Mesidor’s impact

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your GIF placement game needs work. i now understand the first one and it makes sense. like it. the second one? not so much.

/stop being so cantankerous
You are an admitted logofile correct? I think I remember this from a post long ago….
this statement by @DMoney lingered in my amygdala and hippocampus for most of the off-season.

he was right!
Solid anatomy word use.

Amygdala is fabtastic. Hippocampus is different level!

Thanks for clarifying what those words are. I had no clue. When I think "Hippocampus," I think South Bend, Indiana.

Great call, Danny. I remember reading this and dismissing it as the DMoney off-season hype machine. Watching the game in the stadium on Saturday, it was clear that Mesidor was the best defender on the field.
I'll reserve my opinion until we face stiffer competition. Honestly no DL was beasting against BCU like I thought we should.
Well I don’t wanna get technical with you, because I don’t know how much you really watch or know about DL play, but you can “beast” without making a ton of TFL. I saw him knocking OL backwards, getting off blocks, getting pressure, and keeping our LBs relatively clean. He also got snaps inside and outside…. making plays in both places. Making plays on the DL does not necessarily mean making tackles. This kid is the goods. But you are right, that this was Vs. Bethune C.
You are an admitted logofile correct? I think I remember this from a post long ago….

So we have a top 10 returning DE and DT according to PFF.

Also the top rerturning C in the country, and the top S in the country.

Maybe we should alter our 7 win expectation around here?
The fact that Mesidor, Taylor, and Kinchens rate so highly according to PFF, we had 2 corners get drafted (one of which went in the top 60), and our defense was still an absolute abomination is so perplexing to me
Because you still need 2 things….
- All those individuals to play together, aligned on the call, their assignment, and doing their part on that play even if they don’t get the glory for it. It means some guys eating up a blocker instead of rushing the passer or allowing the blocker to get to the second level. It means forcefully taking in a blocker on the edge to kick the play back inside instead of dancing with the blocker and giving a dual lane. It means running the alley and making a tackle at yard 5 instead of waiting at yard 10-12. All 11 guys need to do their part for it to work.
- The offense to do something, anything to put points in the board and give that D a chance to rest. While we had some really good talent, there was no depth and those guys racked up snap counts.
The fact that Mesidor, Taylor, and Kinchens rate so highly according to PFF, we had 2 corners get drafted (one of which went in the top 60), and our defense was still an absolute abomination is so perplexing to me
Because Steele sucked. Now Gattis was dog vomit so that took much of the attention away from Steele, but Steele **** the bed royally as a DC.

Never have I seen a Defense so out of sync.

If Guidry even halfway has his **** together, our D will look so much better as a cohesive unit.
Because Steele sucked. Now Gattis was dog vomit so that took much of the attention away from Steele, but Steele **** the bed royally as a DC.

Never have I seen a Defense so out of sync.

If Guidry even halfway has his **** together, our D will look so much better as a cohesive unit.

Wayyyyy too many busts. Not sure if it’s all on Steele, or the kids couldn’t learn what he was teaching, freelancing, whatever. But our pressure rate was high overall, yet when we got pressure we gave up the worst YPA of any power 5 team.

Honestly, it’s actually hard to give up 8.4 YPA when the QB is pressured. 8.4 YPA is a really bad number to give up on ALL passes. When you generate a lot of pressure and give up that number on those pressure plays, you are not covering a ******* SOUL.
