Tears Media Tears

So, Donna S foresight in purchasing what became the U Health System has allowed for all these positive happenings. Thank you, Donna.
Embrace it; I know Mario will. This "hate" being spewed from coast to coast is what Miami fans are used to. It's what Miami fans embrace. We shouldn't want to be the good guys because when we've tried we've been laughed at. ****, we are laughed at and mocked for any **** thing we do. The program in the past never cared about being liked; it was about respect and that is earned through actions. Mario and the program he will lead will be about actions not words. Not style. It'll be substance.

If ESPN and the other national media outlets are taking their time to trash the program because it's stepping up into the world of big boy football, then we are obviously on the right path. These Mario years will be fun that's for **** sure and the hate will be petty and it will be real, but that'll make the winning so much sweeter.
Clicked on her name and this is all I needed to see.
  • ACC reporter.
  • Joined ESPN.com in 2010.
  • Graduate of the University of Florida.

Wow, she's a Gator? It's even weirder how much she seems to want to pump up FSU all the time, then.
LOL at this flaming ***** writing that nonsense wordsalad up.

“Making great hires and spending lots of money won’t be enough because toxic cultures guys!”
I tried to read her article objectively. I stopped when she said Miami fans brought out the pitch forks for Richt. We wanted him to update the offense, yeah, but we didn't want HIM gone. The guy also had/has a medical condition....and THAT'S a guy she wanted to pin against us? What a joke of a reporter. That alone shows a lack of research into her own work article material and attempts to blindly flail at a rival school.
I haven't read the thing yet, but 2 things. From the headline, she's not wrong. Whatever the specifics, this season has been all about how we can't fix our sh*t with a new coach. We needed a new AD and a new commitment to spending. Our "culture" has been to spend as little as possible for decades, and from that standpoint, we do in fact need a culture change. Second, there's some whiney soft-*** mother s**kers on here. Every time anybody has the slightest criticism, true or not, everybody gets all hurt. People have real trouble telling the difference between hate and truth they don't like. Man the f**k up.