Mario's Speech Patterns, His System, and His Coaching Ability

Lot of words spilled and bragging on a message board about your intelligence level and if Cam Ward plays a full game, we win. Simple as that. Anyways, hope the degrees are working out for you bro.
Took 3 years to figure out what a lot of people here knew before Mario got here

OP has more in common with Mario than I first realized

I don't necessarily disagree with anything you said.

But here's the problem with the board today (I was too scared to check in yesterday). Yesterday was a fluke.

Our once-in-a-decade talent plays one half of football. Our top 4 WRs are not playing the second half. And then poor Emory. He hasn't played all season and has to come in and be hero and he goes 5-14. What did you all expect with these circumstances? To turn this fluke game into a referendum on Mario today is weird. Because under normal circumstances (i.e., 4 quarters of Cam), we win and we're 11-2 and people generally feel better around here.

Now, I got some bad vibes from how we finish seasons but I'm hoping that's just a coincidence and not something more sinister.
Fair enough, however, we got lucky yesterday by getting a chance to see Emory again, and it is pretty easy to reach conclusion we are in deep trouble next year if he is our starting qb. I believe he is more TVD in this offense than Cam.
The whole approach to gameday needs to change and reflect a higher level of flexibility and intelligence. Hopefully Mario's hires can bring this, because he can't.
Your analysis is fine and I agree with it, however, the conclusion is faulty and it's how i know I'm smarter than you, lol. Your solution is akin to treating a brain aneurysm with acetaminophen, hiring better assistants only manages the symptoms of the under lying problem, which simply is the head coach.

He needs to relieved of head coaching duties.
Fair enough, however, we got lucky yesterday by getting a chance to see Emory again, and it is pretty easy to reach conclusion we are in deep trouble next year if he is our starting qb. I believe he is more TVD in this offense than Cam.
It really isn't fair for Emory to be judged by a single half of football. He's probably better than that. That said, it's clear Miami will be in play for a portal QB.
Don't really need to be educated to know that Mario isn't a good enough coach to get us where we want to be. I don't need to hear what he has to say at all. You can watch the process and the results on the field and know he's not the one. Year 4 and we're looking at the portal for another qb and a **** near complete defensive talent rebuild. lol and here we are hoping he'll get his third pick at DC in 4 years correct?
The funniest thing about Mario is he basically has like 5 stock answers for everything and the local media is in on it and so he thinks its adequate and makes him look smart ("We are back to work", "he is not just elite player but also being elite human being", "How you do nothing is how you do something" lol etc.) then when the national media lights get on him and they are not in on his play along like he is saying something profound he looks like a ******* imbecile :ibis-roflmao-sm3:
If you don’t want to understand the psychology of why we struggle, be my guest. Everyone is searching for answers - I’m providing a logical take on how we keep getting here…

Also, I’m arguably one of the most educated people (by schooling) on this board and wanted to share my thoughts.
Nah I feel you OP, and you do have a great point. But what I get from your post is that our head coach is just not that intelligent.
Agree with this perspective OP.

It's something I noticed last year as well

Post in thread 'Post Game Recap: UNC'

One of the things that strikes me about MC, is that he doesn't really appear to be a problem solver. His solution to the issues they have are putting band-aids over a crack in the Warship, as opposed to just docking the **** thing & repairing it.

The biggest disconnect he’s having is evaluating & recruiting HS & the Portal. And this disconnect is why it shows up in critical moments during games & resulting in losses.

When things go good, we're rolling & it looks like we will be a top contending team that can compete with anybody, both on the field & on the recruiting trail. But when they go bad, it snowballs into an avalanche, to the point where whatever was done beforehand is pretty much nullified.

His process of evaluating & recruiting is very top heavy; It looks good on paper, has a lot of shine & bluster. But whenever the metal actually gets tested, it's pretty flimsy & easily broken.

Which is just like how the team plays...
That means his evaluations suck and he isn't a great recruiter. He is a great closer on a player he targets. There is a difference.
For the last three years, I've watched every interview Mario has conducted and listened intently on what he's said.

What's stuck out to me is two things, and I'll elaborate on both and why it's a bad sign coming from a head coach:
  1. The repetitive nature of what he's said
  2. The theory that brute force and work are the key to success
On topic one, after losses and bad games, he goes back to the same lines:
  • "We'll watch tape and re-evaluate what happened and clean things up."
  • "There's no if's and's or but's. We got our teeth kicked in and it hurts."
  • "We're going back to the grind on Greentree this week and are going to work our butts off."
  • "There's no catchy slogans, nothing to put on a t-shirt, no tweets about it... it's all about work"
Why is this worrying? He's clearly a man that view's Saban's systematic approach as the holy grail in coaching. Systems are only good if a positive end result is consistently obtained. The issue with Mario is that he's got a flawed system in place regarding in-game coaching, watching tape from previous losses, and disciplining his team on in-game penalties. His "system" is the only thing that has somewhat changed the culture of the team... there's a process in place for everything. Unfortunately, the process is well-defined but not geared towards success, hence why we can't get over the hump on winning important games against "lesser skilled" teams. Mario's system is also rigid - when something happens outside of the expected scope or plans, the team fails or struggles to respond. We can all see these moments in games. Lastly, system's depend on the people in place. Saban's ground and pound football and his system worked for years because of the personnel in his program... we aren't blessed with the depth and talent across the roster of Saban's teams. This strategy was like fitting a square peg into a round hole.

On topic two, we consistently hear that the key to success is to outwork everyone.
Why is this an issue? Efficiency. If hard work was the only criterion needed for success, we'd see more 170 lb players in the NFL and people who failed fourth grade math end up graduating from MIT with a PhD. This thought process consistently ignores the idea of working smarter, not just harder. With everything you do in life, there's an optimal way to learn and improve. Mario's mentality of doing more or working harder ignores this principal and removes strategy & optimality from the equation. Watching five hours of film per day doesn't mean you're better than watching someone who watches two hours if it's garbage film, and you're not making correlations from what happened to how to respond.

Miami has consistently found different ways to lose in the last few years: this is a function of the inability of Mario's system to adjust on the fly, and improve over time. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - that's where we are. The whole approach to gameday needs to change and reflect a higher level of flexibility and intelligence. Hopefully Mario's hires can bring this, because he can't.
I don’t know if the truth is what you wrote, the opposite of what you wrote, or somewhere in between. I say this because Mario’s pressers are a constant demonstration of how to use a lot of words to really say nothing. Like most football coaches, he suffers from smartest guy in the room syndrome where he honestly believes he knows all and knows best always. Because of this, his quotes and interviews come off as arrogant and sometimes aloof. I don’t know if he is smart or not smart, but I do know that his results on the field speak louder than anything he’s said publicly. Those results thus far have been somewhere between mediocre and disappointing, depending on the assessor’s expectations. Because he literally serves up NothingBurgers like a DoubleDouble at In n Out, I can’t see how any conclusions can accurately be drawn from his words, but I don’t necessarily think you’re wrong either.

The hard work thing is just cliché at this point. The efficiency take is ok, but I’m not sure there’s any way to get around the grind that is required to play football at a high level.

What I learned yesterday is that Mario apparently cares far more about process and preset decisions than he does with the actual outcome of the game. We can nitpick the in-game decisions all we want, rightfully so in most cases. Yet when Mario serves up another NothingBurger when asked about Cam and the second half, that burger quickly changes into una hamburguesa de mierda. It reflects poorly on everyone, but in my eyes, mostly on Mario.
I don’t know if the truth is what you wrote, the opposite of what you wrote, or somewhere in between. I say this because Mario’s pressers are a constant demonstration of how to use a lot of words to really say nothing. Like most football coaches, he suffers from smartest guy in the room syndrome where he honestly believes he knows all and knows best always. Because of this, his quotes and interviews come off as arrogant and sometimes aloof. I don’t know if he is smart or not smart, but I do know that his results on the field speak louder than anything he’s said publicly. Those results thus far have been somewhere between mediocre and disappointing, depending on the assessor’s expectations. Because he literally serves up NothingBurgers like a DoubleDouble at In n Out, I can’t see how any conclusions can accurately be drawn from his words, but I don’t necessarily think you’re wrong either.

The hard work thing is just cliché at this point. The efficiency take is ok, but I’m not sure there’s any way to get around the grind that is required to play football at a high level.

What I learned yesterday is that Mario apparently cares far more about process and preset decisions than he does with the actual outcome of the game. We can nitpick the in-game decisions all we want, rightfully so in most cases. Yet when Mario serves up another NothingBurger when asked about Cam and the second half, that burger quickly changes into una hamburguesa de mierda. It reflects poorly on everyone, but in my eyes, mostly on Mario.
He is the Kamala Harris of the NCAA
Look, you are giving Cristobal too much credit. He does not have a "system." His philosophy is to stack blue chippers on top of blue chippers and hope the talent that he acquires overcomes his ineptitude and inability to prepare for opponents by watching film, scheming a game plan for that opponent, and effectively manage a game. He is a grunt. He's an o-line meathead. Mario only truly enjoys recruiting. The technical aspect of the job, the scheming, the part that requires attention to detail and deep analysis and x's and o's is not his forte. He is who he is. The guy is in his 50s. He ain't changing.
His philosophy is “ have you ever been punched in the face ? If not you’re about to get punched in the face . If you run I’ll tackle you then punch you in the face “
Don't really need to be educated to know that Mario isn't a good enough coach to get us where we want to be. I don't need to hear what he has to say at all. You can watch the process and the results on the field and know he's not the one. Year 4 and we're looking at the portal for another qb and a **** near complete defensive talent rebuild. lol and here we are hoping he'll get his third pick at DC in 4 years correct?
I mean, isn't nearly everyone else in the same position though?

ND and OSU got 1 year rentals too (right?). Who are their QBs next year?

The portal has created a new landscape. It's hard to bring in 2 QBs each year and let the cream rise anymore. Pre-NIL, you could bring in a stud and hope to develop him to start junior year but now he's gone year 1 if he doesn't play or isn't guaranteed a spot next year. Doesn't change the fact that Mario's QB recruiting has been poor here (a demonstrated weakness) but in his defense, likely the most difficult position to prognosticate.
If you don’t want to understand the psychology of why we struggle, be my guest. Everyone is searching for answers - I’m providing a logical take on how we keep getting here…

Also, I’m arguably one of the most educated people (by schooling) on this board and wanted to share my thoughts.
i agree with you on the work part. I posted something similar elsewhere earlier today. It's always about work, work, work. Work for the sake of working. He doesn't work smart. He doesn't appear to work efficiently. The process is a security blanket
i agree with you on the work part. I posted something similar elsewhere earlier today. It's always about work, work, work. Work for the sake of working. He doesn't work smart. He doesn't appear to work efficiently. The process is a security blanket
There is truth to this. He is dogged and relentless. I guess that's better than the alternative though.

I have to say though, I have lifted at the Wellness Center for over a decade. It's right next to the facilities. The amount of activity during the offseason is higher than anything I've ever seen before. It's constant. For me, it's a good thing. He is gonna try or die trying.