mark walton

Sadly, institutionalization might actually be the best for him.

Notice that other than one questionable incident, the guy was not a problem at Miami.

Now he has freedom, and is not part of an organization, and all of this is happening.

Obviously nobody knows what’s actually going on in his life or what his state of mind is, but from a distance, my guess is that he is a person that does well in a very structured and controlled environment, and has trouble coping and decision making when he has no structure or leadership.

That’s normal for immature people, but once you become an adult, you learn how to adapt to the world when you don't have that structure. You learn how to administer your own self-discipline.

He’s a very troubled person. I hope something happens before he spirals completely out of control and either hurts himself or someone else.

Sadly, institutionalization might actually be the best for him.

Notice that other than one questionable incident, the guy was not a problem at Miami.

Now he has freedom, and is not part of an organization, and all of this is happening.

Obviously nobody knows what’s actually going on in his life or what his state of mind is, but from a distance, my guess is that he is a person that does well in a very structured and controlled environment, and has trouble coping and decision making when he has no structure or leadership.

That’s normal for immature people, but once you become an adult, you learn how to adapt to the world when you don't have that structure. You learn how to administer your own self-discipline.

He’s a very troubled person. I hope something happens before he spirals completely out of control and either hurts himself or someone else.
Well said. I have a family member that was never able to get his life on track (no matter how much support he had, and he was fortunate to have a lot of it) until he found himself incarcerated. That is ultimately what it took.
Look Man....2 yrs ago at Paradise I talked with him for about 15mins...Couldn't have been nicer...This is disturbing....I agree with what @Rellyrell said...that Glossy Emptiness look....lose your Mom who you were very close too...Unleash your fury on others...
I think it’s obvious he is lost right now and needs some positive guidance.

This kid was the model of what you want in a teammate and football program. Stayed commmitted to us while everyone and their mother was bouncing, played hurt, played all special teams as a starter. It obvious this kid needs guidance, not jail.

Someone like Vilma or someone like that needs to take this kid under his wing and guide him
Have you seen Lawrence's life story? Man, that dude went through a lot of psychological issues. We focus so much on physical health, but imo, we don't pay enough attention to psychological health.
We need less jails and s’more mental health and addiction help. Sending people to jail just ensures that person will be lost forever.

Edit..however unfortunately there is no money in the cure so therefore there is a HUGE vested interest in keeping status quo and not curing ANYTHING
We need less jails and s’more mental health and addiction help. Sending people to jail just ensures that person will be lost forever.

Edit..however unfortunately there is no money in the cure so therefore there is a HUGE vested interest in keeping status quo and not curing ANYTHING
Unfortunately the Prison system in Fl is a HUGE Ca$h cow....More Prisoners...more $$$ via free labor....overpriced commissary...etc....State gets like $30,000 a yr to house an inmate....Lol....
You can look into his eyes and see emptiness, man. Dude has not been the same since his mom died. Dude has anger, hurt, and emptiness in those eyes. I advocated for him to get professional help, and he really should.
That’s exactly what I saw. Unfortunately we can push for him to get help but it has to start internally for him to start that process and judging from his eyes he doesn’t seem open to it. I’m scared he might catch a body because it’s the same girl right?
We need less jails and s’more mental health and addiction help. Sending people to jail just ensures that person will be lost forever.

Edit..however unfortunately there is no money in the cure so therefore there is a HUGE vested interest in keeping status quo and not curing ANYTHING

Coming from someone who's been incarcerated via the juvenile system along w/ having family and many homies currently locked up....I can tell you, the penal system is a scam. It's supposed to rehabilitate, and all it does is harden individuals. That's not the place to get reformed.
That’s exactly what I saw. Unfortunately we can push for him to get help but it has to start internally for him to start that process and judging from his eyes he doesn’t seem open to it. I’m scared he might catch a body because it’s the same girl right?

From what I understand, it is.