announcement, Zaquan will end up a Cane [he's said this previously, so not a new prediction]


  • Franklin was a recruiting L. No way to spin this. All 3 teams had the same NIL $ on the table, grandma wanted him at Ole Miss
  • FSU is dropping bags for verbals and then for the commits to recruit other players. Unclear if they will have the NIL funds for signing day also
  • Doesn't like the fact that Zaquan didn't announce this weekend. F$U is throwing massive bags around for verbals. Michigan is a concern here too
  • UF leading for Mincey right now
This Is Fine GIF
716There is a recruit on the table that you could say is silently committed. Could pop this week, could wait to the BBQ - Miss
7/16Feels really good about two recruits committing in the next 3 weeks (including BBQ week). Would put money down on it. - looking like a miss a few days left here
6/7There will be 2-3 CBs portal out after this year due to playing time concerns - hitGraves hit the portal
6/7Robert Stafford is special, you'll hear his name being mentioned a lot after fall camp - I think this is a hit?
6/7The flips are all 4* and 5* - still waiting ?
6/5Miami had a major blue chip offensive recruit visit silently this weekend. Expects details will be public by next Sunday. - been 2 months miss

5/30Monitor the Colin Hurley recruitment (unsure if this qualifies as a prediction) - its been 2 months miss
5/30Miami is after another blue-chip QB that hasn't been publicly leaked (yet) - its been 2 months miss
5/30Flo expects we will have between 16-18 commits before the HS season starts. - hit
5/28Good news on the DL is coming very, very soon, much sooner than you think - miss
5/22June could end up being the greatest month in Miami recruiting history - we said wait for july still a miss
5/15Mario is about to flip some major "big boy" recruits - over 2 months now miss
5/15Jason Taylor is going to be problem for other teams on the trail - lets give this one more time
5/15Multiple "good things" happened at the pool party and they involved gymnastics - been 2 months now miss
I somehow missed this post. Will update the predictions tomorrow, I'm behind.